This is one of the reasons half their subscribers cancel once the show they like finishes its series.
Average: 2.7(12 votes)
daftcunt (Old Spike)
Alt right Snowflake compares herself to holocaust victims, gets fired by employer of a predominantly jewish industry......
Who would have thought they'd take offense?
Now fellow alt right snowflakes start crying. Hillarious if you ask me.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You are just a rehabilitated form of Nazi - same thinking, same cowardice, same malevolence, same identitarianism. Your need to engage in raclialized thinking and speech mirrors that of Richard Spencer - you're actually one of the more alt-right folks here if the threshold is being racist. Because you are.
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subroutine (Old Spike)
it must be a funny place - in your head
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I doubt that. If there is one person on here that doesn't have any sense of humour whatsoever it's the biastoid......
Inside his head is only weirdness.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You're woke as well, aren't you? The only difference between you and Spencer is that he is exclusionary and segregationist with his racism and you are patronizingly inclusionary and segregationist with your racism. Neither of you can actually conceive of a world where people are not treated based on their race, a world without race. That notion terrifies both of you. It could be that there's just a certain kind of person who is born unable to escape racial thinking patterns, which are just primitive tribalist thinking patterns and likely have strong evolutionary origins. This is what the author of White Fragility doesn't understand about herself.
And it "is" weird in here - you racist alt-righters and woketards are bizarre to the max, and there's an uncanny effect where you look like a person of today but act like throwbacks - like a previous evolution of humans resurgent. It's weird, and it's a problem that's becoming impossible to ignore or tolerate. But I think it will continue to get worse, and murderous thinking will continue to infect.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Oh, and I forgot: The only malevolence here is coming from you. Deep inside you know what kind of deluded and twisted mind you have and that buggers you so much that you have to hate on normal people, you have a lot of company in this world, though.
I stopped feeling pitty for you a while ago although I still don't understand why your family doesn't intervene, I doubt you are good at hiding your condition so you probably alienated them too.
Must be very lonely outside the "online world" for you.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
That took you a while, but do you have to use my style of admonishment? Can't you even come up with your own thoughts for something like that? Daft Cunt - why do you live in Spain?
When you announced you were leaving Spiked a while back and then came back on the site the next day under the account Super Friends and spammed the site with obscene comments about pedophilia, my sister, and my family and made similar comments about other Spiked Nationals I learned something about you I had only suspected before. My sister saw it too in your posts and comments - that's why she refused to come on the site to talk about dog training with you when you demanded she do so (bizzarely).
My mother worked in psychiatry for over 40 years - both in-patient and out-patient - and as you know I'm very familiar with Dr. Peterson's academic work on the subject of your condition. Your personality is very similar to Dr David Wood's personality before his conversion, except without the intelligence.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
1. where did I spam the site with pedophile comments?
2. I did not demand communicate to anyone in particular, I asked we use the appropriate psychological terms and definitions (as your idol peterson uses), not the lingo someone invented for themselves to sweet talk kicking, hitting and otherwise abusing living beings.
3. I may have asked you to refer to your sister regarding 2. above as she should understand what I want if she has a half decent education on the subject.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You made a post announcing your departure from the site. You then appeared under the account name Super Friends and spammed obscene pedophilic comments across the site wherever I was commenting or posting. The account was banned by Nakey and you returned a few days later trying to act like nothing had happened.
Prior to that, when I posted a video of my sister running a dozen or more dogs through her property as part of her dog boarding and training business, you demanded that she speak with you directly about Cesar Millan and the methods she uses. When she refused you grew extremely hostile. When you posted as Super Friends the main thrust of your comments about my family were sexual attacks about my sister. Check this out (if the timecode doesn't work skip to 12:48:
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"You made a post announcing your departure from the site."
"You then appeared under the account name Super Friends"
I remember "Super friends" though. I thought he was another kdogg sock tbh. In contrary to you and several others I don't take this shit here seriously enough to create socks....
I also never "demanded" to speak to your sister directly, I probably suggested to leave you as incompetent intermediate out of the conversation. If I really wanted to speak to your sister directly I could simply have contacted her via her website.
Psuedo-intellectual alt right baby bois sums up all of you spikednationals perfectly here and now. Thanks for illuminating the perfect term.
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
Oh, look - Spike's resident feminist loon has emerged from her pile of cats, put on her problem glasses, and written the ultimate comeback: "No U."
And, by the way, your continued activity on this site makes you a de facto "Spiked National" as well. Gotta love that big brain energy of yours.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Every time you refer all Spiked Nationals with contempt and condemnation you reveal and confirm that your only reason for being here is to disrupt, deface, harass, and destroy the site and its members. You are basically saying that you are an enemy of SpikedNation. Just know that I believe you.
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Sempaliscious (Short Spike)
Every now and then I come back to this page just to remember how stupid Daft is..
There is dumb, which one can be forgiven for..after all, not everyone is blessed with intelligence.
Then there is what Daft is.. willfully blind and so thoroughly indoctrinated, he opens his eyes and just sees brown because his head is up his own ass.
It's painful to read through this thread.
Anything to keep the narrative going I guess. Must be painful to purposefully blind yourself.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
"When Trump wins in november, and he will win" pretty much sums you up
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
For those who didn't watch the video above. See the twitter post in question. Too much?
If your answer is 'yes', then, why, please. If you're new here, and in case you haven't noticed, we don't do 'safe spaces' here on Spiked. So real answers only please. Thanks.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I repeat myself:
"Alt right Snowflake compares herself to holocaust victims, gets fired by employer of a predominantly jewish industry......
Who would have thought they'd take offense?"
I personally find the comparison hillarious*, tasteless and extraordinarily "snowflakey" dumb but would watch something I find interesting with her in it (Deadpool seems the only movie worthwhile, though).
I enjoy movies or series featuring Roseanne Barr, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Ben Affleck, Tim Allen and others although I don't share their particular religious or political views. I very rarely pay for such entertainment, though.
I must say, though, in contrary to many, many other statements categorised by some jews as "anti semitic" I would say this actually does fit the description.
I can understand why they sacked her, as explained above, but I somehow doubt that this was the only reason.
*In the sense of: "Look at MEEEEEEE, I'm an entitled prominent white Karen and feel SOOOOOOO discriminated against! HEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEE". An attitude which has become quite fashionable recently within the far right.
