Hi, I'm a scientist. I make you feel smart, special, and cutting edge because I tell you new information you haven't heard before. I also have friends that are also scientists, they support what I say so you know it's not a lie. We have fancy charts and graphs of handpicked information to lead you to our conclusions.
Hi, I'm also a scientist. I have information based on the scientific method that disproves what the whole group of other scientists are telling you. But, many of you won't believe it because it conflicts with your whole education programming you have recieved your whole life. To accept the facts that me and my friends can prove to you, means that you may have to question everything you have ever learned. We know that's too hard for you, so instead you ridicule us with jokes promoted by the first group of state approved scientists that you like.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
Most amusing
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
For once we agree. Have a nice day.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
Do not presume to tell me what to do.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Then stop asking for permission.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I am in no way surprised that this is your perception (and that of the biastoid and a few others on here) of how "science works".
This is as amusing as it is sad and somewhat frightening.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
The way your science works is based on bribe and blackmail.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
please elaborate......
Please start by defining "my" science.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Well for a start. Covid would be in the realm of your science. It's not what killed people.
But I know what will, and I have a pretty good idea how.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You didn't really answer my question, clarify your cryptic message and explain what is "my science" as opposed to yours please.
What do you mean by "Covid would be in the realm of your science". Do you think the virus is not real?
"It's not what killed people." Of course the virus does not kill directly, this is PD, or should be.
"But I know what will, and I have a pretty good idea how."
You got me! Now I wait in anticipation on you explaining how....
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
The virus isn't real. They still never isolated the virus from genetic material. The man who invented PCR testing himself stated the test should never be used for infectious disease, considering almost anything will trigger false positives.
The virus completely fails the koch standard for diagnosis.
Now here is what is true. Wuhan was the first Chinese city to implement 5G on a massive scale.
5G sends a current of 60 ghz. Which when applied to the human body deprives the cells of the ability to absorb enough oxygen. Much like how Covid kills.
That vaccine, for those it doesn't kill outright, will fill your body tissue with receptors to the signal. Could take up to 6 to 9 months to kill you after 5G goes mainstream. 0$ have been spent on testing the health effects of 5G on the human body. Also Russia has had some of the lowest deaths from covid. Because Putin refuses to implement the technology outside the military.
And all they have to do to cover it up, is claim the imaginary virus mutated, or claim there is new one, once people start dropping dead in the streets. Or ideally and most likely, prime people for the new threat before the trigger. So that everyone is already expecting this new imaginary threat, instead of what's really going on.
0 flu deaths last year. People with a gunsht wound to the chest have had their paperwork filled out with covid. Also most deaths on the news that claimed covid. Were actually worded as "tested positive" Not actually died of covid.
What is my science vs yours? You are listening to people paid for by the state or by elite wealthy donors, endorsed by the establishment, and promoting every lie and sophism I stand against. These lies and bad science stretch back decades and have been globally supported by state education systems. With the purpose of dumbing children down and making them grow into trusting loyal worker bees.
The people I listen to, (Dozens to hundreds) are various doctors, nurses, health care professionals, and people that spend hundreds of hours of research and cross referencing these things and are now being deplatformed, and silenced. The only arguement even experts have with them are ad homenem, ridicule, or no arguement at all.
And Gates, one of the biggest funders, has ties to all of the pharameceutal companies, and he was recently suspected of carrying out illegal human trials of polio vax on indian girls without parental consent that resulted in over 526000 cases of paralysis. All covered up.
A few scientists that have spoken up anonymously have claimed to be working on projects for the occult elite. Not the cabal people speak of. I'm talking about organizations that Hitler himself answered to, and gathered religious artifacts for. These scientists were blackmailed with drug injections they had to take every 72 hours. If they spoke up, refused to work, or mostinsideously, gave up all their knowledge and completed their tasks, their injections didn't get renewed and they died rather unpleasantly.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
"Much like how Covid kills." ???
Oh you mean that desease/virus that you claim does not exist?
