The Key Points to the Assault on the US Capitol - VisualPolitik


jdt73's picture

And this is exactly how the uninformed people get their information.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Anyone with a half a brain knows that a real assault on the capital would have been with automatic weapons and absolute savagry.


Not walking along the velvet rope, taking selfies with guards, smashing a window or two, and many people protecting the guards being swarmed by Antifa actors. 


Just check the interview of the guard with the neck tatoos. The brave people pushed in there by the mob saved his life by shielding him from the others that beat the other guard to death.


Undetonated bombs? Why wern't they detonated? They had a great oppurtunity to blow open the barricades and take out secret service protection too. But they didn't. Why? They were planted so they would be found that's why.


Also if you pause the videos of occupation on the terrace, almost everyone is wearing black and masked up, and Chinese American flags can be spotted. That's right, Chinese American, red and white stripes, and chinese gold stars in place of Blue and 50 stars.


At least one delinquent that took a selfie had a hammer and sickle tatoo on his hand. Almost a mockery to people that will ignore the TRUTH of this nonesense and just focus on the narrtive of this nonesense that Patriots did this.


Also, there was a tactical team on standby in case of trouble, when ACTUAL trump supporters saw the breach happening they urged the tac team to DO SOMETHING, and they stood down.


And how did they aqquire updated blueprints to the building without inside help? That is highly classified information.


Not an establishment financed false flag attack at all. Not an insurgent movement for sure.



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Bobbob's picture
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I don't like the idea of a distinction between assault on the capitol vs a REAL assault.  Assault is assault. And there is a strong case that this was seen as insurrection by the most active participants.  


Very nice video Phanto. It's a shame those this might help the most won't sit through it on account of the presenter's accent not being American. More emphasis should be put on the double-talk ie. rhetoric spun for news soundbites vs. the actual charges filed in court. Looking at what became of the latter, the election being stolen is not a thing.



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theblackswordsman's picture
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I make this distinction because if this was a truely organized Patriot attack, they wouldn't pack light. They know they need to hit hard, fast, and they would get one shot before the establishment turtles.


We know our military well, and what it is capable of. We wouldn't do something half hearted, we wouldn't do it during our day in court to get our election investigated, and we wouldn't do it unless we were ABSOLUTELY sure it was the only way.


We lost almost all senatorial support for the challenges BECAUSE of this assault. Patriots would have waited for the whole process to play out.


Watching the senate fold that day should have been the OBVIOUS clue. 


You guys gotta stop cherry picking what I say and read the whole thing carefully. There is a reason I write mini novels about these issues.

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Bobbob's picture
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Ok,.. but some concision now and then is good too. ;-)

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phanto's picture

Some people prefer to take a tiny pieces of information and then force conclusions over them that support their rhetoric. They do it until they think they've "uncovered the hidden truth" but really all they've done is fool themselves with a construct of many misinformed conclusions. You can't even have a proper discussion with those people because when you prove wrong one of their conclusions they'll just jump to the next. (The "oh yeah? But what about <insert new completely unrelated argument here>") And the saddest thing is the next time you see them getting in an argument with someone else they bring back these old conclusions that were proven wrong in the past hoping that they will 'stick' that time. This is exactly the same process you see happen in 'fake moon landing' and 'flat Earth' proponents.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I agree, Some theories are absolutely outrageous. I'm also inclined to agree that there were morons mixed among that crowd, and some normal people that wanted a closer look were pushed in with the rest. Crowds suck, I hate being stuck in them.


I'm also all for everyone that broke in, caused violence, vandalised property should be charged to the maximum extent.


But, when looking at any chaotic event that moves important decisions there are a few things to bear in mind.


1. Wicked people plant and destroy evidence. Evidence is an excellent clue, but lack of it does not always lead to the perfect or correct conclusion. 


2. Antifa actors were spotted on the terrace. If it was a few people wearing black here and there like normal, I would be inclined to believe they weren't a part of it. But if you look closely at the crowds, on the terrace, among the capitol raiders, and on the steps, there were large and small groups of them huddled together. All masked up, some carrying commie flags, some sporting commie tatoos. Trump supporters are anti collectivist, and anti communist and outside of fringe groups that parasite off our movement TRUE antifascist.


3. The attacks started before the trump supporters made it to the capitol. The time window between the Presidents speech and how long it takes to walk there is huge. About a half hour if I remember correctly. The "true believers" as some would call use would have been at the speech to listen to the president and of course all kinds of guys that we feel were standing up for our country.