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
...But casually labeling anyone to the right of Mao Zedong as a "white supremacist," "Nazi," or "Alt-right" is A-OK!
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, how did you get to that conclusion?
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
You truely are daft.
1. Holocaust hasn't happened yet in her statement.
2. She is talking about creating an environment where you no longer care about your fellow human being, because you have labeled them (in this case a Jew) and have grown to hate them and despise them and think they are terrorist or a plague.
3. Then asks how is this different?
4. It isn't, you are being programmed right now (they go after the daft ones first) to hate anyone that may have liked Trump or his policies. The programming for "triggering" when a red hat is seen, was already successful. This is evident by your use of "hate" words and slurs.
Context: When Dems stood up and contested the election of DJT for electoral votes, they weren't labeled terrorists or were trying to throw a coup? Coup? think that is right, damn foreign words.
The next 4 years was, Russia this and that, Meewwwlor time!, He hates all hispanics, He hates and won't provide aid to Puerto Rico (remember this one), He is going to start world war 3, The stock market is going to crash, We are going to attack more middle eastern countries, Finally after being wrong so many times... he is just racist or xenophobic.
Famous actors made live speeches about blowing up the white house or killing him, could you imagine right now, today, if someone on the "right" lets say Clint Eastwood held up a severed Biden head? Kathy Griffin is doing okay right now. Snoop Dogg is still popular, he made a "mockery assassination", just saying.
I don't care about any of them because they are celebs, even though there was some backlash, it wouldn't even be close to what it would be right now against the other side.
EDIT: I also notice that on video that directly contradict everything you say by the word of the left, via picture quotes, videos, etc.. you are mysteriously absent on those posts. You seem to choose to ignore anything that may contradict your point of view, and only embrace by "trollling or laughing" at things that enforce it. I commend you, that is how one truely stays a daftcunt.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, you really need to get over yourself snowflake!
She is comparing herself to the situation of the jews in Nazi Germany, implying the "alt right holocaust" is imminent, this is so disgustingly dumb it is unreal.
But this seems to be the new alt right strategy: Play the fucking victim.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
I am not putting words in your mouth, but you seem obsessed with putting words into everyone elses.
She never said alt-right, she didn't even say right, democrat, republican, left. Now we know in context if you are/were a supporter of MAGA / Trump that is who we are referring to here.
Are you saying all those supporters are "alt-right"? [BTW, Alt right is a stupid fucking term. I have never even heard of until HRC mentioned it, I also think the left creates these groups by naming them and then they are wisked into reality simply because the other is dumb as hell too, and think that will be a great way to identify themselves as the "thing the left hates the most")
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
So you're saying she's a leftist.....
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
At what point during the developments in German in the 1920s and 1930s would it have been appropriate for a German citizen to make the statement she's making and take the stand she's taking?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I missed that one, lol.
Again what makes you believe you can even remotely compare "Nazi Germany" to the US 100 years later?
OK, so I have to actually tell you the difference? Thought so.....
Nazi Germany: The person (and possibly part of or the whole family) would have been taken away by men wearing black uniforms and caps with skulls on them and more likely than not never return home.
US 2021: The person is ridiculed by people that atually have more than 2 brain cells, in this case also was "sacked" and if she so chooses can sue for unfair dismissal and possibly discrimination of some sort.
There's your difference!
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
@ daft
I find it hilarious that you and Sal have adopted our language of calling people Karens and snowflakes. (Actually SOLELY applies to progressive whiners.)
If you adopt our language you adopt our ideology without even realizing it. :)
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
adapted "your" language?
I know the alt right claims "snowflake" for themselves for describing "leftist whiners", however alt right snowflakes like you complain equally and about the same shit as your peers on the left.
You are getting weirder (but also more entertaining) every day, little buddy.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same. I understand that you place a lot of value on how much or how little redicule someone recieves from others. It does not make that methodology correct. Historically quite the opposite.
Also, the nazi party was called National Socialism. So how far right it was is only relative to how left the opposing party was. I personally don't believe right or left has much meaning anymore.
Of the many brands of government I break them down into two primary categories. Authoritarian and Libertarian.
Authority, or Liberty. There is more to discuss when we want to go into specific methods. But it really comes down to the afformentioned.
I could also go into occultacracy but I don't think you would care for such a discussion. Which if so, that is a shame, because that is where government gets really fascinating, and where you can get into some more serious historical roots.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Yes, it is the alt right (NOT conservative) rhetorik now to say oh, the nazis were catually on the left of the political spectrum. You really are a twisted mind bunch.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
The Germans had socialism. At the expense of minorities and the occupied. They had special currency that had more buying power, businesses were forced to conform to these standards. Censorship was rampant against pundits and dissidents. The judiciary was favoritist, and dispensed unequal justice. Political opposition was purged. Snitches were rewarded. Secret police was used rampantly, And genocide of those that did not conform was rampant. It was very similar to communism, just slightly different methods of operation.
The main difference being that Hitler favored the nativist Germans instead of treating them equal to everyone else, and he was more directly imperialist. He actually killed less than Stalin. Not that makes him any better.
Fascism, communism, and socialism are very left brands. All authoritarian.
Slightly unrelated but I am curious. Are you Luciferian by chance?
And now please tell us that this wikipedia entry is leftwing edited...... We're all in for a good laugh!
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
That is not the whole truth. And wikipedia is not a definitive source of information. I have seen a lot of wrong information on wikipedia in my day. I have seen some correct information too, I have seen half truths, and blatant lies.
Also you should know that nazism is a brand of fascism, and a brand of socialism. It is something quite unique.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” Adolf Hitler - 1927
Just anoter Alt Right guy trying to say nazis are on the left I guess?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
This doesn't mean they were communist. Nazis actually declared communists as their enemies.
Also do a search on "propaganda".....
Nice try, though.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
No it's not communism. But it is it's sister. Same family of thought. Same methods of implentation. That method is socialism.
Both Communists and Nazis view early adopters of socialism as "useful idiots"
If we never adopt, accept, or entertain even mild socialism, then there is no way for it to progress to radical socialism, nazism or communism. It baffles me that people have not learned from the past.
All of those movements started with just the entertainment of marxist thought. Who got his ideas from people that were absolutely nuts, and avid occultists.
You don't even have to be religious to see a rapid moral decline in socialist society. You could even say that moral decline in any society opens the door for socialism to step in.
