
stokkebye's picture

Borris didnt get permission from the ministry of truth! 


I was on jury duty last week and they had us watch a video about not being racist as a juror. the video was from the office of perception. No fucking joke! I cant find anything on it on the interwebs. The office of perception doesnt want their presence to be known i guess. 


Oh yeah, I got rejected becuase I was asked a follow up qeustion and I was spacing out and wasnt paying attention to what the prosecutor said. Too bad, it was a murder trial that was going to last about 2 weeks. I was hoping to get picked. The fucking judge said watch out for some loose wires on the ground and if you triped you;d be suing him and all I thought about was how the judge just lied becuase he has qaulified immunity and we wouldnt be able to sue, then they rambles on for about 2 hours talking about how we need to be fair and not racist and shit and I spaced out thinking about how the fucking judge lied. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, here is what happened:

Is this deliberate or a simple mistake by the aids thinking Boris finished his sentence? Would Biden want to cut off Boris in the middle of a sentence when he is actually AGREEING with him?

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stokkebye's picture

Did Borris say he was done? Did Borris OR Biden say "thank you all for coming, good bye"? No! The fucking staff just came in yelling for them to leave. Yet here you are, the bootlicker, thinking this is OK. You are a pathetic weak minded bootlicker. This shit is why we are in the shit we are in, where Biden can bomb and kill innocent children in another country and he just goes on vacation. You are a little bitch.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, hun, calm down.
Did I say it was ok? No, I said it may have been a mistake rather than deliberate.


Only thing I did was calling out the sensationalist and of course misleading title of the op's video....


But of course you as the prototype alt right snowflake go off shooting from the hip without having even tried to understand what I wrote.


So typical for you. Only excuse would be if you were drunk.


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Pdub's picture

I think I heard Biden whisper "interrupt" or "get em out" at 0:33-0:34 seconds.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Biden or "someone"? I can't hear anything but my hearing isn't as good as it was.

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