james linsday on dr phil

sal9000's picture

James Lindsay demolish Critical Race Theory on Dr. Phil

people have been making fun of him, saying it looked like he was about to cry and that they sat him out in the audience

Average: 3 (2 votes)


skeptoid's picture

Great post Sal! Since you're a fan:



You know Sal it's strange - within 5-10 minutes of you posting a video it often has 40 or more views. Sal, do you or does someone else sit there and click in and out of the posting to boost the view count? Be honest, Sal.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

it's a guilty pleasure of mine to watch people who have issues upstairs




if anyone is doing anything, its definately not me, maybe you should ask an admin. could be someone doing it, could be someone with a shitty internet connection. could also be less people clicking your stuff

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skeptoid's picture

So you mirror gaze, do you? Good to know. If anyone is doing anything - got it. 

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danman's picture

he seemed panicked & made poor arguments IMO

"they don't explain why [some obscure stuff that doesn't sound relevant at all]"

maybe someone can explain what he did to "demolish crt"?

mentioning that it's related to Marxism? implying there's a conspiracy at play?

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skeptoid's picture

An investigation of school board finances via FOIA has revealed over 250 contracts at numbers like $250,000 to incept CRT (with it called out explicitly in the contracts) at schools across the US.

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danman's picture

I can't find any info about this. Only found this FOIA request which appears to be still in the works


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skeptoid's picture


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