Socialist ideas are to be demonized, not embraced.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"But it is it's sister. Same family of thought. Same methods of implentation."
I almost agree. However, it is not so much a sister but the mirror image from the other side of the spectrum, i.e. the right.
You confuse social with socialism in a similar fashion, I guess. The fascists don't generally believe in shared (state owned) property (with the exception of ethnicities they actually hate). Hence the nazis only took away stuff from the jews and their conspirators, not generally from arians and allies, there were plenty of thriving businesses in the earlier stages.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
What I am trying to explain, is that left and right is an illusion.
If you look at authoritarian and libertarian that is more comprehensive spectrum. And that is more likely to predict outcomes of happieness and safety.
Under the left and right idea, we actually want most of the same things.
However what differs in our methods is authority vs liberty. You could go so far to say, that left and rights purpose was to hide that from us, and divide us.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"What I am trying to explain, is that left and right is an illusion."
No it isn't, they just have similar symptoms, like complete denial of their respective followers.
That's why the likes of you call me leftist, marxist or even antifa and the ones from the opposite side call me right wing or even nazi (only the one who completely lost his marbles calls me both actually, lol)
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If it were true that right and left is not an illusion created for division. Then why are many MORE people UNITED when thinking in terms of Liberty vs Authority instead?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Because people like to selectively inform themselves.
If some of the far left and and far right suffer the same delusions, for example that "masks don't work and are only introduced to control people", then they will attend the same protests and "suffer other similar symptoms", however, they will fight each other again "like normal" when the situation returns to normal.
In a similar fashion a red spot on the skin may be a symptom for a rash or an insect bite or emerging skin cancer, the treatment will be as different as the desease.
Or probably more appropriate: Dogs may bark for many different reasons, like for example tthy feel threatened or they want something, the approach to "curing" the issue will be quite different.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
wikiapedia ........ .. the page anyone can edit. Good job, it is authoritarian and socialist is in the fucking name. The ideals match the parties rhetorics and stance of the democratic left for over a century taken to the extreme. But that is cool live in your own little world, and one day without your ability to see what you have done or our doing you will wake up and go how did we get here? Or you will just re-label something new to hate and destroy.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
*chuckle*, yes everyone once could edit this, they had to put measures against the trolls in place, though.
What is laughable is that people like you seem to think that only "the left" has the rights to edit this probably because quite often you don't like to see what is on there and prefer your own alternative facts.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
No, I don't think that. Putting words in people's mouths again I see. No, the left is more sinister than edit blocking a wiki page. It is hell bent on erasing history (it's history to be more specific) and changing language and definitions.
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
Oh...oh I didn't know you were ACTUALLY retar...I mean, "mentally handicapped." My bad. Perhaps I should simplify things for you a bit:
You see, you wrote this:
"Alt right Snowflake compares herself to holocaust victims, gets fired by employer of a predominantly jewish industry......
Who would have thought they'd take offense?
Now fellow alt right snowflakes start crying. Hillarious if you ask me."
And you did so despite the fact that there is, quite literally, no proof of Gina being a White Nationalist (AKA "Alt-right") at all. In fact, you've thrown around such baseless accusations of white supremacy and Nazism on this site for years, and now you want to claim that holocaust comparisons are "hillarious, tasteless and extraordinarily 'snowflakey' dumb" when it suits your political agenda? GTFO.
But hey, you tried your best. Tell your handler to buy you some ice cream as a reward.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
So you're saying she's a leftist.....
You know what actually is retarded? I'll tell ya: Defending someone when they make disgustingly idiotic statements like this, regardless which political direction they tend to.
Considering who comes to her defense here, though, it is pretty obvious she is far right.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I'm not far right and I come to her defense. Others here who aren't far right have come to her defense - this is what we're trying to tell you. We're not alt-right - you are scrunched up against the leftside wall of the political spectrum and everyone who isn't crammed up agains that wall with you looks right because you're so left it's the only direction you can direct your gaze.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You should get your record straight: Am I a Nazi or far left, according to you I am both, so probably you are alternating between at least 2 alternative realities.......
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Your inability to respond directly to the points leveled against you is the reason why you fought so hard for so long to delete these conversations from the site altogether.
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
No One on Planet Earth Surprised.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Now which part of "You know what actually is retarded? I'll tell ya: Defending someone when they make disgustingly idiotic statements like this, regardless which political direction they tend to." did you not understand, snowflake?
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
Hey, good on you for finally admitting that 90% of your comments on this site are "disgustingly idiotic."
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
They are getting their hits in after months of having their voices censored by your bad-faith conduct on this site and you are providing a sustained and ample target for their outrage. Thanks for that.
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theend81 (Short Spike)
Alright - I've been on SPIKED for years now (even before the current name) and rarely get involved in any discussions. This time I had to say something.
I'll ask this first - all those dumbasses that call Trump and other conservatives Nazis - arent' they then insinuating that therefrore they are the ones being sought by the gestapo? That they are the Gays, Jews, Communists, etc. that feared for their lives? To me it sounds like the same thing - just worded differently - yet Jimmy Kimmel, Meryl Streep, etc. etc. still have their jobs.
I didn't take it as she's comparing herself to Jews, she's using the Nazis (because everyone loves to throw their name around) as an example of what people all over the world do to ostracize, and criminalize a way of thinking or a group of fellow country-men. A terrible and tasteless way of saying it though - no one said she was smart.
to her point though - it hasn't just happened in Nazi Germany, it has happened all over the world, from Cuba, to Venezuela, to China, etc. (even in the U.S. with McCarthy). The Nazis didn't have to go door to door to find out if you were gay, Jewish, etc. They let your neighbors rat you out, ostracize you, and lead the police/mil (whomever is the enforcer) to you.
What she saying is in a way true - cancel culture is similar to this process. Your "neighbors" are the ones demanding you get thrown out of your job - mainly because you may have overly conservative views. Many times, these companies don't care about this - she's been posting conservative for a long time, Disney knew where she stood. It hasn't been until the #fire her movement started that this has been an issue.
