Novax Djocovid deported


jdt73's picture

How stuningly ignorant the Australian government is.

Prior infection of the live covid virus has proven to give a more robust imunity than the vaccines.

That is just a fact. The other fact is that most governments response to the pandemic has been purely political with very little based on science and Australia is right up there in that regard.

Politicians are garnering the support amongst the frightened and woefully ignorant populus by playing the scapegoat card. This is the same tactic used by Adolf Hitler to unite his people against the Jews.

Smarmy fart sniffers all over the world are celebrating the moronic leadership as it strips away ther human rights, so long as they are allowed more right than others who aproach the pandemic with appropriate caution.

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danman's picture

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Antivaxxers are so pathetic, it is undescribeable.

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jdt73's picture

Unfortunatley the comparison of todays scapegoating with Hitler solidifying his base in the 1930's is relevant. You mocking it just demonstrates how you would have alligned yourself in Germany in the 1930's.

Bravo for you.

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danman's picture

this u bro?


kinda fashy shit imho.. 1930s germany indeed.

try not to piss your pants when you go on your little tirades there jd.


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jdt73's picture

Absolutey that was me bro.

Its even got my handel on it bro.

Thats the time I correctly called you out for being what you are:

An authoritarian boot licker.


Good times.


Oh Hang on; are you trying to insinuate that people who hate authoritarianism along with all the complicit bootlickers are some how scapegoating those poor little tyrants?


Go on then....


This is going to be a classic!

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skeptoid's picture

That's right - if you ever wondered what you would have done in Germany in the 1930s, the answer is whatever it is you're doing today. People are calling themselves out left and right, and what they don't seem to understand is that when wokeists use the term Nazi most of them know it's just hyperbolic perception manipulation, but when regular folks use the term we actually mean it. Really. People aren't thinking that through.

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danman's picture

You & jd would woulda jumped on the anti-Bolshevic hype train, as soon as there was no physical danger in doing it. Nazi propaganda woulda had you by the balls from the jump.

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jdt73's picture

I would like to think most likely not, due to my disposition to talking about my views with people who I dont agree with and having set true north on my moral compass I am less prone to being lost in the mob madness. I'm not one to run with the crowd and never afraid of being on the less popular side of a debate.


Yeah, you got that one wrong but it wasnt about being right was it?

When you got nothing just make something up right?


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danman's picture

>my disposition to talking about my views with people who I dont agree with... I am less prone to being lost in the mob madness

you've been trying to brigade me with petty harassment based simply because we see things differently re:China

This isn't the behaviour of the free thinker you describe yourself as jd.

Nor is it "talking about my views with people who I dont agree with".

It was a sorry attempt at cyber-bullying tbph, you even took to stalking my reddit & spamming the pfp on my posts here. I dgaf & don't hold it against you but if you're gonna accuse people of acting like Nazis, look in the mirror, maybe change channel when Sky News comes on because they're not far off Nazi propaganda with some of their shit.


It's not 1930s Germany every time the government enforces a policy that a minority of people don't like or even refuse to obey. I agree it's pretty sketchy to punish people who don't wanna take the vaccine but our governments are quite shit & they only have so many tools to work with. They want to boost vaccine rates but are trusted by less than 60% of the population. Asking nicely doesn't work on everyone.

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jdt73's picture

And the thread has devolved to this.

So far you have made no intellegent points that have given me pause to consider.

All you have offered up is 100% trolling.

Disapointed but not surprised.

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danman's picture

well I just finished editing it, it's probably changed, read again.

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jdt73's picture

Wow! Resembles a conversation!


Yeah I can admit I let myself down in the way I talked to you.

It has been back and fourth but thats not a good excuse.

Im sure it wont be the last time either. You troll and get trolled, thats how it goes.


As far as stalking and spaming goes I realy have no idea what you are talking about.

Almost never go on redit and not interesested in following you anywhere. If you think I spend any more time on you that I do on this site, I'm living rent free in your head.


You think the comparisons to Nazis and 1930s Germany are over used and I can agree with that, but there a clear and alarming signs that Governments are leveraging the pandemic to bring in authoritarian rule. A lot of the laws, health orders and media coverage have been designed to create an unrational and unscientific fear and now we are seeing punishments being delt out to anyone who hasn't given up thier right to make thier own choices for thier health.