Have a look in the mirror and wipe away those flecks of spittle.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
It doesn't silly person. It was a facetious comparison, and you know that. Unless you're stupid. Funny how you're only around the same time daft is. You married to him, or just the same person?
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boldfart (Long Spike)
I was just quoting your comment ( the clue is in the quotation marks"
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
So you are stupid.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Yep, we have to "wake up" and "inform" ourselves, right?
This confirms EXACTLY how far gone you are, buddy.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Irrecoverable, guess you'll just have to save yourself. Under the false spectrum I'll never be anything but far right. I'll certainly never move an inch left of center, and I will always resent and resist authority. You can take that to the bank.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
When you read stuff like 5G kill people on the internet do you ever stop and ask yourself; What actual hard evidence do I have to support these claims or am I just going with some conspiracy theory because it's more exciting and you feel special because you know "the secret"?
It's a simple process:
-Someone makes a claim
-You proceed to check if there actual evidence to support it. (not blog posts or news stories, actual peer revied papers)
-If not, Hell you might actually do some science yourself.
Find a 5G tower. Buy some pet rats, hamsters whats ever and a couple of cages.
One for control and one for keeping near a tower. See what happens. Even if it's a super uncontrolled test at least your doing something other than taking someone's word for it.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
What do I need a hamster for, if birds were attacking them?
The problem with evidence is that it gets destroyed, smeared, and covered up by people the evidence hurts.
By that same logic. There is no evidence that covid 19 is a real contagion.
There is a mountain of evidence that the tests produce false positives.
There is a mountain of evidence that every expert has flipped flopped on their story, changed tracks, contradicted themselves and back tracked.
The vaccine is not peer reviewed, (Not that I would trust anything from the scientific community right now any way) and some nations like Israel are treating you like a second class citizen if you don't take it.
So if people are going to accuse my community of having no evidence they need to get their own house in order first.
I don't feel special for knowing a secret, I feel like I'm in a nightmare I can't wake from. The world is changing because of this, and not one of these changes benefits you or me. And we are not going to be "allowed" as a society to roll things back to 2019 if we don't like it.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"The problem with evidence is that it gets destroyed, smeared, and covered up by people the evidence hurts"
You just claimed that 5G is causing the so-called pandemic. How did you come to the conclusion that THIS info isn't BS? Science papers smeared and covered up BUT this has to be true?
Ok, just present some evidence and I'm with you. Opinions and fear-mongering about new tech don't mean shit if you have nothing to back them up with.
I'm not even saying this can't be the case, I'm just questioning your logic or lack thereof.
People are so eager to believe everything they read on the internet when they are motivated by "resisting the authority" or questioning the "official story" that the truth becomes irrelevant. They think with their emotions, not with their heads.
Again, if someone makes a claim, search if there's actually some real evidence that backs it up.
If you can't find any credible sources, at least admit that you don't know. That way you keep an open mind and don't fall for every conspiracy out there.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Remember birds dying by the hundred of thousands with no cause?
Remember birds attacking 5g towers when they first went up?
Did you know that Wuhan was the first Chinese city to impliment 5G on a massive scale shortly before the out break.
Did you know that Covid fails the Koch standard for pathogen testing?
Does it strike you as suspicious that this virus has been used as an excuse to completely change society?
Peer reviews? What do you do if scientists are lying to you? Or refusing to peer review what matters?
WHO's largest paycheck comes from Gates. Who is also buying up large swaths of agricultural land in the U.S.
Go look up patent pending 060606. It's meant to control your life.
Cash is going to disappear. Not because it's dirty, but because daddy gov wants to watch and control every aspect of your life.
When people that are responsible for providing evidence arn't doing their job, then you need to look at how the world changes when you don't have that information. Especially if everything is being scaped on the back of a crises.
It is destroying every last shred of liberty we have left one thing at a time.
Since this supposed virus. Have we become more free or less free?
Safety is no longer a valid excuse to exchange freedom.