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Dagambit (Long Spike)
Up voted, great points, good sharing of your point of view. You should post more.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
"to her point though - it hasn't just happened in Nazi Germany, it has happened all over the world, from Cuba, to Venezuela, to China, etc. (even in the U.S. with McCarthy). The Nazis didn't have to go door to door to find out if you were gay, Jewish, etc. They let your neighbors rat you out, ostracize you, and lead the police/mil (whomever is the enforcer) to you. "
Finally! Wonderful! A golden nugget among all the s..tuff written above. Thanks for this. It really is the valid point she was trying, rather clumsily, to get across. I will add here my fascination at many of your acceptance that pointing out any parallels to how the WW2 holocaust *started*; in this case I believe it comes as a warning by Corano, is strictly off limits. I have mentioned previously that I'm Greek-Canadian. My people stood up and faught against fascism and arianism in WW2 when it would have just been easier to lie down and let Duce and Hitler pass. We issued over 75,000 passports to Hellenic Jews identifying them as Orthodox Christian so they could get out and travel Europe, safely. So whenever I hear references to THE holocaust, I point out that it's a Greek word. Holo-cautoma. Completely consumed in fire. These genocidal events have occurred previously and subsequently, sadly. What we need to remember here is that they start small and gain momentum as they acquire public acceptance (both passive and active). We could do worse than stay on guard against this.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
To compare cancel culture to literally offing people is bananas. We have been "cancelling" jews since they supposedly put on of their own on the cross. We been carpet cancelling brown people in the middle east for 20 years now. It's such a false comparison.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Nothing has changed, if you say something beyond stupid it's going to have consequences. You know... in the old times, before Twitter and FB you keep your stupid shit to your self. "oh shit did I say that out loud" .... *with a glass in her hand filled with drops of retard fuel*
Tell you who's been cancelled due to f... bullshit Roseanne Barr.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
She succinctly expressed her opinion and warning.
There was no ambiguity to what she said.
The only ambiguity that comes out is when 'others' add to her words to redefine her intent.
This is textbook smearmongering. Nothing less, nothing more.
Dumbcunts who cant see this are doomed to follow the path that leads to terminal hatred.
Hate is the new unity. So long as we can all hate the same people we will have our unity.
Hitler would have been proud.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
The whole thing is a logical fallacy to begin with: a false comparison. Now add that with the bacon bits what actually was going on in that tweet, picture and all is troubling at best. The warning and opinion = shit, just pure bullshit. If the was blasted out of her witts I can understand it. I don't want her to be cancelled as it's abhorrent in itself, but she posted that abortion like a loopy grandpa not understanding how the interwebs work. Worst of it all, she's completely replaceable... not like it was a hard call for Disney. Take a breath and just think about what the hell you're posting. Nothing has changed apart from now you get a slap on the ass in a millisecond. If I where a celebrity I'd hire an editor, fulltime to go intercept any and all tweets that are just wrong. Thankfully I'm of zero consequence, hell I doubt anyone reads this. Her warning.... give me a break.
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Nihil Dicit (Old Spike)
The problem with that argument is that other Disney employees who have posted "beyond stupid" shit (e.g. Krystina Arielle, Pablo Hidalgo, and Pedro Pascal), have kept their jobs. In fact, Disney and their shill media sites defended Krystina Arielle and gaslit those criticizing her racist comments as being racists themselves. Add to that the months-long SJW Twitter campaign to get Gina fired, along with Disney pushing (fake) wokeness for the past five or so years and it becomes pretty obvious that she was singled out and terminated for political reasons.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
More than that even. Disney has been running propoganda on children since at least Walt's death.
And there are a few issues with Walt himself. Whether they are CONCLUSIVE, is impossible to say, but my suspicion leans more so than less so.
A child's mind is like putty. Get them young enough, show them the reality you desire, and it will all fall into place.
Case in point. Most of us innoculated against this programming grew up patriots with patriotic education, and patriot families. They also taught Myself anyway about communism, socialism, and fascism early. I grew up watching WWI and II documentaries, and timepieces.
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Sempaliscious (Short Spike)
I do love how leftists fly to the defense of Jews when it comes to someone else drawing comparisons with regards to Nazis.
Trump is Hitler and we're on the verge of holocaust? That's fine. Gina says effectively, "hey, you know the hating your neighbour thing? That's what the Nazis got people to do..the holocaust wasn't conducted by soliders principally, it was conducted by ordinary men who were convinced that Jews were really careful about hating your neighbour and othering them because of who they are and what they believe".. Left loses their mind..
The left is full of projecting - you guys are ostensibly racist in your worldview and so you look out and all you can spot is racism. You gotta help the poor blacky because without you, the white knight, where we would he get to, right? He needs your help..
As to the other stupid argument:
Yes, Hitler was left wing. Don't forget, the Democratic party supported Hitler - they thought he was great! And the Democratic Party and the KKK are one in the same. Margaret Sanger, the eugenacist and founder of planned parenthood who wanted to sterolise the blacks, was a democrat. Good old Joe Biden, giving a eulogy for a former KKK recruiter (150 recruits aint bad!) Robert Byrd.
Let's just settle it - since it's founding in 1829, the Democratic party has fought against every major civil rights initiative, and has a long history of discrimination. Democratic party defended slavery, started the Civil war, opposed reconstruction, founded the Ku klux klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s - democrats opposed the bills and filibustered for 75 days until the republicans got enough votes to break the jam.
During the BIG SWITCH (lie) - of the 1500 racist Democrats in the south (members of congress, governors and judges) only 14 became Republicans. Just one segregationsit Dixiecrat senator, Strom Thurmond, switched parties. Every other Dixiecrat senator remained comfortably in the Democratic party, including Al Gore Sr, William Fulbright and Robert Byrd - all members of the KKK. White southerners didn't begin voting Republican in 1964, they began in the 1920s during the development of the New South. The racists didn't vote for nixon in 1968, they voted for George Wallace, the Democratic segregationist who ran as an independent.
Get your head out of your ass and learn some history.
(Old Spike)
Alt right Snowflake compares herself to holocaust victims, gets fired by employer of a predominantly jewish industry......
Who would have thought they'd take offense?
Now fellow alt right snowflakes start crying. Hillarious if you ask me.
(Old Spike)
You are just a rehabilitated form of Nazi - same thinking, same cowardice, same malevolence, same identitarianism. Your need to engage in raclialized thinking and speech mirrors that of Richard Spencer - you're actually one of the more alt-right folks here if the threshold is being racist. Because you are.
