Details on Shooter and Parents charged

stokkebye's picture

Breaking News: Michigan School Shooter Parents Charged Manslaughter - Now On The Run

You know what, I take what I said back. I was on the fence about charging the parents, wanted to wait for more details, heard some that flipped me over but now Im back on the fence. One reason is because the lawyers were arguing the gun was locked up. Now, just that in of itself doesn't sway me, of course everyone says they are innocent, BUT the DA does have to prove it, what evidence does she have that the gun was NOT locked up? This seems more like a knee jerk reaction. I thought the DA would have some concrete evidence the parents were culpable but this seems more like a he said she said sort of thing which should not be used to base a prosecution on. If someone steals your car and drives over someone does that make you culpable? What if you bought your kid a car right before their 16th B-day and they steal the keys, go joy ridding, and get into an accident, are the parents culpable? Oh but the kid was looking up car on the internet and looked up the price of gas! lol. Sorry but you should have more evidence of the crime before you start charging people. I was under the impression the parents gave the gun to the kid and he just had it in his room or something. But if they just bought it for him to use for hunting or target practice but they kept possession of it in their room, then the charges are bullshit. Now they are claiming it was locked up, yeah too little evidence to charge. Still think the parents are douchbags dumbfucks but that should not be a reason to charge them. There was a guy in my city that was sent to the mental hospital and the hospital rejected him, then the police brought him back home and he cut off the heads of his adoptive parents and his sister. No charges filed there! I wish people could be held to that kind of standard of duty but we dont have laws like that, otherwise the school should be charged as well.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

According to news reports the school did advise the parents. Mother allegedly texted the son not to get caught after they told her he was searching on his phone how to aquire ammo.

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stokkebye's picture

There you go again, showing your arrogance, not even watching the video but making ignorant comments. IN THE FUCKING VIDEO the prosecutor is giving accounts of events and talking about the evidence that the news then reports to you. According to news reports the school did advise the parents, derrrrrrpppp. The teacher and school officials failed to act, period. The parents are culpable, are fucking stupid, but so did the school. You have a student drawing about killing people and looking up ammo but they just let the kid go back to class. Reporters asked the DA about that and she ignores it. Govt protects govt.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I have never seen anyone spouting more premature judgement on literally any topic than you, not even babbletoid comes close.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I think it is fucked up, but if you give a nuke with a big red button to a kid at some point they might press it, so it is the parents fault.

On another note - what a cougar milf

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Suprise suprise , an institution that forces random people to all be in a big building together everyday , what could go wrong ? 

The only surprising thing is that people are surprised when it happens. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

i wanted to say he looks like a killer but the kid looks a bit like me, the rough lines i have a normal nose less mongoloid eyes but my eyebrows grow together to, roughly it is the same type 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

the mom penned a letter to trump in 2016

Dear Mr. Trump….

