Principles vs. Doctrine/Dogma


norcimo5's picture

The center is alive and kicking.  And no, I didn't watch your video.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Unfortunately the karenoid has no idea what the "center" is, lol

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stokkebye's picture

Imagine a person walks up to you and calls you a dick without even knowing who they are or ever talking to them. I didnt watch your video you posted but you are WRONG and I am RIGHT! Is about the same. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You only need to watch some of beanyhat's videos to understand that WAY more likely than not he spews bullshit.


In a similar fashion one only needs to read very few of your comments to understand that you deserve the subtitle they gave you.

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skeptoid's picture

That subtitle was given to him by a former moderator that was revealed to be a charlatan trying to spread CCP propaganda on this site while also by the way allowing the sites SSL certificate to expire. You always point to some arbitrary or external label or appeal to authority to give your position relevance without realizing that both of those tactics are considered to be irrational in terms of a debate over what is correct or incorrect. All you are about is power and authority which is the usual thing for a hegelian. Whatever the state says you support because in the hegelian belief system of German idealism one should take all of their religious devotional instincts and apply them to whatever the state is trying to do. All that concerns you is making sure that you are on the side of the powerful which makes you disgusting from a Christian perspective.

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stokkebye's picture

Spot on! 


I dont mind the subtitle though, its funny. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you got the subtitle from one admin and another admin validated it. think it was your recommendation to shoot kangeroos that sealed the deal

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Nope, I read people's comments and make then decide how to react, that is why I don't reply to you all the time with "go back on your meds" because every now and then you don't appear to be insane (not in this comment though). Also your memory seems to be leaky (on this and other things), see sal's comment below. If admin wanted to remove the nickname they would, apparently they agree not to.

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