Go watch David Icke on his theories on this. He has been following the globalist authoritarian take over for decades. Everyone laughed at him. Yet it's all coming true.
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Raining Blood (Long Spike)
david icke. the antisemetic who thinks some people are actually lizard people. he's your guy?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
First, lizard men theories have nothing to do with what I have said.
If you discard information from one theory based on unrelated information from another theory from a source you are the fool. If you can't compartmentalize, then that is a sign of serious mental deficiency.
Not everything you have said or claimed in your whole life in public or private has been correct, but that does not mean everything you say is incorrect.
That depends on what you mean as antisemetic. There is a difference between blaming the entire jewish race for the worlds problems, and blaming a few corrupt jewish elites for some of the world's problems.
Every race has good and bad people. But you know that. Nice try.
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Raining Blood (Long Spike)
say enough dumb shit and nobody will take you seriously. turning to god after believing in a stolen election and a coming civil war and i think it was wokeism is anti white. you might aswell be homeless ranting on the corner missing your front teeth.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Once they are done with me, they are coming for you. You won't be rewarded for being a "good citizen"
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boldfart (Long Spike)
Oh, poor thing.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Why do you live in Spain?
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boldfart (Long Spike)
When he said go watch David Icke, he did not mean that. He meant cut and paste some of his words and take the best meaning from that ( I know that will mean a load of cutting)
My stalker needs every bit of slack you can cut him?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Says, the person who is stalking me.
You love accusing people of your own behaviours don't you.
For how old you are, you are a terrible manipulator.
You never answered my question earlier which is, Are you married to daft, or the just the same person?
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boldfart (Long Spike)
When did you stop beating your boyfriend?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Are you married to daft, or the just the same person?
Vote comment up/down
boldfart (Long Spike)
When did you stop beating your boyfriend?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
It's also the perception of scientists themselves. Not the ones you like but go figure?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Which are the ones "I don't like"? I don't think I EVER voiced a personal dislike towards any scientist.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I guess you don't consider Bret Weinstein to be a scientist then?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I explained this to you before: He took himself out of the peer review process rather than refining his research when his peers could not agree with him on various issues, thus his "research" stands alone and unchecked.
So he now only caters to his fanboys and girls who of course eagerly suck his shit up.
Real scientists don't usually don't use the sulking child approach.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Or his peers were wrong. There is that.
Science isn't competetive or dogmatic. Oh no, not this sacred perfect practice run by flawed humans that can't even figure out if you need one mask, 5, or none at all.
The reason they can't get their story straight is because they are constantly covering for liars.
They want the technacracy so bad they'll do anything to get it. What a great idea to have society run by science. What could possibly go wrong?
They are using the human race to test a vaccine that isn't even peer reviewed lol.
At the rate we are going if you count the atomic bombs, science will kill more than religion yet.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I guess you don't consider Bret Weinstein to be a scientist then? And Eric? And Heather? Jordan Peterson? How about Peter Boghossian and Helen Pluckrose? James LIndsey? I could continue listing academics and scientists that oppose your ideology and you can continue to describe them as not really scientists because they oppose your ideology, and especially oppose the intrusion of your ideology into the science you lyingly claim to respect.
This confirms EXACTLY how far gone you are, buddy.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
Awwww bless you have now mastered the art of ctrl c and ctrl v. That combined with talkingout of your anal sphincter should set you up nicely.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I haven't at all said that he isn't a scientist. I said he excluded himself from the peer review process, making his "research" not necessariy but most probably flawed (also because of the reasons he did). As I am no expert in his field I cannot judge that, his peers could but he won't let them, which raises more questions about his conclusions being genuine.
Peterson is a psychologist and teaching professor at a university. Is he also a researcher, has he published any papers? Again, not my field of expertise so I would trust his research if he gets his peers to check it regardless of whether I agree with him or find his conclusions comforting or not....
Remember the suspicious observer guy, that wrote a book on all he sees "flawed" with the scientific community's conclusions on causes of climate change?
