Dark Tower Full Movie


skeptoid's picture

I'm scared to hit play. Napalm you hit play first.

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beer420's picture

ugh, I saw this the other day. I grew up on the dark tower series, read each book as they were released up til song of susannah. Not sure why I stopped reading them, think I just lost interest the books were taking so damn long. But all of them were so damn good. And then this movie....wtf was this? Why would they even associate this with the dark tower series? Only the names stayed the same and that's about it. So confusing to see this bad of a decision made, even in hollywood.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

it's not the book.









the books happen. roland walks up the stairs and comes to a door with his name on it. he gets sucked into and finds himself and the begining. walking thru the desert after the man in black but this time he has the horn of eld where as the initial time he was chasing after him he didnt have the horn. with the movie he has the horn.... so its not the books, its after the books.

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Maxpower's picture

Still not worthy of being in the same universe as the books.


I think they should burn this, forget it was ever made, and get HBO to make a series of it. It could be the next Game of Thrones if it was treated with respect instead of just cherrypicking a few names and concepts like the movie did.

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thrasymacus's picture

Great books and stories don't always make great screenplays.  Every book in the series is a  different, some are horror, some sci fi/fantasy.  The Song of Susannah is a tragedy.  The first book, arguably the most difficult to adapt to the screen, is kind of a meditation, kinda psychadelic.  And it could afford to be mysterious because later books would explain things and build the world up.  But how do you make that into a movie without confusing everybody?


I'd say the Song of Susanah would make for the most satisfying one off story.  Lots of stuff happens, great villains, the three young gunslingers all change, quarrel and make up in a believable way.  Just a great story with a a great show down at the end.

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