This is just a teaser of an expose from Wooz News that devles into the Capitol Hill Shooting... turns out it wasn't quite what we were told it was! If this kind of thing is interesting to you, please follow this link to the full video on their official page: (https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/) I was having trouble psoting here to SpikedNation, so if anyone can help me post the whole video here I'd love that.
If you are under the impression that the capitol hill shooting and protest went down just like the media proports, than this video will still make you giggle in a way you might not expect.
EDIT: Deleting other version of post, for better version here
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
you can't post a video from bitchute, site wont take it. you have to embed the video in a comment or the description. that being said...
the first words spoken by the narator. "the simulated riot in dc". sure bud
(Old Spike)
We'll look back on it as the "velvet rope riot".
thanks. did you watch it. Its petty clear from the police and emt behavior that they are not actual police and emt. I was a medic in the army for 4 years and they do NOTHING that they should have done, nothing really at all, and the only thing they really do is what youre trained NOT to do, like make a claim that a person is dead publically.
check this out.
the guy with the EMT patch on his arm. Both he and the police should know the basics and both he and the police not only do nothing, they instead do the one thing you're not supposed to do.
He and the police do not...
Openly call for the police to clear or secure the scene (which they should do anyway, but dont. especially since there was a shooting a second ago, and all the suspects are there but not being arrested... or detained... or talked to... and were allowed to be there... and allowed to stay there... and allowed to leave on their own accord... hmmmm. Medic and police dont... Check to see the cause of injury... did she hit her head when she fell? Where was she shot? Chest, neck? etc expose the wound. This is another obvious one. EMT and police will strip you nude on site and right away to find a wound. they do nothing. ARB (airway breathing circulation) are not secured let alone checked call for support begin any sort of stabilization or treatment of wounds
What does he do?
tells people shes dead. This is so obviously not a good idea and only a doctor can make that statement. there are so many reasons not to its not funny. 1, shes not dead and since you told people she was, they stopped or didnt provide treatment. 2. she was "dead" but could be revived later, and since you told people she was dead they didnt provide that treatment as your claim deterred them. then they carry her half assed down stairs with no equipment or Cspine protection, and they do it wrong. they just kinda carry her like shes a passed out sorority girl. wrong wrong wrong.
none of them were police or emt. they were actors who didnt do any research.
(Old Spike)
i didnt bother watching it past the first minute. spent another minute looking at the narators other videos and it fits exacly with what i've been saying about bitchute. its trash. if you don't want or can't handle critism, you post on bitchute.
you say you were a medic in the army. how often would you run up to someone to start giving them medical treatment when you don't have the area secure? should the guy that was securing the door to mike pence that shot the chick have left his post to give aid?
Well, thats odd for me then. you should watch the video, it answers your concern specfically. My earlier comment also addressed your concern as well. The medic and police didn't address either the scene nor the "victim"'s injuries at all. instead they simply declaired her dead, after taking her pulse (incorrectly).
Thanks for your engagement on this video and my comment, but it looks like you didnt read my comment and you didnt watch my posted video. Can you do me a favor and complete either before responding again?
(Old Spike)
i tried and watched another minute but quit when the narator was calling the glass "hollywood glass" and calling the girl the "star". he doesn't understand not all glass breaks, you can get laminated glass. you can even go to a hardware store and buy a clear film that you put over it and it does the same. it will shatter but wont break. might not even be glass. could be a plexiglass. it seriously makes sense to have it just for the lawsuits. could you imagine someone getting cutting in a government building. thats cash money.
the video is seriously spank bank material for the conspiracy nutters.
"Openly call for the police to clear or secure the scene (which they should do anyway, but dont. especially since there was a shooting a second ago, and all the suspects are there but not being arrested... or detained... or talked to... and were allowed to be there... and allowed to stay there... and allowed to leave on their own accord... hmmmm. Medic and police dont... Check to see the cause of injury...."
you're tasked with proctecting government officials, do you leave your post to arrest, detain, dispers or provide medical attention to protesters? thats really more of a rhetorical question cause the answer is so obviously no.
you were a medic in the army, you would know better than i. how big of deal is it to get shot in neck? it's probably a big deal. a cut to the carotid or subclavian arteris gives you about 30-40 seconds. a bullet hole is probably going to give you less. thinking off how long its going to take for paramedics to make it thru the crowd. i'm betting your toast. having to carry her out probably didnt feel to good knowing this could have been avoided. the person tasked with it was probably trying to show the gravity of a situation.
(Long Spike)
The answer is yes, not obviously no. They were there on the scene and had enough people on the stairwell, plus they were armed to take control of it. An a real emergency situation where a gun shot was fired and you didn't see who did it, you might have all your guns drawn and yell at people to get on the ground. Like we see ALWAYS except here.
Not validating the video, just mentioning that is unusual.
(Old Spike)
this isn't a normal situation. they didnt have guns. trump and his security of defense thought it would be a better idea not to give them guns or have them interact with protesters.
so to reinterate. you got a post. your told not to leave it. you dont have a gun, you don't have any gear. hearing a gunshot either means people crowd have guns or secret service shot someone. do you leave your post? remember, your primary directive is to protect government officials.
not correct. this is for the national guard, not for the police at the capitol. completely wrong.
(Long Spike)
Tells me they didn't have guns, Someone is shot, the policeman in the video afterward is literally carrying a semi automatic rifle. You seriously need to know what you are talking about before you try to interject in a conversation.
Not sure you should be talking about how this video is a conspiracy spank bank material, given that you aren't able to watch 4 min of it. Perhaps you are sensitive to ideas that do not conform to your world view? Honestly, youre talking a lot of smack about a verys hort vid you didn't even watch.
The police didn't a *poor* job, they didn't *do their job at all*. They took selfies with the rioters after they had breached the building, they didn't attempt a single arrest after the lady was "shot", not one. They let *all of the susptects go*. didn't even tell them to lay down on the ground. not a thing. so obviously, they either weren't cops, or were paid to stand down and let the "rioters" go.
As for the gunshot to the neck question: Imagine a gunshot to your neck that is powerful enough to knock you down, and out. And reportedly kill you... but does not bleed for 1 full minute. can you? I can't. Bullets generally break the skin when they penetrate the body, let alone the NECK, and cause bleeding immediately. not about a min later.
Also, did you see them carry her? Does that look like how medics or police carry a wounded person (who was not at all limp by the way), or does it look like 3 idiots pretending. No fireman carry which is how the police are trained, not spineboard which is how medics do it. nope. Just oopsie they carry her like half assed and shes all uncomfortable and we can see her stiffening her body to help them carry her.... while she's unconscious mind you.
It was a hoax. it has actor writtenn all over it.
(Old Spike)
the days when men were men and uploaded their own videos has returned!
(Old Spike)
Yeah, he's still laughing......
(Long Spike)
What a load of shite. Watched the first part. Couldn't be arsed to even find the second part.
This guy:
"I'm completely unbiased"
Also this guy's opening line:
"The simulated riots..."
Watch the video without the biased commentator and there's nothing suspiscious at all. Half the video talking about old fake blood tech is just padding as there is no real substance.