4. The media has been constantly dishonest about us, Trump himself, and anything to do with America 1st. Very few people on this site, or outside of America 1st could name 10 things he accomplished for the western world.


5. He was so anti establishment, there was plenty of motive and resources to use every means possible to stop him from being re relected. If you're following closely right now to everything rolling out of this new admin, they are tearing the country apart one piece at a time. And you will see it get worse.


 He wasn't supposed to be elected in the first place, he was an anamoly, and the president we had hoped for. Someone that wanted to give westmen a country that serves them, and not giving everything away to everyone else. And he did it without starting a new war. He did so much good for us. 


Now we are being sold to China, and we will suffer for it. I don't blame you guys for not seeing it, as this establishment delusion is very powerful and immensely resourced and tailored to all of the things you have been primed for. 


And so we wait, for the vice to close, and western civilization to mixed up with every other culture, faded into obscurity, where we all be equally held down as subhumans to system perfectly designed to enslave us forever. 


Even 4 more years of Trump couldn't have stopped it completely, but it could buy us more time, and we could have had chances to STRENGTHEN AND HARDEN our constitution against it.


Soon no one will be free again. You can already see speech being banned. Biden just signed an E.O. banning the term "China Virus" Communism and fascism begins with banning words, and soon they will stage mass shooting to make us give up our guns, and from there, there is no turning back.


I would love to try a socialist society for the chance at a utopia. But I firmly believe, never get yourself into a situation you can't get yourself out of. And if socialists are wrong, and the patriots are right, we will never have an opportunity to leave again if it goes sour.


You should watch the stuff being said at the Davos summit, terrifying stuff is being proposed, that serve CHINA. Why anyone would trust the word of a communist dictator is beyond me. Look up Agenda 21 and Agenda 30. But look at the dark side of what it could mean. Everything from the elite is spoken in code, and you have to think carefully about what they say, and watch how they run their own policies. What they say, and what they do are totally opposite.

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Bobbob's picture
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theblackswordsman's picture
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Ask yourself this. Did you dislike Trump on your own. Or did the news and left leaning people explain to you why his policies are bad?

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Bobbob's picture
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I applauded his decision to remove language and training videos from federal curricula that followed the narrative that all white people are inherently racist. Good for him, honestly. But, I have had my doubts about the man since he ran for office. It smacked of demagoguery. Unfounded promises and no substance. The ancient Greeks warned that giving the republic sweet candy promises (when bitter medicine might serve better in the long term) could lead down a treacherous path. The mishandling of the covid epidemic synched it.


See one of my past posts on demagogues.


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theblackswordsman's picture
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Ok, now we are talking. 


Demagogues are a nuetral force. They can be good or evil. Like kings. There are many evil kings, and there are good kings. We chose democracy to depose bad leaders, and re elect good ones. Yes.


The flaw with democracy, is that it is only good as long as it is honest. People are divided on Caesar. Some believe he was wrong to violate democracy.


But if he didn't the elite would have ravaged the people.


The main thing to always follow is do demagogues provide more liberty to the individual, or less to the individual.


Do they create protected classes? Or do They treat all classes and indivduals as equals.


Do they fulfill their promises? Do they go back on them.


Trump did almost everything he promised as far as the senate would let him. Healthcare was the most tragic loss. He tried to get a healthcare system for people, and the senate shut it down.


He built much of the wall, It took forever for them to give up the money. Maybe he intended to make mexico pay, maybe he was being tongue in cheek. I was highly amused at the statement. Because the mexican gov is so corrupt, they have been sending unhappy people to our border so they wouldn't revolt and fix their nation.


I have no problem with immigration. But I want regulation. I want litmus tests for ideology, I want people to find a source of work first, I want them to have some kind of skills to contribute, I don't want criminals or radical people. And refugees are obligated to go to the neighboring peaceful country, not straight to ours cause it has lots of goodies.


This is the last nation that westmen can call their own. Just because most of the world traded their culture to let people in doesn't mean we are obligated to do the same. Some culture don't mix unless they are united by a common values.


He accomplished the abraham accords which brought peace between Israel, Egypt and lebanon. No establishment president tried, because it goes against their interest in middle east exploitations. Nothing worse than the people you are exploiting being peaceful with each other.


He pointed out that China has been responsible for much of our grief over the last decade. Manipulating the world economy, spreading communism, enabling North Korea, smuggling this virus into our country, Demanding everyone get on board with the green scam, while it cranks up it's industry doing nothing to help. Climate change could be a Chinese hoax to make us focus on that, while they take over the world.


He started no new wars.


