Some of that fight choreography is damn impressive.
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Dude (Old Spike)
you have offended my family and you have offended the SHARLIN temple - not shaolin google used to bring up the results 16 years ago but not anymore..
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You are correct it is not shaolin. The mythology of Wing Chun actually has it that Wing Chun was founded by a woman who broke off of The Shaolin tradition.
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Dude (Old Spike)
And then she most have called her own temple Sharlin at some point...?
(Site Moderator)
Some of that fight choreography is damn impressive.
(Old Spike)
you have offended my family and you have offended the SHARLIN temple - not shaolin google used to bring up the results 16 years ago but not anymore..
(Old Spike)
You are correct it is not shaolin. The mythology of Wing Chun actually has it that Wing Chun was founded by a woman who broke off of The Shaolin tradition.
(Old Spike)
And then she most have called her own temple Sharlin at some point...?
Chinese and their copy's :)