Dear President Elect, Mr. Trump. Feels funny to even be writing your name like that, but you made history on Tuesday. I’m not going to lie. I was scared shitless to circle your name on my ballot. I have been back and forth on whether to vote for you, or not vote at all. I struggled to make myself find a way to trust Hillary as a President. I could not. You see, I am an American Woman. I value the equality of the LGBT community, in fact, I hold that in really high regards. I am a feminist. I value womens rights and want to be alive when I see the first woman become President. But as an American Woman, with a 10 year old child I could not have that first woman be Hillary.
Up until the first debate, I was really trying to find a reason to vote for her. Pro-choice, yes, I am a believer in pro-choice, that a woman should have control over her body. That is something right? That was really the only thing that I could find to try to grasp onto as a reason to not vote for you.
The first debate, Mr. Trump you came out like a bucking Bronco, you fell flat. You pretty much sucked at debating. If it’s one thing those Clinton’s have, is the ability to speak in public. But I am also a woman, I have a very strong intuition and I personally have always learned to go with my gut feeling (thanks mom). Hillary started speaking, I listened, I looked at her eyes, her permanent, unchanging smile, her ability to show no emotion and it was then, my heart sank, my mind became clear and I knew, absolutely knew that her intentions were not true. Her promises are false. Her voice has an evil cold. Everything she has done, whether it was proven true or not to the public, I knew in the deepest of my gut that I could not let this woman have control over my son’s future.
Mr. Trump, I actually love that you are a bad public speaker because that showed sincerity, and humility. You changed your mind, and you said “so what”. You made the famous “grab them in the pussy” comment, did it offend me? No. I say things all the time that people take the wrong way, do I mean them, not always. Do I agree that you should of shown your tax returns? No. I don’t care what you do or maybe don’t pay in taxes, I think those are personal and if the Gov’t can lock someone up over $10,000 of unpaid taxes and you slipped on by, then that shows the corruption. I like that you have failed. I love it even more that those failures taught lessons and made you one of the most successful Business Men in my history. I love that you are not from the political spotlight, maybe you are the hope that can really uncover the politicians for what I believe they really are. I have high hopes you will shut down Big Pharma, make health care affordable for me and my MIDDLE CLASS family again. I hope you uncover the cure for cancer, because there is one, we all know it, but you are the one to prove it. I’m not scared of your big personality and quick temper. There is a whole house of representatives that still have to approve if you decide to get pissed at China and blow them up.
The Wall. The famous Wall. See Mr. Trump, I support that wall. I am not racist. In fact my grandfather came straight off the boat in Italy. Fought, struggled and had to prove his way to be an American Citizen. He went through the great depression, he then started a successful coil company here in MI where he employed other hard working Americans and paid them a good wage. I want every non-American that wants to live in this great country to have to go through the same process. I don’t even know where we went wrong with that, but if you want to be here, work here, live here damnit, fucking earn it and prove it.
As a female and a Realtor, thank you for allowing my right to bear arms. Allowing me to be protected if I show a home to someone with bad intentions. Thank you for respecting that Amendment.
Thank you for wanting to put our Veterans first. Why we send so much money overseas when we have so much help we need to provide here is beyond me.
You see Mr. Trump I can go on and on, in fact I used to think Democrat. I don’t believe in God and Im quite opposite of your typical “republican”.  But now I am 38 years old. I have a family. My husband and I both work full time jobs. I have watched our insurance premiums double. I cannot afford to buy into this Obamacare. For my family its over $600 a month with deductibles. We bust our ass Mr. Trump. I pay taxes, my husband pays his child support, I donate to charities.. We are good fucking Americans that cannot get ahead. And what makes me sick, is people that come over here from other countries and get free everything.
You see Mr. Trump, I need you to stop common core. My son struggles daily, and my teachers tell me they hate teaching it but the HAVE to. Their pay depends on these stupid fucking test scores.  I have to pay for a Tutor, why? Because I can’t figure out 4th grade math. I used to be good at math. I can’t afford a Tutor, in fact I sacrifice car insurance to make sure my son gets a good education and hopefully succeeds in life. My parents teach at a school where their kids come from illegal immigrant parents. Most of their parents are locked up. They don’t care about learning and threaten to kill my mom for caring about their grades. Do you realize Mr. Trump that they get free tutors, free tablets from our Government so they can succeed. Why cant my son get those things, do we as hard working Americans not deserve that too?
My husband suffered a stroke and a broken back and we were with just my income. Do you know how hard it is to support a family on only $40,000 a year? I couldn’t qualify for State Aid. I made to much.
Mr. Trump, this is why I voted for you. I see the change that we so desperately need. I see jobs coming back, people having to work for their handouts, money going to who really deserve it. Big Pharma taken down, Monsanto stop poisoning us. Jobs given back to our American workers. I believe YOU are the President who will make these things happen. I have NEVER had this much belief in one person, and you are it.
If this blog even makes it to your eyes…thank you. From the bottom of my heart.
Yours Truly,
A hard working Middle Class Law Abiding Citizen who is sick of getting fucked in the ass and would rather be grabbed by the pussy.
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danman's picture

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

thats harch :)

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stokkebye's picture

Hmmm, heard an argument about this: If the kid is being charged as an adult(responsible for own actions), how can the parents be charged for allowing a child access to the gun(child not responsible for actions)? 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I never thought I would say this: You have a valid point there.

