Gene Therapy for Color Blindness


theblackswordsman's picture
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It is currently the OPINION of the U.S. Supreme court that those who accept gene therapy are no longer considered human. Because you are changing your genome with the consentual intake of a patented product, you become the patented product itself. What will that mean for your human rights? Since you know, you are no longer human.


It's a shame really, because with kinder and more altruistic people financing this research this could be a golden age for medicine. *Shrugs*

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Raining Blood's picture

once you become homo superior laws no longer apply to you. once you've attained perfection, human rights might aswell be ants rights.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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If I wasn't laughing at you I'd be crying for you.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

the unvaxxed are just homos

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Pantysoaker's picture
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“It is time that free American citizens arise in their might and blot out the whole blood-poisoning business.” — J.M. Peebles, M.D., “Vaccination: A Menace to Personal Liberty”

Gloria MillerThe Johnson & Johnson Janssen COVID-19 vaccine (according to Johnson & Johnson) contains: polysorbate-80, sodium chloride, and ethanol.

Gloria Miller"The spike protein produced by the vaccine can result in abnormal clotting of blood or even death. The extent of all these risks will take years to evaluate." ~ Jacob Puliyel, M.D. (9/20/21)

Gloria Miller​"The Alliance for Human Research Protection has called the proposed studies on human volunteers in India, 'a vaccine experiment atrocity.'” ~ Jacob Puliyel, M.D. (paediatrician)

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skeptoid's picture

Wokeism is like a genetic virus that destroys colour blindness, but it happens in a context where the wokeist has the power to choose not to be evil. And yet they do so anyway.

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