I would actually class him as a scientist as he published a paper on another topic, which I believe was well received, hence he knows how the process works so it was even more disappointing that he did not adhere to it but wrote a book for the fanboys and girls. So I am extremely suspicious of that as what he should have done is publish a paper for peer review and THEN write a book addressed at the laymen about it.
Again, I am by no means an expert in the field (he claims to be one in one part of it) so I may or may not find his conclusions viable but my opinion on the matter does not count, reading his book would be a waste of my time.
Before people try to push me into the "green nutter" drawer: Anyone who followed my posts here knows I am a petrol head, I most definitely DON'T WANT climate change to happen. I don't have kids and I don't believe I will be reborn so I don't have a REASON or AGENDA behind my opinion on it, I simply have to trust the decades of research and checking process on the matter.
Eric OTOH.....
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Nothing you do or say can stop climate change from happening. It happens. Deal.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
As Shillary Clinton sits there laughing like the idiot, thats golden!
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boldfart (Long Spike)
Being a religious nut does not mean you have to have had a humourectomy!
Only you have to believe the laws of nature have been suspended in your favour.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Would you offer as an example the position that a human adult female is any entity that identifies as a human adult female?
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boldfart (Long Spike)
You have some very strange ideas! What you identify as is your own buisiness, please feel free not to share.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
"Being a religious nut does not mean you have to have had a humourectomy!
Only you have to believe the laws of nature have been suspended in your favour. "
"Would you offer as an example the position that a human adult female is any entity that identifies as a human adult female?"
Doesn't answer the question, but appears to refer to wokeism as "very strange".
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
If the earth was flat, cats would have knocked everything off it by now
(Long Spike)
Or even opinion ?
(Old Spike)
Hi, I'm a scientist. I make you feel smart, special, and cutting edge because I tell you new information you haven't heard before. I also have friends that are also scientists, they support what I say so you know it's not a lie. We have fancy charts and graphs of handpicked information to lead you to our conclusions.
Hi, I'm also a scientist. I have information based on the scientific method that disproves what the whole group of other scientists are telling you. But, many of you won't believe it because it conflicts with your whole education programming you have recieved your whole life. To accept the facts that me and my friends can prove to you, means that you may have to question everything you have ever learned. We know that's too hard for you, so instead you ridicule us with jokes promoted by the first group of state approved scientists that you like.
(Long Spike)
Most amusing
(Old Spike)
For once we agree. Have a nice day.
(Long Spike)
Do not presume to tell me what to do.
(Old Spike)
Then stop asking for permission.
(Old Spike)
I am in no way surprised that this is your perception (and that of the biastoid and a few others on here) of how "science works".
This is as amusing as it is sad and somewhat frightening.
(Old Spike)
The way your science works is based on bribe and blackmail.
(Old Spike)
please elaborate......
Please start by defining "my" science.
(Old Spike)
Well for a start. Covid would be in the realm of your science. It's not what killed people.
But I know what will, and I have a pretty good idea how.
(Old Spike)
You didn't really answer my question, clarify your cryptic message and explain what is "my science" as opposed to yours please.
What do you mean by "Covid would be in the realm of your science". Do you think the virus is not real?
"It's not what killed people." Of course the virus does not kill directly, this is PD, or should be.
"But I know what will, and I have a pretty good idea how."
You got me! Now I wait in anticipation on you explaining how....
(Old Spike)
The virus isn't real. They still never isolated the virus from genetic material. The man who invented PCR testing himself stated the test should never be used for infectious disease, considering almost anything will trigger false positives.
The virus completely fails the koch standard for diagnosis.
Now here is what is true. Wuhan was the first Chinese city to implement 5G on a massive scale.
5G sends a current of 60 ghz. Which when applied to the human body deprives the cells of the ability to absorb enough oxygen. Much like how Covid kills.
