New SJW, cuck friedly, femist version of the series, sharing the same name to be launched skipping seasons 1-10 and going directly to "Season 11".
(9 votes)
New SJW, cuck friedly, femist version of the series, sharing the same name to be launched skipping seasons 1-10 and going directly to "Season 11".
(Short Spike)
How does having a female doctor change anything in any significant way?
(Old Spike)
I really wish I could post a funny GIF in response to that really dumb question.
(Short Spike)
What, did we hate that movie because it was crap or because it starred women?
(Old Spike)
Funny how that sounds alot like what radical feminist were saying about the recent female Ghostbusters that flopped bigger than shit. And let's not pretend this isn't the BBC pandering to the gender indentity disorder crowd.
(Long Spike)
Shes a cutie. Can't wait.
(Long Spike)
Uhhh, Fullauto... I may have blasted your Dankheart video into the void.
I clicked to vote on it and got some error ( Got a screen cap), then it "deducted points from you". The video was gone with a "could not be found" spiked page.
(Old Spike)
Don't worry. This is Spiked Nation. I knew before hand it would trigger all the Trump haters.