Jimmy Dore Is Straight Up Lying For Money

sal9000's picture

Jimmy Dore Is Straight Up Lying For Money

he's also edited some more article headlines for his show. you know what you call jimmy dore fans? dore knobs

Average: 3.4 (5 votes)


danman's picture

political pundits trying to talk about vaccine science. yay.

dore was more right than the super lib, whatever his name is.

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Raining Blood's picture

remember the pundit that posted this?https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQYSte9U8AA_q2_.png

over 5 million dead

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danman's picture

yeah. Who woulda thought you were so shit at virus prevention eh?

29k in your country & you voted back in the PM

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

its missing the flags, dan loves the flags


i haven't updated in a bit

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danman's picture

here's some more current data for ya...

USA #1 again!

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

could you make a graph for people welded indoors or how about a graph for refusal to share data with WHO?

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danman's picture

keep sucking, you'll be okay

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

"we dont have to do anything, we have hindsight. all we have to do is wait. so in a year from now. if the virus goes sideways and kills millions, we'll be able to look back at you comparing to other virus that by that time, would have killed less. if millions die, we'll be able to look back at your comments like, its not a big deal. or an eye doctor shouldnt have made that statement... its all on you" -me its from https://www.spikednation.com/videos/h1n1-reporting-nov-2009


almost like i knew what i was talking about


at the beginning, you didn't think it was a big deal. 5 million dead in a year and 10 months


how was your time off? learn anything, learn from anything?

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danman's picture

you quoted yourself & drew a conclusion about what I thought about it.... hmmmm


I said in Feb/March 2020 that this is going to test our governments in 2 ways:
1 - how competent they are

2 - how much they give a shit about the people


how are we all looking?




this is a classic


...so we can get access to the country to help its people "



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

dore caters to an audience, he probably doesn't believe more than half of the shit he spouts

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Zeb's picture

who listens to Sam Seder? the fuck is this

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skeptoid's picture

This is what a family of Marcuse-style wokeists do to validate themselves. Sal knows that Jimmy Dore isn't a liar. Sal knows that the ideological doctrine he has devoted himself to requires him to lie on an almost continuous basis. He also knows that we know this about both Jimmy and himself, and yet he posts these videos anyway. It's, like, the way you show you are engaged in the practice of Marcuse-style wokeism. It gives you points, that sort of thing.


The MSNBC lady tells Raining Blood that Youtube pundits like Jimmy Dore are straight up lying for money. Raining Bood, sal9000's girlfriend, freaks out and starts cutting her arms. Sal9000 goes "Hey, babe, whoa whoa - what is it?" She tells sal what the MSNBC lady said. Sal calls his grandpa, Daft Cunt, and asks for advice. Daft Cunt finds a video for Raining Blood to watch that will calm her down. Then sal posts the video to Spiked, and aggressively defends it to validate Raining Blood's perceived trauma and recovery. It's just an aspect of what goes on here weekly, sometimes daily. The mental illness is never actually addressed.

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jdt73's picture

So danman returns to defend China.

No surprises.

It was no soo good without you danman why did you come back?

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danman's picture

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jdt73's picture

Go lick Maos dead nuts.

I guess you are actualy here to put the final nail in to the coffin of spiked nation.


Im going to stand back now and watch you burn it down.

Hasta la vista spikers!

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danman's picture

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jdt73's picture

As an adminstrator you should think about the common good of this site and extend your ban to life.

Did you get booted from too many sub redits and have to come slithering back here?

Actualy I dont care. You are here like the grim reaper, here to wind this disfuctonal forum into oblivion.

Your contribution is death.




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danman's picture

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jdt73's picture

But seriously ...

You should fuck off.

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danman's picture

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skeptoid's picture

His account says "site administrator" but that label can say anything. In fact when Dan had administrator powers one of the things he would do is abuse the labeling and put little insulting messages in for certain users he didn't like.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Stop feeding the troll. 

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danman's picture

feeeed meeeee

nom nom nom

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