Fauci & NIH not only funded the gain of function research that caused this worldwide pandemic, but they also spent $400,000 to torture puppies.
(6 votes)
Fauci & NIH not only funded the gain of function research that caused this worldwide pandemic, but they also spent $400,000 to torture puppies.
(sounds retarded)
Disney told me Fauci was a saint. This cannot be true!
(Old Spike)
The Anti-Christian thrust of the Hegelian ethic essentially makes it Satanic in nature. If he could do this to people, he would. The time will soon come when evil like Fauci will be freed completely to do its worst.
(sounds retarded)
Well, the next step to save Fauci is to make him a Pope! LOL. He'd fit right in at the Vatican.
(Old Spike)
Yes, yes he would.