(Old Spike)
it must be a funny place - in your head
(Old Spike)
I doubt that. If there is one person on here that doesn't have any sense of humour whatsoever it's the biastoid......
Inside his head is only weirdness.
(Old Spike)
You're woke as well, aren't you? The only difference between you and Spencer is that he is exclusionary and segregationist with his racism and you are patronizingly inclusionary and segregationist with your racism. Neither of you can actually conceive of a world where people are not treated based on their race, a world without race. That notion terrifies both of you. It could be that there's just a certain kind of person who is born unable to escape racial thinking patterns, which are just primitive tribalist thinking patterns and likely have strong evolutionary origins. This is what the author of White Fragility doesn't understand about herself.
And it "is" weird in here - you racist alt-righters and woketards are bizarre to the max, and there's an uncanny effect where you look like a person of today but act like throwbacks - like a previous evolution of humans resurgent. It's weird, and it's a problem that's becoming impossible to ignore or tolerate. But I think it will continue to get worse, and murderous thinking will continue to infect.
(Old Spike)
Oh, and I forgot: The only malevolence here is coming from you. Deep inside you know what kind of deluded and twisted mind you have and that buggers you so much that you have to hate on normal people, you have a lot of company in this world, though.
I stopped feeling pitty for you a while ago although I still don't understand why your family doesn't intervene, I doubt you are good at hiding your condition so you probably alienated them too.
Must be very lonely outside the "online world" for you.
(Old Spike)
That took you a while, but do you have to use my style of admonishment? Can't you even come up with your own thoughts for something like that? Daft Cunt - why do you live in Spain?
When you announced you were leaving Spiked a while back and then came back on the site the next day under the account Super Friends and spammed the site with obscene comments about pedophilia, my sister, and my family and made similar comments about other Spiked Nationals I learned something about you I had only suspected before. My sister saw it too in your posts and comments - that's why she refused to come on the site to talk about dog training with you when you demanded she do so (bizzarely).
My mother worked in psychiatry for over 40 years - both in-patient and out-patient - and as you know I'm very familiar with Dr. Peterson's academic work on the subject of your condition. Your personality is very similar to Dr David Wood's personality before his conversion, except without the intelligence.
(Old Spike)
1. where did I spam the site with pedophile comments?
2. I did not demand communicate to anyone in particular, I asked we use the appropriate psychological terms and definitions (as your idol peterson uses), not the lingo someone invented for themselves to sweet talk kicking, hitting and otherwise abusing living beings.
3. I may have asked you to refer to your sister regarding 2. above as she should understand what I want if she has a half decent education on the subject.
(Old Spike)
You made a post announcing your departure from the site. You then appeared under the account name Super Friends and spammed obscene pedophilic comments across the site wherever I was commenting or posting. The account was banned by Nakey and you returned a few days later trying to act like nothing had happened.
Prior to that, when I posted a video of my sister running a dozen or more dogs through her property as part of her dog boarding and training business, you demanded that she speak with you directly about Cesar Millan and the methods she uses. When she refused you grew extremely hostile. When you posted as Super Friends the main thrust of your comments about my family were sexual attacks about my sister. Check this out (if the timecode doesn't work skip to 12:48:
(Old Spike)
"You made a post announcing your departure from the site."
"You then appeared under the account name Super Friends"
I remember "Super friends" though. I thought he was another kdogg sock tbh. In contrary to you and several others I don't take this shit here seriously enough to create socks....
I also never "demanded" to speak to your sister directly, I probably suggested to leave you as incompetent intermediate out of the conversation. If I really wanted to speak to your sister directly I could simply have contacted her via her website.
(Site Administrator)
... cool your jets, boyz.
(Short Spike)
Top of your game.
(Old Spike)
God, I just love it when a pseudo-intellectual, high on his own farts, saunters into a comment section and throws around words he doesn't know the definition of, don't you?
(Short Spike)
Psuedo-intellectual alt right baby bois sums up all of you spikednationals perfectly here and now. Thanks for illuminating the perfect term.
(Old Spike)
Oh, look - Spike's resident feminist loon has emerged from her pile of cats, put on her problem glasses, and written the ultimate comeback: "No U."
And, by the way, your continued activity on this site makes you a de facto "Spiked National" as well. Gotta love that big brain energy of yours.
(Old Spike)
Every time you refer all Spiked Nationals with contempt and condemnation you reveal and confirm that your only reason for being here is to disrupt, deface, harass, and destroy the site and its members. You are basically saying that you are an enemy of SpikedNation. Just know that I believe you.
(Short Spike)
Every now and then I come back to this page just to remember how stupid Daft is..
There is dumb, which one can be forgiven for..after all, not everyone is blessed with intelligence.
Then there is what Daft is.. willfully blind and so thoroughly indoctrinated, he opens his eyes and just sees brown because his head is up his own ass.
It's painful to read through this thread.
Anything to keep the narrative going I guess. Must be painful to purposefully blind yourself.
(Old Spike)
"When Trump wins in november, and he will win" pretty much sums you up
(Site Administrator)
For those who didn't watch the video above. See the twitter post in question. Too much?
If your answer is 'yes', then, why, please. If you're new here, and in case you haven't noticed, we don't do 'safe spaces' here on Spiked. So real answers only please. Thanks.
(Old Spike)
I repeat myself:
"Alt right Snowflake compares herself to holocaust victims, gets fired by employer of a predominantly jewish industry......
Who would have thought they'd take offense?"
I personally find the comparison hillarious*, tasteless and extraordinarily "snowflakey" dumb but would watch something I find interesting with her in it (Deadpool seems the only movie worthwhile, though).
I enjoy movies or series featuring Roseanne Barr, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Ben Affleck, Tim Allen and others although I don't share their particular religious or political views. I very rarely pay for such entertainment, though.
I must say, though, in contrary to many, many other statements categorised by some jews as "anti semitic" I would say this actually does fit the description.
I can understand why they sacked her, as explained above, but I somehow doubt that this was the only reason.
*In the sense of: "Look at MEEEEEEE, I'm an entitled prominent white Karen and feel SOOOOOOO discriminated against! HEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEE". An attitude which has become quite fashionable recently within the far right.
(Old Spike)
...But casually labeling anyone to the right of Mao Zedong as a "white supremacist," "Nazi," or "Alt-right" is A-OK!
(Old Spike)
lol, how did you get to that conclusion?
(Long Spike)
You truely are daft.