He obliterated ISIS.


He saved us when North Korea threatened to Launch ICBM's at us and Japan 3 years ago. By going into the lion's den himself. No president has been brave enough to goover there.


He put together a task force of SF operatives to crack down on cartel and child traffiking rings.


He may have dissolved America corp. And restored the Republic *A rumor, has yet to be seen. I will let everyone know if that pops*


He maintained our military might. 


He has exposed an immense amount of corruption with the U.S. system.


He opened many of our eyes to howmuch media and big tech control what we believe and think.


He nearly finished the keystone pipeline which would strengthen partnership with Canada and make us energy independant.


Our economy was becoming strong and healthy, with a light at the end of the tunnel with our debt. Until China Virus.


Lower than thought possible unemployment rate. And in his own words "Much, much more."


He made us proud to be American again, and he put us in a position to help the world more than harm it.


Another 4 years and I can only imagine how Great America could be. I blame China squarely for this virus. They did this on purpose, because they were about  to fall apart. Funny how spiteful dictators can be.


People don't have to like his personality, and people easily confuse passion and emotion with demagoguery and fascism.


We are not racist, and we have NO WHITE GUILT. We have made the world a better place throughout history, and if we root out the corruption of the elite, we can save the world again.



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Bobbob's picture
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Based on your answers to some of the questions you ask (yourself) above, I'm wondering to what extent mental illness would be covered in this imaginary health plan. Maybe buy a kitten or puppy to give it some of this love your heart is obviously full of.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Hopefully a better plan than Canada has for mental health lol. According to Lockdown logic it's let them just kill themselves.

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Bobbob's picture
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Happy Cobra Chicken Day, Hosers! - oh canada post - Imgur

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I'm Canadian as well lol. I'm a dual citizen. But I believe in American values 1st, and I miss the Patriotic culture Canada had in the 90's and before.


Over the years I have watched that evaporate before my very eyes. I firmly believe that the majority of Canada is Conservative. And that our electoral process is rigged through a collusion between the Liberal, NDP, and "Conservative" parties.


If we had a chance to clean house I would love to run for politics myself. I would rip our country away from the monarchy and establish a Constitutional Republic.


We would have a right to bear arms for all law abiding citizens and mentally evaluated and passed citizens. No registration required. I would install 2 term limits on Pm's and 3 term limits on Senate and representatives. Immigration would be tightened back up. I would build more hospitals to clear these back logs. I would purge the "Notwithstanding Clause" from our bill of rights. Reinstate full free speech. Because it's less dangerous than not having it. strengthen our relationship with the states. Provide more incentives for our military while maintaining a none agressive foreign policy. Update our rifles. De militarize our police force, and make body cams on duty mandatory. Allow a regulated and well trained militia. Add Mental health therapy and services ,dental and optical care to our health plan. Attempt to navigate if Quebec wants to susceed from Canada if they wish. (After my improvements I doubt they would want to.)  Repay every penny to our first nations on our treaties, and see if they want better lands or a reasonable expansion of territory. And update their yearly payment to a REAL paycheck to reflect the times. Reaqquire our gold mines. And get back to building our precious metal reserves. and whatever else the people WANT. And you will never be locked down again, as the government in my administration does not have the authority to do that to people. Everything in a an emergency will be navigated through keeping people informed, and having all the reccomendation provided for everyone on how to keep themselves and neighbors safe.


Canada has immense potential. But not with the government we have right now.

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Bobbob's picture
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yeah... no.

I mean, those are some interesting ideas, I'd say unique even.  But hardly representative of the Canadian experience. For instance, as someone who's done coast to coast, there is more chance of Alberta seceding than there is for Quebec (what's it called, the western alliance?).  Also, as a firearm owner, I'm actually quite happy with our current gun laws. You don't need an AK to hunt deer. 

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skeptoid's picture

I look at it more like this, and this may summarize some of what theblackswordsman was trying to get across - if you are able to think critically, non-ideologically, and when you evaluate what's actually going on the first place you look is inside yourself to level-set your biases, hopes, desires, fears, etc - then Trump's greatest contribution was the amount of dye he poured into the petri dish of society, media, power, and politics. I spent all of my time the past four years carefully studying how people were reacting to Trump, with a particular focus on the media, as a way of gaging how far diverged we are from being motivated by a genuine and sincere pursuit of truth, of understand what's actually going on.


