Pretty clear evidence in both of these vids showing that YouTube's strike on one of his old videos had the desired Pavlovian effect and he's gone woke to pander to the fascists. His channel is rapidly bleeding subs as a result so he's started a new channel to start fresh as a wokeism apologist. What a sad case, but do you see how it works? This is how it was done in Germany as well. I wish they would wake up to the fact that they are actual fascists. The wokeist priests even say that their religion takes the best parts of Fascism and Communism to produce the final, actionable form of Hegelianism. They actually say that - why are they forcing us into war?
(5 votes)
(Short Spike)
cue Daftcunt to say: "That's not fascism because fascism is right wing" and "Hitler was right wing" and "That's not real communism/marxism/socialism/ism-ism because it's never really been tried (no true scotsman)" and "HAHAHAHAH you're so stupid".
(Old Spike)
See below - when he knows he's got nothing he posts a GIF like that.
(Site Administrator)
Nazi Germany had youtube entertainers who gamed the system for maximum return.
You heard it here first.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
This is getting more hillarious by the minute and of course the tards (headed by the tardtoid) don't get it.
A youtuber deletes some of his own videos and is a "nazi" for it? Yeah, right!
Is this guy a government? No? Get the fuck out of here!
You are just miffed because you feel one of your prophets was "wronged".
(Old Spike)
Is "Nazi" your synonym for fascist? Do you consider those who comply with fascists out of fear to also be fascists?
As usual, you've missed the point entirely. But you didn't watch either of the vids - you're just hanging your assflap out, again as usual, framing the issue in a way you think is clever but which only reveals how absurdly incapable of thought you truly are. Can you comment some more on the issue for us?
(Old Spike)
Sorry you post this shit because you are the typical karen. end of story
(Old Spike)
Oh we all know that you're sorry*that I post this content - that's why you and three others 1-star every post I make. LOL what a tard.
Are you sure it's the end of story though? Or would you like to lie some more like you did here: