Still comparing yourself to NAZI victims?

daftcunt's picture

The Nazi War Crime That Shocked Even the Nazis

This is for those that still think it is appropriate to compare themselves to NAZI victims because their idiotic ideas are ridiculed on social media or straight to their dumb faces!


Just go and fuck yourself. 

Average: 2.1 (7 votes)


skeptoid's picture

I stopped posting this guy over a year ago once I realized he's a tool. Same with that lawyer suit. His video on the fart that killed 10,000 was about the only good one I could find.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Says the twat that constantly posts shit from pool and crowder......


So you are saying what he says is incorrect? I am happy to remove this should it be inaccurate.....

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skeptoid's picture

No we're talking about different things. I started seeing videos he has made about Canada and realized he's BSing a lot of the detail he presents as factual. But on your thing - Gina wasn't saying what republicans are experiencing right now is the same as what the tool above is describing (and likely making many mistakes as he does with the Canada content - a holocaust expert could tell but I can't). 


The fact you and those like you jump to a direct comparison instead of responding to what she actually said reveals some interesting thoughts and anxieties you must harbor "under the hood". 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yes, sweet talk that shit to yourself like all the alt right fanboys of hers.

Snowflake's statement is that the US is on their way to this and the democratic party can be compared to nazis because "free speech". Completely forgetting that jews were not singled out because of this and the consequences were millions mentally and physically suffering and dying, not people being ridiculed on twitter or facebook. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Thankyou for your commentary. Will you take a moment and point out your identity on the chart below?

US school sends out chart calling for an end to 'regime of ...

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lawngnome's picture

Damn, look how worked up and thirsty you are for an agrument here. hah


Venting like mad.



You are the Leftist Super Hero the world needs, Daftcunt.

Go and change the world with your punches !!


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

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