I'm with RLM - I'm not really understanding why so many people are so bunched up about it. I saw ep 3 and it wasn't bad. It's a new show - TNG was laughable when it began.
(4 votes)
I'm with RLM - I'm not really understanding why so many people are so bunched up about it. I saw ep 3 and it wasn't bad. It's a new show - TNG was laughable when it began.
(Old Spike)
it was different, and i was ok with that and enjoyed it.
(Short Spike)
Same here man, I was iffy on the first two, thought the 3rd was strong. The show doesn't seem to be trying to make some grand gender politics statement so why is this dipshit going on about it? I'm fairly indifferent to the finer nuances of the lore. As a criticism I'd allow that the whole Vulcan upbringing angle at the moment is confusing and I wonder what point it serves. If being Vulcan is relevant then nail down what that even means and then be deliberate in how you play around with it with your character development. Anyways, looking forward to next Sunday.
(Old Spike)
@thrasymacus personally i'm not bothered about her upbringing, it's gives me insight as to why she thinks and acts as she does, and that's all. i don't think there needs to be a point to it. i don't think anyone's race needs to be relevant to anything in particular, and really i hate it when shows make someone's race into some kind of deeper meaning. we were all brought up one way or another, and nobody is obliged to act in a way that suits the way they were raised. i guess it's the same reason i completely agree with your point about gender politics - they're not making a thing out if it and so we shouldn't be either, and that's just the way the show should be.
(Long Spike)
I like the show so far. Her journey to episode 3 was unexpected and I am glad they didn't ruin it in the trailers that I watched.
@sato - I agree with your whole statement. Although, I questioned how the vulcan neck pinch would work as a human since we don't have enough strength to really inflict the maximum "out time" or if it would work at all. The fact that the person she knocked out with it, came out of it quickly was cool imo.
hope there were no spoilers up there. Was trying to give anything away.