Just more of the normal Fox bullshit but there is no question the lies and hypocrisy of the Fox talking heads are a threat to national security.......unless you are a brainwashed Fox cult follower. Then it's just facts and the hypocrisy isn't hypocrisy.
(4 votes)
(dumb cunt)
(dumb cunt)
(sounds retarded)
Stop trying to make this a thing. Its fucking dumb.
(sounds retarded)
(sounds retarded)
(Old Spike)
No one here watches FOX news, MonkeyMania.
(sounds retarded)
(sounds retarded)
(sounds retarded)
(sounds retarded)
(sounds retarded)
(Long Spike)
8 comments in 6 minutes. obviously you care.
(sounds retarded)
I had fun finding good gifs :)
(Site Administrator)
not surprising the US propaganda apparatus is sleazy, funny that cheney kicked them in the nuts tho