Airports and flights have become a complete shitshow. Avoid them if at all possible. The people in/on them are often the dregs of society.
(3 votes)
Airports and flights have become a complete shitshow. Avoid them if at all possible. The people in/on them are often the dregs of society.
(sounds retarded)
"Let em talk" "LET EM TALK"...guy says two words..."BLAH BLAH BLAH" yealling over hte guy...guy stops talking..."LET EM TALK LET EM TALK"...repeat ad infinitum.
(Old Spike)
You can take anyone off without an excuse because the plane is private property
(sounds retarded)
So why dont they kick off all Muslims!
(Old Spike)
Most ppl in the world are muslims.
Why not all ppl who own a gun?
(sounds retarded)
Most ppl in the world own a gun. 'Cept pussy's and cucked Nations.
(Old Spike)
It is also claimed that more than 5 per cent of families in Belgium possess a firearm, one of the highest numbers in Western Europe. even if it is 7 wich would be high, it is far from half the ppl, gun violence is almost none existent here and you call that cucked, we got our shit together far better then America
(Site Administrator)
it's a scientific fact that pulling a trigger makes your dick grow.
(Old Spike)
And your IQ rises significantly, when shooting targets, not even to talk about the benefits of shooting real ppl
(sounds retarded)
Have you ever fired a gun?
(Old Spike)
What difference does it make?