What is Pelosi doing in public without her carbon dioxide rebreather on?
I am grateful for the absurd amount of hyprocrosey the fascists demonstrate daily.
Fake on!
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
you know this vid is from feb 2020?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
It's still all garbage. A vaccine that doesn't do ANYTHING, but kill tons of people. Masks that arn't doing anything but lowering immune systems and excaberbating breathing problems for those with REAL respiratory issues, and lockdowns that nation keep screwing around with that are destroying the middle class and creating an artifical need for socialism.
Good job! Everyone gets their equality. Why lift people up, when you can have equality by bringing the middle class down.
You think their won't be money in the utopia? Of course their will. You think the shelves will stay stocked with food? What if no one feels like farming? Then where do you get it? Oh the government will make people farm? They'll make YOU farm, Not me. You think people won't be scrambling for their food tickets to access to the two items left on the shelves every two weeks? Of course, and the forever social distance guarantees line ups for blocks and blocks.
You will never see normal again.
Fake on!
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
so the vaccine doesn't work, it kills people, masks don't work and they somehow lower your immunue system? i'm pretty sure were witnessing you mentally de-evolving in real time. most people pick up things from conversations, you seem to be leaving stuff behind.
socialist utopia's don't use money. you go to work because its in everyone interest. you go to work because everyone else does. the person working in a restaurant understands it just as well as the person who's assembling furniture and the farmers. you don't do it for yourself, you do it for everyone else.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
What if I don't feel like it?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I'm the one that can hunt and fish lol
Plus you said there is no money. So I walk into the this stocked super market and help myself anyway.
And if not, what if not enough people wants to contribute. Then what? Then there is no supply.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
could you hunt and fish from a jail cell? that's a quasi joke. i don't know where you would end up but i'm pretty sure you wouldnt be able to partake in the society and not be apart of it. its suppose to be fair and equal.
no money but still logistics. you would still swip a card or something, they need to know what people take, what needs to be replaced and if orders have to be changed to reflect this so food doesn't spoil.
if not enought people are willing to contribute you don't change it. you guys make it seem like its going to happen over night with the signing of an executive order when in fact its going to take generations for people to get on the same page. it would also take multiple countries changing to make it possible. it's really improbable but environmental disasters, food shortages could put us there quicker than wars.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I think it's better, if different countries just do what works for them.
I was trying to figure out a system that works better than democracy. I came across the concept of consensus. Which is slower than democracy, but it seems to work out more ammenable solutions for everyone if people have the patience.
So they idea is that votes are saved for emergencies, and everything else is decided with frequent meetings, without making decisions until at least 90% or so can agree.
Democracy is generally good, but it is like 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner much of the time.
It's treated like there has to be winners and losers much of the time.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"A vaccine that doesn't do ANYTHING, but kill tons of people."
I really would like to be entertained by some evidence for that, from non conspiracy sources, please.....
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Will a doctor be sufficient? Or will he be a conspiracy theorist for not dancing to the music?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"A" as in 1? Of course not. A statistical analysis carried out by competent researchers (it would be a bit early to expect that to be peer reviewed but at least the remark "awaiting" would be nice) would. But of course that is not in your repertoire........
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
How about several? Or a bunch if I can search them out?
Once upon a time people didn't believe things like this because they claimed "If it was true someone would speak up." Now lot's are speaking up and being silenced/banned in a game of whack a mole.
The INSTITUTIONS you trust have betrayed you.
I can get you more than one doctor. I can get you a bunch. But only if it's going to be worth my time to dig up the swaths of them I have watched over the last few months.
If you are just going to say they are all crazy then it's not worth my time.
Start with this if you are serious. and if you want more I'll get you more. http://www.vernoncoleman.com
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"Writing for The Sun newspaper in the 1980s, Coleman denied that AIDS was a significant risk to the heterosexual community. He later claimed AIDS is a hoax, writing, "it is now my considered view that the disease we know as AIDS probably doesn't exist and has never existed". Such claims have been rejected by the medical community"
What a fucking quack!
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
The first doctor to reccomend washing your hands for medical procedures was also rejected by the medical community.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
So AIDS doesn't exist, right?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
He didn't say it doesn't exist. His claim is that it was way overblown to hysteria. Which is mostly true. HIV is common enough. But AIDS is not common, and never was.
Do you learn things any more? Or do you feel like you have learned enough in your life? That your library of knowledge is complete?
Do you read books?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"But AIDS is not common, and never was." What does that have to do with anything?
Still "AIDS probably doesn't exist and has never existed" is so blatantly untrue that one should actually see the quack for what he is. But hey, if he writes what you like it is all true, right.....
