From Japan to the NFL, the Joe Rogan treatment is actually beating COVID. It's becoming more than apparent that the real mortal danger are the idiots watching CNN and MSNBC and believing everything without question and obeying dictates without question. It's this same type throughout history that manifests again and again to keep us from being safe and living peaceful lives. So suggestible, so easy to manipulate - and millions die.
7:00 - 8:15 sums up 2021 perfectly.
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
" the Joe Rogan treatment " :D .... have a great new year my lil' favorit retarded buddy
(Old Spike)
And a heatfelt fuck you to you and your clownishly foolish, child-abusing loved ones.
Oh, and by the way my favorite oblivious little fascist clown - calling it the Joe Rogan treatment is excellent marketing. You and your proudly ignorant, suggestible friends were always going to ridicule anything other than the establishment treatment, as instructed. So as the rest of the world actually tries to beat this thing in spite of you and your genuinely retarded cohorts, calling it by its most recognizable proponent is right on the money. You're one of the manipulated so it goes over your head, lil' retarded hegelian mouse that you are.
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
buddy why is there so much hate in your christian soul :D?
(Old Spike)
Do you feel hated?
(Old Spike)
OJ recommends use of tight leather gloves that shrink after being exposed to humudity when killing your wife so you get away with it, that is advice that at least works (to a certain extent).