I beleive it is a healthy society that is sceptical of the government.

Bombarding people with propaganda to atrificialy crank up the threat level removes the ability for most people to make informed decisions.


Im not 'crying wolf' I'm saying 'Danger! This is where the wolves live'.

Any good government would see the history lesson and avoid at all costs ever going back there but this is not what we are seeing.




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danman's picture

Media hyping whatever they can for clicks & political agenda different to what the govt's been doing. The health crisis was been politicized by all sorts of groups, which is always a dumb idea.


The Aus govt has been doing some authoritarian shit & steam rolling people who don't wanna play ball. I agree it's kinda shit & the fines in Aus for non-compliance are over the top. It's been mishandled by all our govts in various ways. NZ society was getting all partisan in late 2021 just after the PM openly admitted we're heading towards a kind of vaccine apartheid system (by design!), coupled with the rising cases which were freaking people out since health system is already under stress with long wait times caused by the pandemic.


NZ PM lost about 15% popularity from her authoritarian approach in that period & the next election might actually be close now. Omicron is fucking shit up everywhere but here though so NZ's more cautious/strict approach means we can live relatively normal lives again so that might save her. A lot of luck involved because we're pretty casual about it all & have made loads of mistakes on the frontlines in quarantines & stuff.


Probably the hype in Aus will die down again soon when this wave is over. UK had massive spike from Omicron but now it's shooting down. Personally I don't think it's the end of the world to wear a mask in shops or even to take the vaccine, it's safer than a lot of shit we do on a daily basis from what I've seen. The only "punishment" I can think of for anti-vaxxers that I might be okay with is making them pay their own hospital bill if they get sick from it & potentially putting them at the back of the queue if the hospital space is limited. That's a can of worms though & unrealistic in a country like NZ.


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jdt73's picture

What if...

The science said that if you catch omicron most people would not even know they had it. what if trying to shut out omicron woukd expose more people to the deadlier delta variant.

What would a politcian do?


Do we need more expreimental vaccines to stave of a virus (omicron) that is less leathal than catching the common cold?


The 'threat' is that we keep doing the same thing and dont adapt to the latest information and science on a virus that has been heavily scrutinised for the past 2 years. Governments observe correctly, that  most people are stunted in critical thought. So they pander to the dumb mob.

Usually this swings both left then right in cycles

but never to far fom the center. The situation now is no longer ballanced and that is causing political friction  resulting in a political supremacist feed back loop on both sides.

The further the left pushes out to the left and calls innocent bystanders bigots and racists etc. for no other reason but the color thier skin or thier sex for example


Obviously there is a bit more going on than one of the least leathal pandemics in recorded history.








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danman's picture

>Do we need more expreimental vaccines to stave of a virus (omicron) that is less leathal than catching the common cold?

Yeah if we don't want the health system to collapse we might. Not sure about omicron but it's possible we'll see another variant that could be more like delta.


I'd say the usual agendas are at play

it's not like big pharma was some wholesome industry before this but no country has come up with a magic bullet vaccine/pill so we just have to make the most of what we have

If the govt's emergency measures are just temporary then I'd say just suck it up & ride it out. This should be the last year of bullshit with any luck. Aussie case count of this wave has already peaked by the looks.


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jdt73's picture

I think we can agree that we hope this is not how its going to be from here on in.


Its been good to finally talk with you.

You have engaged my thoughts and changed my mind about how I view you.

There is common ground and things to learn from oneanother.


Lets say omicron is going to lead to a highly transmissable and deadlier variant.

Not how viruses tend to evolve but sure its posible.

Wouldnt you be better inoculated against an omicron variant if you had been exposed to the mild version first?

Im no scientist but give me omicron before that happens. Its a live vaccine imho.

You dont get any better than a live vaccine.

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danman's picture

oh fuck I just realized it wasn't you who was spamming my reddit shit, my bad.

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jdt73's picture

No probs

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sato's picture

all completely true. aus started so well, paid lockdown that was legit short, less than a month. no masks no tracking no vaccines no BS. got down to zero cases and restrictions were lifted, life went back to normal. then rules were changed and people returning from overseas brought the virus, more rules got changed, and things went to shit.


that said it was still wrong to lie on the visa application.

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Pdub's picture

Another psy-op.

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