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Clearly you don't need my help. You are right about everything we ever discussed. I am wrong about everything I ever tried to warn you about and help you with. You are the smartest person to have ever walked the earth and I am the most stupid person in history. You win, I lose.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
At last you have stopped fantasising; now you are rid of your illusions of adequacy perhaps we can look forward to sensible posts from you.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I see what happened to you. Tragic. Yes, you are the victim.
A victim of what? You wonder. This.
"When a Light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best."
What is more tragic about you however, is you never let your light burn.
You learned young, when you saw others shine. You saw the other children attack them, and attempt to consume their uniqueness. You decided then, that treatment was too much for you to bear. That suffering you must avoid at all costs. And so to further distance yourself from the outsiders, you joined in mocking them. Perhaps you even led the other children in such mockery. Yet through your own avoidance of conflict and consequently, avoidance of your true self, you became a slave. Doomed to a life of unhappieness, lack of purpose, and darkness.
You have my sympathy.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
Oh dear I had hoped for better.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Next time, try genuine kindess instead of empty approval fronting for serpentine attacks on my character.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"Next time, try genuine kindess....."
You should start to practice what you preach! But in good old "christian" fashion you insist on the "Do as I say don't do as I do" approach mixed in with your delusionas and those of the quacks you like so much.
Also, again, you should really start to think before you type, although, thinking about it, it is more entertaining if you don't.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
"You should start to practice what you preach!"
Kindness does not mean agreement or submission. Also I am not to repay evil with good.
Bold's intentions are dripping with venom. I am convinced if she saw me dragged into the street and torn to pieces she would have a smile on her face, and her heart would be filled with joy.
You, I don't think so. I believe if things got bad enough, Or if you saw something like that, you would realize what society has become. To you I extend kindness. I hold my tongue with you, I watch my heart for judgment of you. To you I extend more forgiveness for the occasional slight.
What I said to her had a purpose, and her response proves that my analysis was correct. In time I should and will forgive her too. That is my struggle.
But she needs a mirror as long she persists with a Jezebel spirit.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You are quite a pompous little cunt aren't you.
What happened to "offering the other cheek"? That falls quite quickly from the christian vocabulary because "an eye for an eye" is more in their spirit, isn't it.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
"What happened to "offering the other cheek"?"
If it was a private matter between her and myself that would be different. A public debate is not just about a clash of ideas between the debaters. It is more to the benefit of the audience viewing it.
"an eye for an eye" is more in their spirit" True that is old testament. What is also important is the intent behind it. I wasn't just taking an eye for mine. I was showing whatever audience we have passive or active, what causes people to lash out at others for having a different opinion. If she happens to learn a lesson as well that is a blessing, not a curse.
Also, while we are here. This has nothing to do with my arguements above, but I am reminded now so I will say it.
There is an innaccuracy that I must redact. Christians are permitted violence in self defense, and in defense of their communties. We have an obligation to stand up for those are weaker than ourselves, and to take risks for those that are not saved.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
That's going a bit far, cunts are useful, blacknailfileman is not!
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If I wasn't a threat to your ideas, thhen you would stop stalking me, and would have no need to respond to anything I say.
Will I get just a downvote from your speechlessness? Or a hollow defense of your behaviour? Will you marginalize me to downplay how deep the truth cuts? Attempt to gaslight into a seperate issue entirely?
Whatever image you think you are defending, holds no persuasion here.
Every post you make exposes you for who you really are.
Every post I make declares to everyone who I am. The difference between us is, I have nothing to hide, and I do not fear redicule for who I am.
From that statement, will you then attempt to falsify to everyone who I declare to be? Or will you be coralled by me to into exposing a new strategy for manipulation?
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boldfart (Long Spike)
"thhen" you better get on with it.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Really? That's all you have? You chose to point out a spelling mistake? You are so desperate for an assault that just anything will do?
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.
I think I have made my point. Unless you have a new assault.
I will forgive you. Whether or not you change your behaviour. For your own happieness, I would suggest trying to look at life in a more positive light. If you care about progress in society. It starts with you.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
Sorry that I cannot fulfill your perverted fantasy and be a young girl ( paedophilic tendancies of yours need treatment)
I am very positive, I have enough money and houses to last until they set fire to me. No need to work any more, just celebrating 48 years of happy mariage.
You are not a problem for me just a source of entertainment. And you should be greatful for that.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Materialism is not what makes you happy.
You like science right? Here is a scientific formula for you.
Internal State = External Behaviour.
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ubershin (Old Spike)
communism /socialiam will never work in america obv
(Long Spike)
A fine person representing a good party, sad that he was taken.
(Long Spike)
Stahp politicizing tha virus ! REEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!
(Old Spike)
Look at all of those super spreaders.
What is Pelosi doing in public without her carbon dioxide rebreather on?
I am grateful for the absurd amount of hyprocrosey the fascists demonstrate daily.