1. Holocaust hasn't happened yet in her statement.
2. She is talking about creating an environment where you no longer care about your fellow human being, because you have labeled them (in this case a Jew) and have grown to hate them and despise them and think they are terrorist or a plague.
3. Then asks how is this different?
4. It isn't, you are being programmed right now (they go after the daft ones first) to hate anyone that may have liked Trump or his policies. The programming for "triggering" when a red hat is seen, was already successful. This is evident by your use of "hate" words and slurs.
Context: When Dems stood up and contested the election of DJT for electoral votes, they weren't labeled terrorists or were trying to throw a coup? Coup? think that is right, damn foreign words.
The next 4 years was, Russia this and that, Meewwwlor time!, He hates all hispanics, He hates and won't provide aid to Puerto Rico (remember this one), He is going to start world war 3, The stock market is going to crash, We are going to attack more middle eastern countries, Finally after being wrong so many times... he is just racist or xenophobic.
Famous actors made live speeches about blowing up the white house or killing him, could you imagine right now, today, if someone on the "right" lets say Clint Eastwood held up a severed Biden head? Kathy Griffin is doing okay right now. Snoop Dogg is still popular, he made a "mockery assassination", just saying.
I don't care about any of them because they are celebs, even though there was some backlash, it wouldn't even be close to what it would be right now against the other side.
EDIT: I also notice that on video that directly contradict everything you say by the word of the left, via picture quotes, videos, etc.. you are mysteriously absent on those posts. You seem to choose to ignore anything that may contradict your point of view, and only embrace by "trollling or laughing" at things that enforce it. I commend you, that is how one truely stays a daftcunt.
(Old Spike)
lol, you really need to get over yourself snowflake!
She is comparing herself to the situation of the jews in Nazi Germany, implying the "alt right holocaust" is imminent, this is so disgustingly dumb it is unreal.
But this seems to be the new alt right strategy: Play the fucking victim.
(Long Spike)
I am not putting words in your mouth, but you seem obsessed with putting words into everyone elses.
She never said alt-right, she didn't even say right, democrat, republican, left. Now we know in context if you are/were a supporter of MAGA / Trump that is who we are referring to here.
Are you saying all those supporters are "alt-right"? [BTW, Alt right is a stupid fucking term. I have never even heard of until HRC mentioned it, I also think the left creates these groups by naming them and then they are wisked into reality simply because the other is dumb as hell too, and think that will be a great way to identify themselves as the "thing the left hates the most")
(Old Spike)
So you're saying she's a leftist.....
(Old Spike)
At what point during the developments in German in the 1920s and 1930s would it have been appropriate for a German citizen to make the statement she's making and take the stand she's taking?
(Old Spike)
I missed that one, lol.
Again what makes you believe you can even remotely compare "Nazi Germany" to the US 100 years later?
OK, so I have to actually tell you the difference? Thought so.....
Nazi Germany: The person (and possibly part of or the whole family) would have been taken away by men wearing black uniforms and caps with skulls on them and more likely than not never return home.
US 2021: The person is ridiculed by people that atually have more than 2 brain cells, in this case also was "sacked" and if she so chooses can sue for unfair dismissal and possibly discrimination of some sort.
There's your difference!
(Old Spike)
@ daft
I find it hilarious that you and Sal have adopted our language of calling people Karens and snowflakes. (Actually SOLELY applies to progressive whiners.)
If you adopt our language you adopt our ideology without even realizing it. :)
(Old Spike)
adapted "your" language?
I know the alt right claims "snowflake" for themselves for describing "leftist whiners", however alt right snowflakes like you complain equally and about the same shit as your peers on the left.
You are getting weirder (but also more entertaining) every day, little buddy.
(Old Spike)
You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same. I understand that you place a lot of value on how much or how little redicule someone recieves from others. It does not make that methodology correct. Historically quite the opposite.
Also, the nazi party was called National Socialism. So how far right it was is only relative to how left the opposing party was. I personally don't believe right or left has much meaning anymore.
Of the many brands of government I break them down into two primary categories. Authoritarian and Libertarian.
Authority, or Liberty. There is more to discuss when we want to go into specific methods. But it really comes down to the afformentioned.
I could also go into occultacracy but I don't think you would care for such a discussion. Which if so, that is a shame, because that is where government gets really fascinating, and where you can get into some more serious historical roots.
(Old Spike)
Yes, it is the alt right (NOT conservative) rhetorik now to say oh, the nazis were catually on the left of the political spectrum. You really are a twisted mind bunch.
(Old Spike)
The Germans had socialism. At the expense of minorities and the occupied. They had special currency that had more buying power, businesses were forced to conform to these standards. Censorship was rampant against pundits and dissidents. The judiciary was favoritist, and dispensed unequal justice. Political opposition was purged. Snitches were rewarded. Secret police was used rampantly, And genocide of those that did not conform was rampant. It was very similar to communism, just slightly different methods of operation.
The main difference being that Hitler favored the nativist Germans instead of treating them equal to everyone else, and he was more directly imperialist. He actually killed less than Stalin. Not that makes him any better.
Fascism, communism, and socialism are very left brands. All authoritarian.
Slightly unrelated but I am curious. Are you Luciferian by chance?
(Old Spike)
It is amazing trhat we have to explain it to the alt right, their twisted understanding of reality will never admit that fascism is NOT leftist:
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.[4] The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries.[4] Opposed to liberalism, democracy, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]
And now please tell us that this wikipedia entry is leftwing edited...... We're all in for a good laugh!
(Old Spike)
That is not the whole truth. And wikipedia is not a definitive source of information. I have seen a lot of wrong information on wikipedia in my day. I have seen some correct information too, I have seen half truths, and blatant lies.
Also you should know that nazism is a brand of fascism, and a brand of socialism. It is something quite unique.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”
Adolf Hitler - 1927
Just anoter Alt Right guy trying to say nazis are on the left I guess?
(Old Spike)
This doesn't mean they were communist. Nazis actually declared communists as their enemies.
Also do a search on "propaganda".....
Nice try, though.
(Old Spike)
No it's not communism. But it is it's sister. Same family of thought. Same methods of implentation. That method is socialism.
Both Communists and Nazis view early adopters of socialism as "useful idiots"
If we never adopt, accept, or entertain even mild socialism, then there is no way for it to progress to radical socialism, nazism or communism. It baffles me that people have not learned from the past.
