She's not terrible at her job here - she's doing her job. Teacher's Unions donated tonnes to the Biden campaign, and as long as COVID continues their can do even less work than they usually do. I work in Cybersecurity, one of a few businesses that has been boosted by COVID, and my job has become 50% more easy than it was before. I can only imagine what BS Zoom lessons are like for teachers.
(4 votes)
(Long Spike)
I see blastoid skipped school as much as possible.
Was this out of concern for the teachers and the other kids.
Or just to avoid an education.
(Old Spike)
That's the head of the CDC up there telling you the kids can go back to daycare. That's Biden's white house refusing to "follow the science" because teachers are enjoying the current situation and they donated overwhelmingly to his campaign. You subjected yourself to a conformist "education" and you cannot grasp what this video means. Perhaps you should have stayed away from school.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
When cognitive dissonance is brought into the open air the person who suffers from it and cannot deny it always reacts with rage.
(Old Spike)
Evidently this is what passes for education these days.
(Old Spike)
Imagine being told by your company that you must submit to this or be impoverished:
(Old Spike)
I stopped drinking that crap years ago. It doesn't surprise me at all that they jump on the anti white agenda. When it came out, they put cocain in it when it was cheap to make it addictive.
It makes you fat, destroys your kidneys, and rots your teeth. They have been poisoning people's bodies for decades, and now they want to poison your mind.
The health benefits in abstenence are countless. Now it can have societal benefits too.