Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol

TheWeirdo's picture

Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol | Visual Investigations

I don't know if this have been posted here before.

Sure I've seen clips and bits about the Capitol assault, but never in its whole context like this vidoe does.

For the last few month, I've been seeing a bunch of local news clips form all over the U.S. on my Youtube feed, about a bunch of theses guys getting jail time for participating in this, lol.

They're all getting caught.

Average: 4 (4 votes)


stokkebye's picture

Imagine if people had the balls to do that during the Bush years! In protest of the Iraq war. Imagine if the occupy movement had the balls to do that during the bank bailouts of the Obama years? Occupy Congress!!! Imagine if BLM did that during the Trump years? During the Biden year? Would you support them then? Or are you too loyal to the government? Would you have been a loyalist during the Revolutionary war? What would it take to get you to storm the capital? Would you have dared to stand up to the Nazis if you were a German citizen? Or would you be out there saluting Hitler too? How immoral or corrupt does a government have to be before you get the balls to stand up? Where when and for what do you draw a line in the sand? Or would you not dare? Your life is too precious right? Too insignificant to make a stand, to speak up. Safer to go with the herd, to blend in, not single yourself out. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

all those groups would have valid reason to occupy congress. none of their reasons would be because the person they voted for, lost by 7 million votes. imagine where you would be today if you had finished high school

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stokkebye's picture

Right, YOUR side is the correct answer. You are the righteous one, the other side is simply wrong and have zero grievances. People who think the election was rigged are just stupid because the media told you so, right? Because the courts wouldnt hear about it, right? So easily manipulated you are. So gullible.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

yes, yes, yes and yes. yes and not because the media told me. no, not only because the courts wouldn't hear about it but because none of their cases were based in reality. texas audit finished yesterday, they found nothing, georgia audit finished a few days ago, they found nothing and georgia was the one where trump said 5k dead people voted, they found 4

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stokkebye's picture

How gullible you are. Do you also believe the police whenever they "investigate" themselves for wrongdoing? Wow! 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

not gulible at all. remember how you said your parents were dead by posting a gif of ghosts playing ping pong over a gravestone and i was like, "no their not". and then last week you said your dad was alive. between the two of us. only one of us was saying last year how biden was going to be obama 2.0, bombs and bailouts. only one of us was riding the election lie. only one us was making covid out to be like the flu. i'd ask how gulible you are but i think i can skip that and just ask if you like to buy some magic beans

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skeptoid's picture

Did you just say those who opposed the Iraq war would have a valid reason to occupy congress in the way that was attempted on Jan. 6th 2021? So you'd say that the people who were there who were upset over having been fooled into supporting the Iraq war (there were quite a few - probably a majority) were justified? If so, then you're really just complaining about the antifa and a few nutjobs and not even concerned about the bulk of the people who occupied the capitol.

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Boomshackalacka's picture

I posted it when it first came out but it needs to be posted regularly. Just watched it again and it's incredible. People who try to downplay it are enemies of this country.

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stokkebye's picture

Wow, you really love the taste of leather dont you? 

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skeptoid's picture

People who say that people who recount what happened on Jan. 6th factually and accurately are enemies of the US are enemies of the US. Treat them accordingly.

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