All of those movements started with just the entertainment of marxist thought. Who got his ideas from people that were absolutely nuts, and avid occultists.
You don't even have to be religious to see a rapid moral decline in socialist society. You could even say that moral decline in any society opens the door for socialism to step in.
Socialist ideas are to be demonized, not embraced.
(Old Spike)
"But it is it's sister. Same family of thought. Same methods of implentation."
I almost agree. However, it is not so much a sister but the mirror image from the other side of the spectrum, i.e. the right.
You confuse social with socialism in a similar fashion, I guess. The fascists don't generally believe in shared (state owned) property (with the exception of ethnicities they actually hate). Hence the nazis only took away stuff from the jews and their conspirators, not generally from arians and allies, there were plenty of thriving businesses in the earlier stages.
(Old Spike)
What I am trying to explain, is that left and right is an illusion.
If you look at authoritarian and libertarian that is more comprehensive spectrum. And that is more likely to predict outcomes of happieness and safety.
Under the left and right idea, we actually want most of the same things.
However what differs in our methods is authority vs liberty. You could go so far to say, that left and rights purpose was to hide that from us, and divide us.
(Old Spike)
"What I am trying to explain, is that left and right is an illusion."
No it isn't, they just have similar symptoms, like complete denial of their respective followers.
That's why the likes of you call me leftist, marxist or even antifa and the ones from the opposite side call me right wing or even nazi (only the one who completely lost his marbles calls me both actually, lol)
(Old Spike)
If it were true that right and left is not an illusion created for division. Then why are many MORE people UNITED when thinking in terms of Liberty vs Authority instead?
(Old Spike)
Because people like to selectively inform themselves.
If some of the far left and and far right suffer the same delusions, for example that "masks don't work and are only introduced to control people", then they will attend the same protests and "suffer other similar symptoms", however, they will fight each other again "like normal" when the situation returns to normal.
In a similar fashion a red spot on the skin may be a symptom for a rash or an insect bite or emerging skin cancer, the treatment will be as different as the desease.
Or probably more appropriate: Dogs may bark for many different reasons, like for example tthy feel threatened or they want something, the approach to "curing" the issue will be quite different.
(Long Spike)
wikiapedia ........ .. the page anyone can edit. Good job, it is authoritarian and socialist is in the fucking name. The ideals match the parties rhetorics and stance of the democratic left for over a century taken to the extreme. But that is cool live in your own little world, and one day without your ability to see what you have done or our doing you will wake up and go how did we get here? Or you will just re-label something new to hate and destroy.
(Old Spike)
*chuckle*, yes everyone once could edit this, they had to put measures against the trolls in place, though.
What is laughable is that people like you seem to think that only "the left" has the rights to edit this probably because quite often you don't like to see what is on there and prefer your own alternative facts.
(Long Spike)
No, I don't think that. Putting words in people's mouths again I see. No, the left is more sinister than edit blocking a wiki page. It is hell bent on erasing history (it's history to be more specific) and changing language and definitions.
(Old Spike)
Oh...oh I didn't know you were ACTUALLY retar...I mean, "mentally handicapped." My bad. Perhaps I should simplify things for you a bit:
You see, you wrote this:
"Alt right Snowflake compares herself to holocaust victims, gets fired by employer of a predominantly jewish industry......
Who would have thought they'd take offense?
Now fellow alt right snowflakes start crying. Hillarious if you ask me."
And you did so despite the fact that there is, quite literally, no proof of Gina being a White Nationalist (AKA "Alt-right") at all. In fact, you've thrown around such baseless accusations of white supremacy and Nazism on this site for years, and now you want to claim that holocaust comparisons are "hillarious, tasteless and extraordinarily 'snowflakey' dumb" when it suits your political agenda? GTFO.
But hey, you tried your best. Tell your handler to buy you some ice cream as a reward.
(Old Spike)
So you're saying she's a leftist.....
You know what actually is retarded? I'll tell ya: Defending someone when they make disgustingly idiotic statements like this, regardless which political direction they tend to.
Considering who comes to her defense here, though, it is pretty obvious she is far right.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
I'm not far right and I come to her defense. Others here who aren't far right have come to her defense - this is what we're trying to tell you. We're not alt-right - you are scrunched up against the leftside wall of the political spectrum and everyone who isn't crammed up agains that wall with you looks right because you're so left it's the only direction you can direct your gaze.
(Old Spike)
You should get your record straight: Am I a Nazi or far left, according to you I am both, so probably you are alternating between at least 2 alternative realities.......
(Old Spike)
Your inability to respond directly to the points leveled against you is the reason why you fought so hard for so long to delete these conversations from the site altogether.
(Old Spike)
No One on Planet Earth Surprised.
(Old Spike)
Now which part of "You know what actually is retarded? I'll tell ya: Defending someone when they make disgustingly idiotic statements like this, regardless which political direction they tend to." did you not understand, snowflake?
(Old Spike)
Hey, good on you for finally admitting that 90% of your comments on this site are "disgustingly idiotic."
(Old Spike)
They are getting their hits in after months of having their voices censored by your bad-faith conduct on this site and you are providing a sustained and ample target for their outrage. Thanks for that.
(Short Spike)
Alright - I've been on SPIKED for years now (even before the current name) and rarely get involved in any discussions. This time I had to say something.
I'll ask this first - all those dumbasses that call Trump and other conservatives Nazis - arent' they then insinuating that therefrore they are the ones being sought by the gestapo? That they are the Gays, Jews, Communists, etc. that feared for their lives? To me it sounds like the same thing - just worded differently - yet Jimmy Kimmel, Meryl Streep, etc. etc. still have their jobs.
I didn't take it as she's comparing herself to Jews, she's using the Nazis (because everyone loves to throw their name around) as an example of what people all over the world do to ostracize, and criminalize a way of thinking or a group of fellow country-men. A terrible and tasteless way of saying it though - no one said she was smart.
to her point though - it hasn't just happened in Nazi Germany, it has happened all over the world, from Cuba, to Venezuela, to China, etc. (even in the U.S. with McCarthy). The Nazis didn't have to go door to door to find out if you were gay, Jewish, etc. They let your neighbors rat you out, ostracize you, and lead the police/mil (whomever is the enforcer) to you.