That vaccine, for those it doesn't kill outright, will fill your body tissue with receptors to the signal. Could take up to 6 to 9 months to kill you after 5G goes mainstream. 0$ have been spent on testing the health effects of 5G on the human body. Also Russia has had some of the lowest deaths from covid. Because Putin refuses to implement the technology outside the military.
And all they have to do to cover it up, is claim the imaginary virus mutated, or claim there is new one, once people start dropping dead in the streets. Or ideally and most likely, prime people for the new threat before the trigger. So that everyone is already expecting this new imaginary threat, instead of what's really going on.
0 flu deaths last year. People with a gunsht wound to the chest have had their paperwork filled out with covid. Also most deaths on the news that claimed covid. Were actually worded as "tested positive" Not actually died of covid.
What is my science vs yours? You are listening to people paid for by the state or by elite wealthy donors, endorsed by the establishment, and promoting every lie and sophism I stand against. These lies and bad science stretch back decades and have been globally supported by state education systems. With the purpose of dumbing children down and making them grow into trusting loyal worker bees.
The people I listen to, (Dozens to hundreds) are various doctors, nurses, health care professionals, and people that spend hundreds of hours of research and cross referencing these things and are now being deplatformed, and silenced. The only arguement even experts have with them are ad homenem, ridicule, or no arguement at all.
And Gates, one of the biggest funders, has ties to all of the pharameceutal companies, and he was recently suspected of carrying out illegal human trials of polio vax on indian girls without parental consent that resulted in over 526000 cases of paralysis. All covered up.
A few scientists that have spoken up anonymously have claimed to be working on projects for the occult elite. Not the cabal people speak of. I'm talking about organizations that Hitler himself answered to, and gathered religious artifacts for. These scientists were blackmailed with drug injections they had to take every 72 hours. If they spoke up, refused to work, or mostinsideously, gave up all their knowledge and completed their tasks, their injections didn't get renewed and they died rather unpleasantly.
(Long Spike)
"Much like how Covid kills." ???
Oh you mean that desease/virus that you claim does not exist?
Have a look in the mirror and wipe away those flecks of spittle.
(Old Spike)
It doesn't silly person. It was a facetious comparison, and you know that. Unless you're stupid. Funny how you're only around the same time daft is. You married to him, or just the same person?
(Long Spike)
I was just quoting your comment ( the clue is in the quotation marks"
(Old Spike)
So you are stupid.
(Old Spike)
Yep, we have to "wake up" and "inform" ourselves, right?
This confirms EXACTLY how far gone you are, buddy.
(Old Spike)
Irrecoverable, guess you'll just have to save yourself. Under the false spectrum I'll never be anything but far right. I'll certainly never move an inch left of center, and I will always resent and resist authority. You can take that to the bank.
(Site Moderator)
When you read stuff like 5G kill people on the internet do you ever stop and ask yourself; What actual hard evidence do I have to support these claims or am I just going with some conspiracy theory because it's more exciting and you feel special because you know "the secret"?
It's a simple process:
-Someone makes a claim
-You proceed to check if there actual evidence to support it. (not blog posts or news stories, actual peer revied papers)
-If not, Hell you might actually do some science yourself.
Find a 5G tower. Buy some pet rats, hamsters whats ever and a couple of cages.
One for control and one for keeping near a tower. See what happens. Even if it's a super uncontrolled test at least your doing something other than taking someone's word for it.
(Old Spike)
What do I need a hamster for, if birds were attacking them?
The problem with evidence is that it gets destroyed, smeared, and covered up by people the evidence hurts.
By that same logic. There is no evidence that covid 19 is a real contagion.
There is a mountain of evidence that the tests produce false positives.
There is a mountain of evidence that every expert has flipped flopped on their story, changed tracks, contradicted themselves and back tracked.
The vaccine is not peer reviewed, (Not that I would trust anything from the scientific community right now any way) and some nations like Israel are treating you like a second class citizen if you don't take it.
So if people are going to accuse my community of having no evidence they need to get their own house in order first.