Fake on!
(Old Spike)
you know this vid is from feb 2020?
(Old Spike)
It's still all garbage. A vaccine that doesn't do ANYTHING, but kill tons of people. Masks that arn't doing anything but lowering immune systems and excaberbating breathing problems for those with REAL respiratory issues, and lockdowns that nation keep screwing around with that are destroying the middle class and creating an artifical need for socialism.
Good job! Everyone gets their equality. Why lift people up, when you can have equality by bringing the middle class down.
You think their won't be money in the utopia? Of course their will. You think the shelves will stay stocked with food? What if no one feels like farming? Then where do you get it? Oh the government will make people farm? They'll make YOU farm, Not me. You think people won't be scrambling for their food tickets to access to the two items left on the shelves every two weeks? Of course, and the forever social distance guarantees line ups for blocks and blocks.
You will never see normal again.
Fake on!
(Old Spike)
so the vaccine doesn't work, it kills people, masks don't work and they somehow lower your immunue system? i'm pretty sure were witnessing you mentally de-evolving in real time. most people pick up things from conversations, you seem to be leaving stuff behind.
socialist utopia's don't use money. you go to work because its in everyone interest. you go to work because everyone else does. the person working in a restaurant understands it just as well as the person who's assembling furniture and the farmers. you don't do it for yourself, you do it for everyone else.
(Old Spike)
What if I don't feel like it?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
I'm the one that can hunt and fish lol
Plus you said there is no money. So I walk into the this stocked super market and help myself anyway.
And if not, what if not enough people wants to contribute. Then what? Then there is no supply.
(Old Spike)
could you hunt and fish from a jail cell? that's a quasi joke. i don't know where you would end up but i'm pretty sure you wouldnt be able to partake in the society and not be apart of it. its suppose to be fair and equal.
no money but still logistics. you would still swip a card or something, they need to know what people take, what needs to be replaced and if orders have to be changed to reflect this so food doesn't spoil.
if not enought people are willing to contribute you don't change it. you guys make it seem like its going to happen over night with the signing of an executive order when in fact its going to take generations for people to get on the same page. it would also take multiple countries changing to make it possible. it's really improbable but environmental disasters, food shortages could put us there quicker than wars.
(Old Spike)
I think it's better, if different countries just do what works for them.
I was trying to figure out a system that works better than democracy. I came across the concept of consensus. Which is slower than democracy, but it seems to work out more ammenable solutions for everyone if people have the patience.
So they idea is that votes are saved for emergencies, and everything else is decided with frequent meetings, without making decisions until at least 90% or so can agree.
Democracy is generally good, but it is like 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner much of the time.
It's treated like there has to be winners and losers much of the time.
(Old Spike)
"A vaccine that doesn't do ANYTHING, but kill tons of people."
I really would like to be entertained by some evidence for that, from non conspiracy sources, please.....
(Old Spike)
Will a doctor be sufficient? Or will he be a conspiracy theorist for not dancing to the music?
(Old Spike)
"A" as in 1? Of course not. A statistical analysis carried out by competent researchers (it would be a bit early to expect that to be peer reviewed but at least the remark "awaiting" would be nice) would. But of course that is not in your repertoire........
(Old Spike)
How about several? Or a bunch if I can search them out?
Once upon a time people didn't believe things like this because they claimed "If it was true someone would speak up." Now lot's are speaking up and being silenced/banned in a game of whack a mole.
The INSTITUTIONS you trust have betrayed you.
I can get you more than one doctor. I can get you a bunch. But only if it's going to be worth my time to dig up the swaths of them I have watched over the last few months.
If you are just going to say they are all crazy then it's not worth my time.
Start with this if you are serious. and if you want more I'll get you more. http://www.vernoncoleman.com
(Old Spike)
"Writing for The Sun newspaper in the 1980s, Coleman denied that AIDS was a significant risk to the heterosexual community. He later claimed AIDS is a hoax, writing, "it is now my considered view that the disease we know as AIDS probably doesn't exist and has never existed". Such claims have been rejected by the medical community"
What a fucking quack!
(Old Spike)
The first doctor to reccomend washing your hands for medical procedures was also rejected by the medical community.
(Old Spike)
So AIDS doesn't exist, right?
(Old Spike)
He didn't say it doesn't exist. His claim is that it was way overblown to hysteria. Which is mostly true. HIV is common enough. But AIDS is not common, and never was.
Do you learn things any more? Or do you feel like you have learned enough in your life? That your library of knowledge is complete?
Do you read books?
(Old Spike)
"But AIDS is not common, and never was." What does that have to do with anything?
Still "AIDS probably doesn't exist and has never existed" is so blatantly untrue that one should actually see the quack for what he is. But hey, if he writes what you like it is all true, right.....
