Unaired Fox News Interview


Raining Blood's picture

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skeptoid's picture

No one's pointing out the point in this interview where the person being interviewed completely and totally avoids the point that we are not living in the economy of the 50s and 60s. This is a point that Russell Brand raises repeatedly that this person refuses to acknowledge and it's the reason why the grandstanding point that he's trying to make falls flat in actual reality. The super rich can use philanthropic loopholes to avoid paying any higher tax burden that might be laid upon them. You gave your economy to China and your only solution to returning to the Glory Days of the 50s and 60s is to rest your economy back from China. There was a guy who said he was trying to do this but I can't remember his name now some former President does anyone know who that was?

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jdt73's picture

Oh, that guy you are talking about was a billionare, so everything he said is wrong, just like the smug dickwad said in this interview.

You can know everything about a person just by measuring thier wealth.

As soon as a person becomes a billionare, they are in fact in leauge with the devil.

And when you see a bum on the street living in a tent, you can be sure that your children would be safe left in thier care because they are the most honourable people to be found in the country due to thier lack of economic skill.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

not sure if its the same president i'm thinking of. is it the one thats gone bankrupt like, 6 times? the one that refuses to release his tax. the one whos 4 out of 5 kids are archor babies born from foreigner woman who along with their parents, have been given citenzenship. one was fast tracked. is it the one whos kids got caught stealing from a childrens charity? the one who talks american made but everything they sell have been made in a foreign country? is it that one?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

we can buy china if the rich pay 90 percent tax

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flynn's picture

Hello testing testing

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