I don't feel special for knowing a secret, I feel like I'm in a nightmare I can't wake from. The world is changing because of this, and not one of these changes benefits you or me. And we are not going to be "allowed" as a society to roll things back to 2019 if we don't like it.
(Site Moderator)
"The problem with evidence is that it gets destroyed, smeared, and covered up by people the evidence hurts"
You just claimed that 5G is causing the so-called pandemic. How did you come to the conclusion that THIS info isn't BS? Science papers smeared and covered up BUT this has to be true?
Ok, just present some evidence and I'm with you. Opinions and fear-mongering about new tech don't mean shit if you have nothing to back them up with.
I'm not even saying this can't be the case, I'm just questioning your logic or lack thereof.
People are so eager to believe everything they read on the internet when they are motivated by "resisting the authority" or questioning the "official story" that the truth becomes irrelevant. They think with their emotions, not with their heads.
Again, if someone makes a claim, search if there's actually some real evidence that backs it up.
If you can't find any credible sources, at least admit that you don't know. That way you keep an open mind and don't fall for every conspiracy out there.
(Old Spike)
Remember birds dying by the hundred of thousands with no cause?
Remember birds attacking 5g towers when they first went up?
Did you know that Wuhan was the first Chinese city to impliment 5G on a massive scale shortly before the out break.
Did you know that Covid fails the Koch standard for pathogen testing?
Does it strike you as suspicious that this virus has been used as an excuse to completely change society?
Peer reviews? What do you do if scientists are lying to you? Or refusing to peer review what matters?
WHO's largest paycheck comes from Gates. Who is also buying up large swaths of agricultural land in the U.S.
Go look up patent pending 060606. It's meant to control your life.
Cash is going to disappear. Not because it's dirty, but because daddy gov wants to watch and control every aspect of your life.
When people that are responsible for providing evidence arn't doing their job, then you need to look at how the world changes when you don't have that information. Especially if everything is being scaped on the back of a crises.
It is destroying every last shred of liberty we have left one thing at a time.
Since this supposed virus. Have we become more free or less free?
Safety is no longer a valid excuse to exchange freedom.
Go watch David Icke on his theories on this. He has been following the globalist authoritarian take over for decades. Everyone laughed at him. Yet it's all coming true.
(Long Spike)
david icke. the antisemetic who thinks some people are actually lizard people. he's your guy?
(Old Spike)
First, lizard men theories have nothing to do with what I have said.
If you discard information from one theory based on unrelated information from another theory from a source you are the fool. If you can't compartmentalize, then that is a sign of serious mental deficiency.
Not everything you have said or claimed in your whole life in public or private has been correct, but that does not mean everything you say is incorrect.
That depends on what you mean as antisemetic. There is a difference between blaming the entire jewish race for the worlds problems, and blaming a few corrupt jewish elites for some of the world's problems.
Every race has good and bad people. But you know that. Nice try.
(Long Spike)
say enough dumb shit and nobody will take you seriously. turning to god after believing in a stolen election and a coming civil war and i think it was wokeism is anti white. you might aswell be homeless ranting on the corner missing your front teeth.
(Old Spike)
Once they are done with me, they are coming for you. You won't be rewarded for being a "good citizen"
(Long Spike)
Oh, poor thing.
(Old Spike)
Why do you live in Spain?
(Long Spike)
When he said go watch David Icke, he did not mean that. He meant cut and paste some of his words and take the best meaning from that ( I know that will mean a load of cutting)
My stalker needs every bit of slack you can cut him?
(Old Spike)
Says, the person who is stalking me.
You love accusing people of your own behaviours don't you.
For how old you are, you are a terrible manipulator.
You never answered my question earlier which is, Are you married to daft, or the just the same person?
(Long Spike)
When did you stop beating your boyfriend?
(Old Spike)
Are you married to daft, or the just the same person?
(Long Spike)
When did you stop beating your boyfriend?
(Old Spike)
It's also the perception of scientists themselves. Not the ones you like but go figure?
(Old Spike)
Which are the ones "I don't like"? I don't think I EVER voiced a personal dislike towards any scientist.