What Trump's done is like the country dropping acid for four years or getting really drunk for four years. I firmly believe that when you see someone really drunk what they say and do is the real person inside, beneath all of the careful barriers of inhibition we construct to be accepted in society. Trump was like a gallon of whiskey down the throat of America, and the insight into what's actually going on that he provided simply by being Trump has been his most valuable contribution. I can see America much more clearly than I could before. I can see the news media so clearly now, and I've realized that it's not a case of the Emperor not having any clothes. It's a case of the Emperor consisting of nothing but clothes. A bag of air dressed up nice to stand there and maintain an illusion, while your fate is planned by people you never see operating behind the scenes, pulling strings from behind the scenes that so many can't detach themselves from and abusing hundreds of millions of souls in the process. For power. For money. For sadistic satisfaction.

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Bobbob's picture
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Your analogy is fairly apt, since I heard from one of his employees (corporate) that he likes to fart, loudly, during meetings.. to show dominance.  But let's not be too dismissive of him as a continuing force. McCarthy heading down to Florida to bend the knee yesterday shows that there is still more to come... unless enough republican senators decide that in 4 years time, they (or someone they want to back) might want to reach for the big prize themselves. Time will tell.

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skeptoid's picture

He is incorrect when he says that the people who entered the Capitol understood the seriousness of their crime. The ones with zip ties and delusions of heroic freedom fighting were just that, delusional. And the rest, which was most of the people who went inside, were confused and thought they were permitted to go inside. That's why you see people staying inside the velvet ropes - of course the nutcases who entered congressperson's offices and trashed stuff knew they were misbehaving, but they also knew none of what they were doing would amount to anything other than spectable for the most part. 


I think the people who entered thought they would be treated like Antifa when they storm, destroy and set fire to a police dept HQ, especially since most weren't setting fire to things or just trying to destroy everything in sight. They don't understand that wokeism is a valuable tool for the war-based profiteers that control 85% of the media. They think it's a left-right thing and since the left had done so much they could get away with what they were doing. They don't understand that it's Peter and Christ in the garden when the soldiers come to take him away - any kind of attack is just a selfish excercise in the venting of personal angst, the result of which will almost certainly be increasing the suffering of those the "hero" loves and wants to protect.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I think the participants with delusional heroism were state actors hired by the deepstate to cause chaos. The others that were just meandering about, sitting in chairs and walking around were the ones that got caught up in it or had no idea what they were doing. They had no objective.


The paid actors, were the ones with megaphones, starting the chants, assaulting the guards, using flashbangs, planting bombs for the purpose of being found. They even had blue prints. Those don't get out to the public unless they are intentionally leaked. 


Even some kid that plays call of duty knows when to use that equipment. All this stuff was not used properly or with purpose.


News crew was in there and ready to film these actors. You know, not hiding or taking cover like any normal journalist in a dangerous situation. It was all a set up.


Antifa changing into MAGA here in the bushes, and Tactical team standing down when asked for assistance in stopping the siege.


<iframe width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: none;" src=""></iframe>


EDIT: I just clicked the link, it won't take you there. Go to bitchute and look up antifa changing clothes at the capital. 


Confession of a participant with a guilty concience here.


The purpose was 3 fold.


1. Discourage challenge to the election. 


2. Elevate Trump and supporters from "crazy cultists" to public enemies.


3. Give the government an excuse to militarize the city and take more aggressive measures in the future.


There are going to be more attacks, more mass shootings, and perhaps another "Terrorism attack" on the scale of 9/11. It won't be due to delusional freedom fighters. It will be inside jobs to grab more support to disarm the citizens.


If you're on alt tech, you'll see patriots, militia, preppers and trump supporters telling each other not to get involved, don't break any laws, and get ready for what's coming. The less smart, are just saying "Trust the plan" and not doing anything to prepare. Just sitting around hoping for a saviour. The general consenses is, don't do anything dangerous or unlawful.


Putin Spoke at Davos yesterday in polite but clear objection to the great reset. He knows what's going on, and he won't put Russia through that again.


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theblackswordsman's picture
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Here we go. The first attempt at UNLAWFUL and TREASONOUS infringement.


H.R. 127. 


Demands registration of all existing and purchased firearms.


Demands liscencing for possesion of firearms and ammunition.


PUBLIC data base of all known firearms. (So angry mobs can come raid your house instead of the gov. Or gun infringing neighbors can make false accusations about gun owners.)


It's unlawful and the constitution demands it is not to be respected or complied with if passed.


The constitution is the higher authority.


The lady that wrote the bill claims that AR-15's fire .50 cal rounds LMAO. Such a fear mongering liar. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

this was you 2 weeks ago. "The Constitution is just an idea after all". you're such a fear mongering liar.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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The constitution is an idea. So are all laws. The constitution is the highest idea/law.


