Thats what the founding fathers of the USA said about the people too.
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bradlox (Long Spike)
Takes one to know one
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Dude (Old Spike)
Acctualy this guy is right, how many morons i have encountered in my life is uncountable, usualy it gets better with ageing
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Were any of the morons able to fly UFOs while astral projecting?
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Dude (Old Spike)
yes some of em are flying UFOs but i don't know about the astral projecting.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You are 100% full of shit or 100% insanely delusional. I'll believe you astral project and/or fly UFOs when you appear in my living room or hover outside my window. You don't need my address, right?
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Dude (Old Spike)
i don't know where you got the astral projection from, and the less you know the better, we don't respect you, i don't.
It is only for the successful and only after lvl 6 or so
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GKhan (Old Spike)
Yup, democracy only works if everyone is educated.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, osho is right. he has quite a large group of followers here who even bought him a farmhouse. I met him once in a DIY store of all places where he was accompanied by one of his followers (I think he is the head of the mallorcan sect) but I wasn't worthy of his acknowlegement so he just ignored me.
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danman (Site Administrator)
popularity contests are the way to go, what could possibly go wrong
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Needless_Kane (Old Spike)
Osho is versed in many things, including the most interesting word in the English language, "Fuck"
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I wish we didn't have keep repeating the phenomenon of the 20% who understand needing to rise up, YET AGAIN, and with great violence oppose those who say things like "The people are retarded - they need a dictator." AGAIN, we're going to have to do this. For fuck's sake - humanity deserves what's coming, that's for sure. Maybe this time we can finally get the Danmans and Daft Cunts of the world into a museum or a zoo, where they belong.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Yes putting ppl behind bars because they don't agree with your political or medical standpoints,....till they do it with you.
Ever wondered what happened to theblackswordsman he is probably laying in a hospital or worse.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You put people behind bars because they keep trying to hurt other people who just want to be left alone. Every once in a while, a whole bunch of people have to get together and tell an even greater number of people to stand by while this first bunch of people goes and finds a small bunch of a people who have become too dangerous with their power to continue weidling it and refuse to give it up, and so this first bunch of people have to straight up kill them. Not put them behind bars - there is very little "behind bars" in war, you fucking simpleton. You keep implying I don't know how serious things are - it's actually the opposite. You've been too busy astral projecting and flying UFOs to realize how serious things are - I guess all you have time left for is to watch MSNBC and CNN. '
I expect to see you hovering outside my window this evening, at around 10 pm Eastern Standard Time. If I see that, I'll call you right and stop warning about the bloody future just around the corner for all of us. ALL OF US WILL PARTICIPATE - hopefully the all caps drives the message home.
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Dude (Old Spike)
well it acctualy is doing the opposite, it is like talking to my woman on her period, where did i ever said i could project myself astral?
(sounds retarded)
Thats what the founding fathers of the USA said about the people too.
(Long Spike)
Takes one to know one
(Old Spike)
Acctualy this guy is right, how many morons i have encountered in my life is uncountable, usualy it gets better with ageing
(Old Spike)
Were any of the morons able to fly UFOs while astral projecting?
(Old Spike)
yes some of em are flying UFOs but i don't know about the astral projecting.
(Old Spike)
You are 100% full of shit or 100% insanely delusional. I'll believe you astral project and/or fly UFOs when you appear in my living room or hover outside my window. You don't need my address, right?
(Old Spike)
i don't know where you got the astral projection from, and the less you know the better, we don't respect you, i don't.
It is only for the successful and only after lvl 6 or so
(Old Spike)
Yup, democracy only works if everyone is educated.
(Old Spike)
lol, osho is right. he has quite a large group of followers here who even bought him a farmhouse. I met him once in a DIY store of all places where he was accompanied by one of his followers (I think he is the head of the mallorcan sect) but I wasn't worthy of his acknowlegement so he just ignored me.
(Site Administrator)
popularity contests are the way to go, what could possibly go wrong
(Old Spike)
Osho is versed in many things, including the most interesting word in the English language, "Fuck"
(Old Spike)
I wish we didn't have keep repeating the phenomenon of the 20% who understand needing to rise up, YET AGAIN, and with great violence oppose those who say things like "The people are retarded - they need a dictator." AGAIN, we're going to have to do this. For fuck's sake - humanity deserves what's coming, that's for sure. Maybe this time we can finally get the Danmans and Daft Cunts of the world into a museum or a zoo, where they belong.
(Old Spike)
Yes putting ppl behind bars because they don't agree with your political or medical standpoints,....till they do it with you.
Ever wondered what happened to theblackswordsman he is probably laying in a hospital or worse.
(Old Spike)
You put people behind bars because they keep trying to hurt other people who just want to be left alone. Every once in a while, a whole bunch of people have to get together and tell an even greater number of people to stand by while this first bunch of people goes and finds a small bunch of a people who have become too dangerous with their power to continue weidling it and refuse to give it up, and so this first bunch of people have to straight up kill them. Not put them behind bars - there is very little "behind bars" in war, you fucking simpleton. You keep implying I don't know how serious things are - it's actually the opposite. You've been too busy astral projecting and flying UFOs to realize how serious things are - I guess all you have time left for is to watch MSNBC and CNN. '
I expect to see you hovering outside my window this evening, at around 10 pm Eastern Standard Time. If I see that, I'll call you right and stop warning about the bloody future just around the corner for all of us. ALL OF US WILL PARTICIPATE - hopefully the all caps drives the message home.
(Old Spike)
well it acctualy is doing the opposite, it is like talking to my woman on her period, where did i ever said i could project myself astral?