See u in 2024

Pantysoaker's picture

Trump releases statement on his acquittal

dems gave trump over a month of free publicity

Average: 4.2 (5 votes)


theblackswordsman's picture
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Just one more thing.
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ubershin's picture

TRUMP MAGA 2024 IVANKA 2028 IVANKA 2032 KUSHNER 2036 BARON 2040 BARON 2044 BARON 2048 BARON 2052 ETC obv

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skeptoid's picture

I'll take a Tulsi Gabbard vs. Ivanka Trump election thank you very much.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Tulsi has my support if she drops the anti gun garbage. It's her biggest weakness.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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shes from hawaii she has to be antiguns

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ubershin's picture

agreed but we all know it wont happen hence she still has less than a 2% chance to win obv

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester
There's absolutely no way Trump will run again in 2024. There's absolutely no way he'd ever become the Republican nominee, and there's absolutely no way he'd ever become president. Anyone who thinks he could is absolutely deluded and has lost their grip on reality.
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theblackswordsman's picture
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You might be right that he won't be republican again.


We might get the Patriot party instead.


And None of the backstabbing Neo cons and rinocons are invited.


The difference between constitutionalists (Majority of Americans) and everyone else is we are UNITED.

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester
Trump running as his own party would just split the Republican vote. The best thing for the democrats would be if Trump runs in 2024. It'll guarantee them the win.
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theblackswordsman's picture
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The only voters that will stay on board with the GOP are the rich tycoons that benefitted from their deranged policies. less than 5%.


The other 95% are either constitutionalist that stuck with the republicans for a lesser evil, or the misinformed that felt the republicans represnted the constitution. However more conservative voters are becoming more informed daily.


A true constitutionalist party will be a massive movement, Trump was the first President in decades that was a constittuionalist.


Populism is on a masive rise globally and is set to overtake progessives in the coming years. Especially as progressives continue to deteriorate the respective constitutions of their nations in the name of insane policies built on fear mongering and the occult.


Furthermore, if congress passes this gun bill, expect suscession of more than half the states. Which means the states that don't susceed will get all the debt, Since we will establish a brand new currency. We also have fort knox with all the gold. The none suceeding states will be walled out, and non constutionalists may be deported. The new America will control most of the agriculture. Bill gates lands may be repossessed, and we may even get a seperate internet with constitutional laws to protect it. Their congress will have no power over the new one. Could mean war, since the establishment are very poor losers.


70% of the army in conservative, so you won't have that. 90% of the marine corps conservative, so that's ours, Most of the navy will join the marines. bye bye, Almost all of the special forces. ours. A percentage of the air force. a percentage of the intelligence agencies.


It's going to be a very different war than the first civil war. And this time the new America isn't giving up.


All of this can be avoided if the establishment stops their authoritarian nonesense. But if they tread, they will get a deadly bite.


Even in the unlikely event there is no suscession. (VERY UNLIKELY) over 100 millions citizens are going to make the gun grabs a slaughter house for those that come take them. Those that believe in Liberty have drawn their line in the sand. We won't be controlled by you.


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lawngnome's picture

Remember when Biden's Son was found to be a crackhead with deep connections to China and the media refused to report about it?

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boldfart's picture

No, I read about it.

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JTrillo's picture
Beta Tester

Yeah it was in the media for days.

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lawngnome's picture

On Fox and Newsmax, the other side wouldn't touch the story.

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