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stokkebye's picture

I knew eventually you'd come to your senses.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, I don't expect you being reasonable and making thought through remarks to be a thing that lasts, don't worry.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Well actualy it is very easy the kid should not have had a gun it was enabled by the parents, but they trial him as an adult because he knew what he was doing. They want all of em because they are all guilty

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stokkebye's picture

When I heard they bought him a gun and charged them I was agreeing, BUT they "bought" him the gun but kept it, seemingly to let him use it when he wanted to go target practicing, just not on kids. I am about to buy my daughter a .22, she will learn how to shoot with it, and I will keep it my room(I have a lock on my door as I keep my other guns there as well). I grew up shooting with my dad, he always had the rifles in the basement and I had access to them. Different cultures Dude. The gun I am buying my daughter will be in my possesion until she is old enough but I will be saying it is hers, just like these parents. Think about it, parents buy their spawns cars BEFORE they turn old enough to drive, is that illegal? NO. Now what if the kid stole the keys and got into an accident, does that now make it illegal for the parents to buy a car for their kids? Nope. I am having seruios doubts about charging the parents now. The kid stole the gun from the dad. The dad didnt give it to him, like what the DA made it sound like he did. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

It is illegal to let guns unlocked for kids to take, the kid could not crack a safe, carelessness can be punished by law

It is common sense keep the gun's away from kids, they don't need them, neither does anyone outside of law inforcement, it has nothing to do with cultures.

And you say you will lock your bedroom door, i assume you don't have a YALE style lock on it, the old locks can be opened with a plastic comb try it.

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stokkebye's picture

HA, I used to break into locked rooms as a kid all the time, I know how to lock my shit up. My kid knows guns can hurt, they are not a toy, and if she touches them without my permission she will be in a lot of trouble, same when I was a kid!. She is pretty scared of most things anyway and not the type to snoop around. She's too afraid to shoot a gun as is, So, Im not concerned. I am more concerned about her emotional mother though. Fucking bitchs be crazy.  I got into A LOT of trouble as a kid, like juvie hall for 2 years, kicked out of every school i went to, spit on cops, etc... but one thing I knew was to respect guns and NEVER touch my dads guns or he'd fuckin kill me, lol. When I was 12 I robbed a house and stole a bunch of guns, me and my friends would shoot them off all the time. So its not like I wasnt fucking around with guns. But me and my friends went hunting with our dads and knew about gun safety, were raised on it. Culture DOES play a bigger role than you care to admit, would you go to a nation in Africa, or a Eastern European country, or a middle eastern country and start telling them they cant let their kids shoot guns till they are 18? When there is war? When they use it to hunt? Get it now? USA is NOT Europe! Different cultures buddy.  

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

if she touches your gun which is meant to be hers when she's of age and people die because of it, you'll be in a lot of trouble too

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stokkebye's picture

Wont happen.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i'm sure the crumbleys and every other parent of a school shooter said the same thing at one time


serisouly. you think your dad thought you would be stealing a bunch of guns from someone else? if we could go back in time to tell him that, he'd probably say "Wont happen"

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stokkebye's picture

Around 10-12 I almost died from alcohol poisonings, 3 days of pukin green bile, got ran over by a four wheeler had parts of scalp missing, brother found me laying in the bathtub with the shower on 2 days later tryin to heal, I started growing weed at 12, in the house. My dad didnt notice much of anything! LOL. Yeah, he'd say "wont happen" but it was because he didnt notice what I was doing(ignorance). Some people are in denial about their kids, these parents are in denial, the fuckin kid wrote some fucked up pictures, maybe he lied about it but a good parent can spot when their kids lie. Seemed like these parents were too busy trying to be this kids friend instead of being parents, could be why he did what he did, in a way. look at the fuckin letter she wrote to Trump, does that seem "normal"? There are way too many bad parents out there, and almost all are in denial, so yeah, most would say "wont happen".


Going through soo much shit in my childhood I can spot it a mile away before anything close to something like would happen with my kid. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I sure hope nothing bad happens, just be careful, accidents around every corner

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i kind of agree with you. they should charge the kid as adult and charge the parents as accomplices. you can lend someone a gun as long as you don't know their criminal history and mental state. if you do, you can't, they did

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Pantysoaker's picture
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Kyle Rittenhouse is way worse than this kid

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stokkebye's picture

I agree, gun was scarier!

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