What she saying is in a way true - cancel culture is similar to this process. Your "neighbors" are the ones demanding you get thrown out of your job - mainly because you may have overly conservative views. Many times, these companies don't care about this - she's been posting conservative for a long time, Disney knew where she stood. It hasn't been until the #fire her movement started that this has been an issue.
(Long Spike)
Up voted, great points, good sharing of your point of view. You should post more.
(Site Administrator)
"to her point though - it hasn't just happened in Nazi Germany, it has happened all over the world, from Cuba, to Venezuela, to China, etc. (even in the U.S. with McCarthy). The Nazis didn't have to go door to door to find out if you were gay, Jewish, etc. They let your neighbors rat you out, ostracize you, and lead the police/mil (whomever is the enforcer) to you. "
Finally! Wonderful! A golden nugget among all the s..tuff written above. Thanks for this. It really is the valid point she was trying, rather clumsily, to get across. I will add here my fascination at many of your acceptance that pointing out any parallels to how the WW2 holocaust *started*; in this case I believe it comes as a warning by Corano, is strictly off limits. I have mentioned previously that I'm Greek-Canadian. My people stood up and faught against fascism and arianism in WW2 when it would have just been easier to lie down and let Duce and Hitler pass. We issued over 75,000 passports to Hellenic Jews identifying them as Orthodox Christian so they could get out and travel Europe, safely. So whenever I hear references to THE holocaust, I point out that it's a Greek word. Holo-cautoma. Completely consumed in fire. These genocidal events have occurred previously and subsequently, sadly. What we need to remember here is that they start small and gain momentum as they acquire public acceptance (both passive and active). We could do worse than stay on guard against this.
(Old Spike)
To compare cancel culture to literally offing people is bananas. We have been "cancelling" jews since they supposedly put on of their own on the cross. We been carpet cancelling brown people in the middle east for 20 years now. It's such a false comparison.
(Old Spike)
Nothing has changed, if you say something beyond stupid it's going to have consequences. You know... in the old times, before Twitter and FB you keep your stupid shit to your self. "oh shit did I say that out loud" .... *with a glass in her hand filled with drops of retard fuel*
Tell you who's been cancelled due to f... bullshit Roseanne Barr.
(Short Spike)
She succinctly expressed her opinion and warning.
There was no ambiguity to what she said.
The only ambiguity that comes out is when 'others' add to her words to redefine her intent.
This is textbook smearmongering. Nothing less, nothing more.
Dumbcunts who cant see this are doomed to follow the path that leads to terminal hatred.
Hate is the new unity. So long as we can all hate the same people we will have our unity.
Hitler would have been proud.
(Old Spike)
The whole thing is a logical fallacy to begin with: a false comparison. Now add that with the bacon bits what actually was going on in that tweet, picture and all is troubling at best. The warning and opinion = shit, just pure bullshit. If the was blasted out of her witts I can understand it. I don't want her to be cancelled as it's abhorrent in itself, but she posted that abortion like a loopy grandpa not understanding how the interwebs work. Worst of it all, she's completely replaceable... not like it was a hard call for Disney. Take a breath and just think about what the hell you're posting. Nothing has changed apart from now you get a slap on the ass in a millisecond. If I where a celebrity I'd hire an editor, fulltime to go intercept any and all tweets that are just wrong. Thankfully I'm of zero consequence, hell I doubt anyone reads this. Her warning.... give me a break.
(Old Spike)
The problem with that argument is that other Disney employees who have posted "beyond stupid" shit (e.g. Krystina Arielle, Pablo Hidalgo, and Pedro Pascal), have kept their jobs. In fact, Disney and their shill media sites defended Krystina Arielle and gaslit those criticizing her racist comments as being racists themselves. Add to that the months-long SJW Twitter campaign to get Gina fired, along with Disney pushing (fake) wokeness for the past five or so years and it becomes pretty obvious that she was singled out and terminated for political reasons.
(Old Spike)
More than that even. Disney has been running propoganda on children since at least Walt's death.
And there are a few issues with Walt himself. Whether they are CONCLUSIVE, is impossible to say, but my suspicion leans more so than less so.
A child's mind is like putty. Get them young enough, show them the reality you desire, and it will all fall into place.
Case in point. Most of us innoculated against this programming grew up patriots with patriotic education, and patriot families. They also taught Myself anyway about communism, socialism, and fascism early. I grew up watching WWI and II documentaries, and timepieces.
(Short Spike)
I do love how leftists fly to the defense of Jews when it comes to someone else drawing comparisons with regards to Nazis.
Trump is Hitler and we're on the verge of holocaust? That's fine. Gina says effectively, "hey, you know the hating your neighbour thing? That's what the Nazis got people to do..the holocaust wasn't conducted by soliders principally, it was conducted by ordinary men who were convinced that Jews were really careful about hating your neighbour and othering them because of who they are and what they believe".. Left loses their mind..
The left is full of projecting - you guys are ostensibly racist in your worldview and so you look out and all you can spot is racism. You gotta help the poor blacky because without you, the white knight, where we would he get to, right? He needs your help..
As to the other stupid argument:
Yes, Hitler was left wing. Don't forget, the Democratic party supported Hitler - they thought he was great! And the Democratic Party and the KKK are one in the same. Margaret Sanger, the eugenacist and founder of planned parenthood who wanted to sterolise the blacks, was a democrat. Good old Joe Biden, giving a eulogy for a former KKK recruiter (150 recruits aint bad!) Robert Byrd.
Let's just settle it - since it's founding in 1829, the Democratic party has fought against every major civil rights initiative, and has a long history of discrimination. Democratic party defended slavery, started the Civil war, opposed reconstruction, founded the Ku klux klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s - democrats opposed the bills and filibustered for 75 days until the republicans got enough votes to break the jam.
During the BIG SWITCH (lie) - of the 1500 racist Democrats in the south (members of congress, governors and judges) only 14 became Republicans. Just one segregationsit Dixiecrat senator, Strom Thurmond, switched parties. Every other Dixiecrat senator remained comfortably in the Democratic party, including Al Gore Sr, William Fulbright and Robert Byrd - all members of the KKK. White southerners didn't begin voting Republican in 1964, they began in the 1920s during the development of the New South. The racists didn't vote for nixon in 1968, they voted for George Wallace, the Democratic segregationist who ran as an independent.
Get your head out of your ass and learn some history.