(Old Spike)
Clearly you don't need my help. You are right about everything we ever discussed. I am wrong about everything I ever tried to warn you about and help you with. You are the smartest person to have ever walked the earth and I am the most stupid person in history. You win, I lose.
(Long Spike)
At last you have stopped fantasising; now you are rid of your illusions of adequacy perhaps we can look forward to sensible posts from you.
(Old Spike)
I see what happened to you. Tragic. Yes, you are the victim.
A victim of what? You wonder. This.
"When a Light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best."
What is more tragic about you however, is you never let your light burn.
You learned young, when you saw others shine. You saw the other children attack them, and attempt to consume their uniqueness. You decided then, that treatment was too much for you to bear. That suffering you must avoid at all costs. And so to further distance yourself from the outsiders, you joined in mocking them. Perhaps you even led the other children in such mockery. Yet through your own avoidance of conflict and consequently, avoidance of your true self, you became a slave. Doomed to a life of unhappieness, lack of purpose, and darkness.
You have my sympathy.
(Long Spike)
Oh dear I had hoped for better.
(Old Spike)
Next time, try genuine kindess instead of empty approval fronting for serpentine attacks on my character.
(Old Spike)
"Next time, try genuine kindess....."
You should start to practice what you preach! But in good old "christian" fashion you insist on the "Do as I say don't do as I do" approach mixed in with your delusionas and those of the quacks you like so much.
Also, again, you should really start to think before you type, although, thinking about it, it is more entertaining if you don't.
(Old Spike)
"You should start to practice what you preach!"
Kindness does not mean agreement or submission. Also I am not to repay evil with good.
Bold's intentions are dripping with venom. I am convinced if she saw me dragged into the street and torn to pieces she would have a smile on her face, and her heart would be filled with joy.
You, I don't think so. I believe if things got bad enough, Or if you saw something like that, you would realize what society has become. To you I extend kindness. I hold my tongue with you, I watch my heart for judgment of you. To you I extend more forgiveness for the occasional slight.
What I said to her had a purpose, and her response proves that my analysis was correct. In time I should and will forgive her too. That is my struggle.
But she needs a mirror as long she persists with a Jezebel spirit.
(Old Spike)
You are quite a pompous little cunt aren't you.
What happened to "offering the other cheek"? That falls quite quickly from the christian vocabulary because "an eye for an eye" is more in their spirit, isn't it.
(Old Spike)
"What happened to "offering the other cheek"?"
If it was a private matter between her and myself that would be different. A public debate is not just about a clash of ideas between the debaters. It is more to the benefit of the audience viewing it.
"an eye for an eye" is more in their spirit" True that is old testament. What is also important is the intent behind it. I wasn't just taking an eye for mine. I was showing whatever audience we have passive or active, what causes people to lash out at others for having a different opinion. If she happens to learn a lesson as well that is a blessing, not a curse.
Also, while we are here. This has nothing to do with my arguements above, but I am reminded now so I will say it.
There is an innaccuracy that I must redact. Christians are permitted violence in self defense, and in defense of their communties. We have an obligation to stand up for those are weaker than ourselves, and to take risks for those that are not saved.
(Long Spike)
That's going a bit far, cunts are useful, blacknailfileman is not!
(Old Spike)
If I wasn't a threat to your ideas, thhen you would stop stalking me, and would have no need to respond to anything I say.
Will I get just a downvote from your speechlessness? Or a hollow defense of your behaviour? Will you marginalize me to downplay how deep the truth cuts? Attempt to gaslight into a seperate issue entirely?
Whatever image you think you are defending, holds no persuasion here.
Every post you make exposes you for who you really are.
Every post I make declares to everyone who I am. The difference between us is, I have nothing to hide, and I do not fear redicule for who I am.
From that statement, will you then attempt to falsify to everyone who I declare to be? Or will you be coralled by me to into exposing a new strategy for manipulation?
(Long Spike)
"thhen" you better get on with it.
(Old Spike)
Really? That's all you have? You chose to point out a spelling mistake? You are so desperate for an assault that just anything will do?
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.
I think I have made my point. Unless you have a new assault.
I will forgive you. Whether or not you change your behaviour. For your own happieness, I would suggest trying to look at life in a more positive light. If you care about progress in society. It starts with you.
(Long Spike)
Sorry that I cannot fulfill your perverted fantasy and be a young girl ( paedophilic tendancies of yours need treatment)
I am very positive, I have enough money and houses to last until they set fire to me. No need to work any more, just celebrating 48 years of happy mariage.
You are not a problem for me just a source of entertainment. And you should be greatful for that.
(Old Spike)
Materialism is not what makes you happy.
You like science right? Here is a scientific formula for you.
Internal State = External Behaviour.
(Old Spike)
communism /socialiam will never work in america obv