the good is the problem

sal9000's picture

the good is the problem

it sums up the interview pretty good

Average: 4 (4 votes)


skeptoid's picture

An intelligent person would just watch the interview.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

thats dangerous thinking. tim pool makes like a third of his living off of reading news articles

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skeptoid's picture

Dumb people are often convinced that thinking for themselves is dangerous. In fact it's a major theme of this latest video from Tim Pool detailing how idiots like you come to be so destructive:

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stokkebye's picture

File:An Illustration of The Allegory of the Cave, from Plato's Republic.jpg  - Wikimedia Commons

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i don't see how i'm destructive. nobody that listens to what i say has stormed a capitol building. the guy that got 4 years listened to pool and rubin


the guy that went on a shooting spree in colorado a day or two ago listened to and met jordan peterson and/or dave rubin


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stokkebye's picture

Pin by Tomatosouping on 1980 | Mark david chapman, Catcher in the rye,  Holden caulfield

Why Should I Believe the Bible?

Astronomy in the Quran | The Review of Religions

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skeptoid's picture

I have to know - do you understand how what you just wrote is evidence of your deep, deep stupidity? Like, do you know that what you wrote is clownishly wrong, or are you so subsumed into this religion and/or just so plain dumb that you actually think what you wrote  and presented makes some kind of point?


Not destructive? Lying like that is so very comfortable for you, isn't it? Amazing. At least, that's what I tend to conclude about you - that you are aware of how destructive you are but understand that destructive clownishness is an operating principle of your religion. But you claim not to have any notion that what you follow is a religion - you claim not to know who Marcuse is, or Hegel, etc. But you act EXACTLY as Marcuse instructs worshippers of the religion to act. You and the millions like you walking around with parrots sticking out of your asses, advocating fascist policies, burning down cities, demonizing anyone who won't blindly and unthinkingly obey fascist government dictates relayed by the party-line channels you watch for instruction regarding what to think and how to act.


You proudly proclaim that you only consume content through specific ideological filters, never sampling the source material yourself and for SOME reason this doesn't cause you to think of yourself as a hapless weakling. How can that be? I mean, what combination of events and decisions produces a proud-to-be-stupid clown like you? 


I think you tell yourself that if you watch the source material you'll be somehow infected by a desire to go on a killing spree - is that right? Perhaps you should go and see a doctor?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you watch a guy that reads edited news articles. you listen to a guy on multiple ocassions, tell you he invented mrna vaccines, you followed a guy that told you the elections were stolen and anyone else that would repeat it. in this reality of yours, i'm the liar

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skeptoid's picture

All three of your statements are incorrect to varying degrees. I watch a whole shitload of different podcasts and YouTube channels and news channels and among those one of them is Jimmy Dore. No guy ever told me on multiple occasions that he invented the MRNA vaccine. He invented the technology they used for the MRNA vaccine but you wouldn't understand any of the minutia because you're again, remember, proud to be stupid. And as for the election claim I don't even know who you're referring to. Who was saying that the election was stolen and that I followed this person and repeated their claims without question? Finally even if all three of the things you said were true you still wouldn't be making a point. Do you understand that? The question with you always resolves the same: are you authentically retarded or are you just acting like a dumb clown because of your girlfriend and your religion?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras you've called that guy the inventor of mrna vaccines multiple times. here's a quote "You still haven't watched the mRNA vaccine inventor talk for 45 minutes..." did tim pool, project veritas, tucker carlson, jimmy dore and a bunch other others not echo trumps election lies. are these not the people you listen to? i know you said you don't watch tucker carlson but you also posted a video of his a few weeks ago. you're a joke

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skeptoid's picture

No, you are claiming that this guy told me he invented the vaccine. He did not - he invented mRNA technology and the technique, without which an mRNA vaccine would not be possible. I've clarified this on numerous occassions. It's very relevant because the technology these new vaccines are based on, the tech he invented, means they work differently than previous vaccines, a fact you've indicated you understand. As far as I'm concerned, the inventor of an enabling technology deserves as much credit as whatever profiteers invent off his coattails.


You want to haggle on this minute detail? What do you think you accomplish or win by doing that? Why wouldn't you want to know what the guy who invented this novel technology we're all trying out en mass for the first time in a very novel context would have to say? Why would you work HARD to make sure no one listens to what he has to say? 


