Is it Biden's fault yet?

Dagambit's picture

Another possible surge of COVID-19 cases?

I forgot to add a disaster of an Administration so far. 


- Covid deaths are still climbing! 

- even more racist bans than Trump (including Brazil)

- Biden releases 108 illegal immigrants into Texas with confirmed covid cases. Illegals released 108 confirmed positive for Covid-19

- Biden's dog bite someone at the whitehouse after all the praise from the media on having a rescue, dog is now banned from the White House and is back in Deleware. 



Takes no questions after interviews and the press secretary refuses to wear her mask during interviews. (Biden's EO on ALL employees and vistors MUST wear a mask on FEDERAL GROUNDS) 

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Trevicahn's picture

I think you meant the percentage of Covid deaths are climbing (which isn't).  Because even one Covid death in the US makes the statement: "Covid deaths are still climbing!" true. 

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n0val33t's picture
front page

- Biden's dog bite someone at the whitehouse after all the praise from the media on having a rescue, dog is now banned from the White House and is back in Deleware.

ok.... moving on!

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