(Old Spike)
I guess you don't consider Bret Weinstein to be a scientist then?
(Old Spike)
I explained this to you before: He took himself out of the peer review process rather than refining his research when his peers could not agree with him on various issues, thus his "research" stands alone and unchecked.
So he now only caters to his fanboys and girls who of course eagerly suck his shit up.
Real scientists don't usually don't use the sulking child approach.
(Old Spike)
Or his peers were wrong. There is that.
Science isn't competetive or dogmatic. Oh no, not this sacred perfect practice run by flawed humans that can't even figure out if you need one mask, 5, or none at all.
The reason they can't get their story straight is because they are constantly covering for liars.
They want the technacracy so bad they'll do anything to get it. What a great idea to have society run by science. What could possibly go wrong?
They are using the human race to test a vaccine that isn't even peer reviewed lol.
At the rate we are going if you count the atomic bombs, science will kill more than religion yet.
(Old Spike)
I guess you don't consider Bret Weinstein to be a scientist then? And Eric? And Heather? Jordan Peterson? How about Peter Boghossian and Helen Pluckrose? James LIndsey? I could continue listing academics and scientists that oppose your ideology and you can continue to describe them as not really scientists because they oppose your ideology, and especially oppose the intrusion of your ideology into the science you lyingly claim to respect.
This confirms EXACTLY how far gone you are, buddy.
(Long Spike)
Awwww bless you have now mastered the art of ctrl c and ctrl v. That combined with talkingout of your anal sphincter should set you up nicely.
(Old Spike)
I haven't at all said that he isn't a scientist. I said he excluded himself from the peer review process, making his "research" not necessariy but most probably flawed (also because of the reasons he did). As I am no expert in his field I cannot judge that, his peers could but he won't let them, which raises more questions about his conclusions being genuine.
Peterson is a psychologist and teaching professor at a university. Is he also a researcher, has he published any papers? Again, not my field of expertise so I would trust his research if he gets his peers to check it regardless of whether I agree with him or find his conclusions comforting or not....
Remember the suspicious observer guy, that wrote a book on all he sees "flawed" with the scientific community's conclusions on causes of climate change?
I would actually class him as a scientist as he published a paper on another topic, which I believe was well received, hence he knows how the process works so it was even more disappointing that he did not adhere to it but wrote a book for the fanboys and girls. So I am extremely suspicious of that as what he should have done is publish a paper for peer review and THEN write a book addressed at the laymen about it.
Again, I am by no means an expert in the field (he claims to be one in one part of it) so I may or may not find his conclusions viable but my opinion on the matter does not count, reading his book would be a waste of my time.
Before people try to push me into the "green nutter" drawer: Anyone who followed my posts here knows I am a petrol head, I most definitely DON'T WANT climate change to happen. I don't have kids and I don't believe I will be reborn so I don't have a REASON or AGENDA behind my opinion on it, I simply have to trust the decades of research and checking process on the matter.
Eric OTOH.....
(Old Spike)
Nothing you do or say can stop climate change from happening. It happens. Deal.
(sounds retarded)
As Shillary Clinton sits there laughing like the idiot, thats golden!
(Long Spike)
Being a religious nut does not mean you have to have had a humourectomy!
Only you have to believe the laws of nature have been suspended in your favour.
(Old Spike)
Would you offer as an example the position that a human adult female is any entity that identifies as a human adult female?
(Long Spike)
You have some very strange ideas! What you identify as is your own buisiness, please feel free not to share.
(Old Spike)
"Being a religious nut does not mean you have to have had a humourectomy!
Only you have to believe the laws of nature have been suspended in your favour. "
"Would you offer as an example the position that a human adult female is any entity that identifies as a human adult female?"
Doesn't answer the question, but appears to refer to wokeism as "very strange".
(Site Moderator)
If the earth was flat, cats would have knocked everything off it by now
(Long Spike)
I like the previous comment. Best in thread.