Do these ideas by themselves protect you? Nope.


What would people like you do without the gov doing your dirty work?


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

its just an idea, you fart those out all the time. you shouldnt have a problem with it changing. i know you're a xenophobe, possibly a homophobe but i doubt you're for repealing the 13th amendment, thats the one that abolished slaves. people change, ideas change, laws change.


government is comprised of people that were voted in based on what they said they would do, so i am in a way the person doing the dirty work.


what do people like you do when there isn't enough of you to vote people in to do your dirty work? threaten to do a 9/11?

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theblackswordsman's picture
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threaten to do a 9/11?


All you are doing there is trying to set up a disqualifier to my warning of what the leftist gov is going to do. Then when it happens you are going to champion "YES YES, DISARM THEM THEY ARE DANGEROUS TO US ALLL!" What you really mean is "We'll never get our socialism with these patriots in the way."


What do you think "Shall not be infringed." means?


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

yea, i'd say do a 9/11 but i don't think you guys have what it takes to pull it off, so i say threaten. i would have went with another vegas shooting like you said a few days ago but that seems unlikely, you wouldnt be able to discern peoples political party from way up there.


what they are going to do and what you think they're going to do are two very different things. one is reality and the other is speculation based of misinformation and faith. in 4 years when nothings really changed, i'll say "i told you so" while you'll say "it could have happened"


"shall not be infringed", do criminals in jail have a gun? are they allowed to have one?  so the statements kind of depended on a few things and its also an idea so it doesn't carry much weight.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If ideas change so easily, then you won't mind if they change back.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

sure, it just wont happen. time progress', population grows and more people are connected. this little stunt trump pulled has disenfranchised republican voters. it's shown democrats that they need to vote regardless of who's running the party and its now easier for people to vote. you might have a slight chance but i'm willing to bet that you're fucked

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Wouldn't have anything to do with election fraud, systemic corruption, uncontrolled immigration or handing citizenship out like candy to the uninformed.


And you are right. GOP is done. Patriot party is where it's going. 


Like I said. They can can pass whatever law they want on guns. Come and take them. :)


You're miraculous idea is depending on alot. The bill passing. Owners deciding to actually register. States not secceeding from the union. and gun owners handing them over. 


Liberals need enforcement to protect them and enforce laws. We protect ourselves.


Either way, when the dust settles a decade from now. Everyone will get the government they DESERVE. No matter which way you vote.


Also, do the rest of us a favor. Go get your vaxx asap. I reccommend the phizer.



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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

no, its more about the idiots that believe those things.


gop will be around, just wont be in power. same goes for the patriots party if that ever becomes more than a talking point. having two parties like that will give kamala a chance at three terms while they're fighting over the white nationalist vote.


the bill might not make it thru, but it will come up again, and again.... and everntually it will go thru.


no matter what vaccnine i take. it might mess up my face but it will never make me feel the way you do on the inside.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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You presume a lot about me. And you are wrong about almost all of it. But that's ok. I'll fight for your right to be wrong.


Now if you want to have a debate that isn't so stale we can talk about what seccession would look like. You won't like it.



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Dagambit's picture

Look, I can't find the clip anywhere. I was watching the congress live right before the "siege" on the capitol. About 5-10minutes before the "siege" happened; Chairman Pelosi walked away from her podium and left the chamber. Again, I WAS WATCHING THIS LIVE and remarked, "where is she going? She didn't call a recess" , Then some guy started recognizing people, hard to tell who is who with masks, and I was like "who is this? You can't just leave in the middle of the debate hearing" Then the "seige" happend, I think it was lankford who go cut off in the middle of his 5 minutes. What spectaclur timing, is what I told the wife. The person who cannot move well, might be injured in siege just so happened to coincidentally leave the room to get to somewhere safe. 


NO ONE HAS or IS talking about it. 


On the other hand, she is old and probably wears a diaper that needed to be changed. so break times for her might come often. 


Just saying. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Which clip? 

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Dagambit's picture

The actual Congress (when they have their 1st objection that Cruz backed and they broke into recess) before I think Lankford was chosen to speak (if he was the one who was interrupted during the siege), everything i search now just has when he gets cut off moving forward on the scarist day of the legislatives body's life. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Yep, Cspan is establishment too. It hides behind a shroud of being the non partisan, official coverage. Censorship works through not only erasure, blockage, misdirection, and retoractive deletion, but also SELECTIVE coverage.

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