Woman gets abused and snaps, killing the abuser, society sympathizes, a guy gets abused and snaps, MONSTER! LOL
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Look at this video very closely, it is very probably going to happen to you in the future. You are already in denial about so much shit and many (if not most) of your comments are incomprehensible already, this really, REALLY should be a wake up call for you.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
And a loser!
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
See, what I mean? You are making my point!
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
This guy snapped, killed his wife, hurt his daughter, facing life in prison, basically out of his mind, probably wants to kill himself. And you want to say that I am like this man, make light of it. And yet you cannot see how that makes you an incredible piece of shit? Again, the problem with stupid is they dont know they are stupid. Hint hint...
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
At least try to cpmprehend what people write before you reply that may make you look less retarded.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Oh oh, just read your other comment, "Please provide quotes of mine to that effect......"
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Yes, please feel free to quote me and prove your claim, with links please.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
You first.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
conversation that come from you are anicdotal. you're the person that stole guns. your the person whos been arrested on multiple occasions. your the one who doesn't want to be responsible for your underage child. jail for the rest of your life seems like the next logical step
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"Me first"
Boy is this kindergarden? Now I am used to conversations with you having to be dumbed down so you get it and your replies generally being vile and immature but this is the climax (up to now at least, please make an effort to top it)
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I was not the first one asking you to dig through months of comments to find a few that proves my point, that was you. "Please provide quotes of mine to that effect......". Dont want to dig through garbage? Me neither. Dont ask someone to do something you'd not do yourself! Apparently you were never taught lessons like that in Kindergarten, hence, that is why I treat you as if you are a kindergartener. Just like when I called you out for a being a loser who has played it safe your whole life, lived a boring life and now you are waving your cane at the young kids telling them to slow down. Hows that retirment workin out for ya? Not as great as you thought it'd be, huh. Misery loves company! I got a few more years till my daughter is older then Im hitting the road again. Maybe explore Canada. What are you going to be doing? Sitting in your room on your computer waving your cane at all the kids passing by having fun. I've came across many types like you doing construction work and clean outs, miserable old fucks who have done nothing with their lives, Played it safe, leading boring lives, and cant stand seeing others living the life they never did. You fit that bill!
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Well I can't do it myself as what you claimed is simply untrue. But to people like you accusing is good enough. I said it before you are the "prejudice champion" on here, after all, not even karenoid comes close.
You go travel as far as Canada if they let you and you can get there before your inevitable breakdown, good on you. You can rest assured though that I have seen more of the world than you ever will.
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TheWeirdo (cool)
I just came in from work and I see 9 comments on my post thinking that I really sparked a discussion here.
But no, it's stokkebye sounds retarded.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I'd really like to know exactly WHAT kind of "discussion" you thought this would entice?
Dude's having a mental breakdown, killed his fucking wife and is talkign non-sense. Did you expect people to make fun? Compare his knife to their dicks? What kind of conversation you'd expect from this?
Have some decency.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
wait, wait, if that's a tactical hunting knife i have a tactical dick.
(sounds retarded)
Woman gets abused and snaps, killing the abuser, society sympathizes, a guy gets abused and snaps, MONSTER! LOL
(Old Spike)
Look at this video very closely, it is very probably going to happen to you in the future. You are already in denial about so much shit and many (if not most) of your comments are incomprehensible already, this really, REALLY should be a wake up call for you.
(sounds retarded)
And a loser!
(Old Spike)
See, what I mean? You are making my point!
(sounds retarded)
This guy snapped, killed his wife, hurt his daughter, facing life in prison, basically out of his mind, probably wants to kill himself. And you want to say that I am like this man, make light of it. And yet you cannot see how that makes you an incredible piece of shit? Again, the problem with stupid is they dont know they are stupid. Hint hint...
(Old Spike)
At least try to cpmprehend what people write before you reply that may make you look less retarded.
(sounds retarded)
Oh oh, just read your other comment, "Please provide quotes of mine to that effect......"
(Old Spike)
Yes, please feel free to quote me and prove your claim, with links please.
(sounds retarded)
You first.
(Old Spike)
conversation that come from you are anicdotal. you're the person that stole guns. your the person whos been arrested on multiple occasions. your the one who doesn't want to be responsible for your underage child. jail for the rest of your life seems like the next logical step
(Old Spike)
"Me first"
Boy is this kindergarden? Now I am used to conversations with you having to be dumbed down so you get it and your replies generally being vile and immature but this is the climax (up to now at least, please make an effort to top it)
(sounds retarded)
I was not the first one asking you to dig through months of comments to find a few that proves my point, that was you. "Please provide quotes of mine to that effect......". Dont want to dig through garbage? Me neither. Dont ask someone to do something you'd not do yourself! Apparently you were never taught lessons like that in Kindergarten, hence, that is why I treat you as if you are a kindergartener. Just like when I called you out for a being a loser who has played it safe your whole life, lived a boring life and now you are waving your cane at the young kids telling them to slow down. Hows that retirment workin out for ya? Not as great as you thought it'd be, huh. Misery loves company! I got a few more years till my daughter is older then Im hitting the road again. Maybe explore Canada. What are you going to be doing? Sitting in your room on your computer waving your cane at all the kids passing by having fun. I've came across many types like you doing construction work and clean outs, miserable old fucks who have done nothing with their lives, Played it safe, leading boring lives, and cant stand seeing others living the life they never did. You fit that bill!
(Old Spike)
Well I can't do it myself as what you claimed is simply untrue. But to people like you accusing is good enough. I said it before you are the "prejudice champion" on here, after all, not even karenoid comes close.
You go travel as far as Canada if they let you and you can get there before your inevitable breakdown, good on you. You can rest assured though that I have seen more of the world than you ever will.
I just came in from work and I see 9 comments on my post thinking that I really sparked a discussion here.
But no, it's stokkebye sounds retarded.
(sounds retarded)
I'd really like to know exactly WHAT kind of "discussion" you thought this would entice?
Dude's having a mental breakdown, killed his fucking wife and is talkign non-sense. Did you expect people to make fun? Compare his knife to their dicks? What kind of conversation you'd expect from this?
Have some decency.
(Site Administrator)
wait, wait, if that's a tactical hunting knife i have a tactical dick.