No don't watch Tucker Carlson - SAL I don't watch like one news channel every night on cable like some fucking retard, okay? I watch YouTube motherfucker. YouTube. For fuck sakes. And no, none of those personalities "echoed Trump's lies" about the election. Tim Pool concluded that there was fraud but Biden would have won without it - I agree with that. Having seen how the population has responded to the second wave fascist implementation (post-9/11 being the first) I think that assessment is correct. We have a lot of soft, stupid, dangerous folk who were happy to play their video games and watch their shows but all you have to do is initiate pavlov and a bit of Goebbels and something like 35% of the population will respond as you have, about 35% will object but be too afraid to speak out and will just go along, and about 30% are actively speaking out. That's actually encouraging for the hope that we can escape this mass formation psychosis without too much death and suffering - the 30%. History shows that once that 30% is silenced the atrocities begin - you dedicate every moment of your life, it would seem, to silencing that 30%. You are the actual Nazi you watched your mentally unstable girlfriend flippently call others for four years - you are that thing.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

so if you say "You still haven't watched the mRNA vaccine inventor talk for 45 minutes" knowing he didn't invent the vaccine. wouldnt that make you a liar?


all you do is listen to liars and make excuses for them. a good portion of the people here would be ok with someone deleting your comments

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skeptoid's picture

Wow, you are bent aren't you? He invented mRNA tech - the linchpin this entire thing is based on. He made it possible. Would you be happy with "enabler"? The mRNA vaccine enabler just doesn't seem to work for me.  I consider him the inventor of the vaccine - the primary authority to speak on how that technology works, a technology that you have promoted, but you don't want to listen to what he has to say? I also admire Elon Musk and I know inventor types and entrepreneurs are the enemy to middlings like you who follow your particular religion. 


Oh, I KNOW your family and friends would love to have my comments deleted from this site. You've slipped up by telling me that, though, because I thought I was the obsessed needy one. I'm not going anywhere and would appreciate if you and your fascist family and friends would take your child-abusing, satanic fascist selves off this site for good. Stop the fraud, stop the abuse, stop trying to doxx people over and over, just get the fuck out of here. It never belonged to you and your sick family with it's sick history and connections. Get the fuck out of here, sal.


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

his twitter before it was taken down

Robert W Malone, MD
Robert W Malone, MD

Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug, Vaccines and biologics consulting.


he says he invented it, you've said he's invented it but you've also said he didn't invent it. have you tried lying more?

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skeptoid's picture

I'm trying to accomodate you - your way of thinking. I'm trying to communicate with you but lol all you know how to do is attack and accuse as per your religion. I just said it sal - I agree with him. If you don't agree with him, I'm fine with that. LOL it's the fact that you call me a liar because you don't agree with me or the guy who invented the fucking vaccine you are advocating.....sorry had to pause to are so ridiculous....


Everyone is a liar, sal - they are all out to get you and your girlfriend. I'm one of millions trying to trick you into watching an interview and THEN watching what someone else wants you to take away from the interview and seeing if you actually agree. I'm one of those people, yes. For fuck sakes you would be hilarious if you weren't so destructive, but unfortunately I can't laugh too much at a machete-wielding clown.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you've been calling people liars, they ask for an example of it. you provide none, thats been an ongoing thing for a few months. i called you a liar and gave you examples. we are not the same

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skeptoid's picture

You talking about Granpa Daft Cunt? LOL your family is fucked up dude. Ramble ramble sal - you can run from the point but it will not release you. You tell people to let others do their thinking for them - look what it's done for you. You're too afraid to use your own mind - coward.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you've mentioned me lying atleast 3 times in the last few weeks but with no real example of it. just broad strokes like all the buzzword labels you use, they don't really have any substance behind them. i would also tell people to skip you're posts and skim read your comments. they can also save time by talking at you instead of talking with you

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skeptoid's picture

All you do, as per your religion, is talk at people. That's all there is - it's an absolutist religious belief system, idiot. Broad strokes - yes your religion teaches constant lying to even a clownish degree, and you obey. Funny that you didn't "talk at me" with this exchange. If you are genuinely fooled and believe the crap you repeat here, then you are an example of a weaponized rube. If you know that the propaganda you spew is false and serves the disingenuous and foolish interests of the precursors to the modern equivalent of a Hitler or Stalin, and know that you are set against those who would prevent such a thing like the diverse set of media sources I watch and recommend (the only thing they have in common is that they call out wokeism for what it is), then you're a piece of shit. 


Now did you read that whole thing or did you just skim it, child? I told you I know who you are - I've met you many times. You're a dime a dozen, sal, and we both know it. You want to make a world where a middling dimwit like you can be powerful and stomp on others like you think you've been stomped on. You're sick, and you're sad. You know what you should do, right? Because I'm done holding out any hope for you. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

skimmed, just more nonspecific buzzwords

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

just checked. they want you to pay for the entire thing.

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skeptoid's picture


About 40 minutes worth of 10 minute clips of various subjects.

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danman's picture

reactionary grifter showdown

how exciting

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