they provide lodgings for family so they don't have to travel. they'll host your entire family along with multiple families. you share a communal area. they provide you food and if your situation is bad enough, people will pay for your stay. this couple has a 4 year old going through lukemia. their not vaccinated but want to put everyone else at risk
(4 votes)
(sounds retarded)
" their not vaccinated but want to put everyone else at risk"
False. The vax does not prevent you from catching the virus and/or spreading it. Almost %50 of hospitalizations are vaxxed now. So, the only argument left is that they are choosing to put themselves at risk, %50 risk compared to vaxed people.
(Short Spike)
I was going to say something, but noticed it's in Canada.
So ramble on and...
(sounds retarded)
It is??? I thought they had free health care...
(Site Administrator)
The data doesn't lie, obviously the vaccine is helping people avoid getting hospitalized & helping even more people get severely sick.
(Old Spike)
I don't know where you get those numbers, In belgium everyone in the hospital is unvaxxed the vaxxed are just 0.8 percent of the ones in medical need.
You must have gotten those numbers from some conspiracy therorist
(Old Spike)
Look at the filth he's leaving on the ground through his feet masks. He's melting disease all on the ground, and people are getting that on their shoes and that child is rolling around on that disgusting floor. And we wonder how it spreads.
(Old Spike)
Not just putting everyone at risk, kids with lukemia and compromised immune systems, no wait...
(Old Spike)
Well, this is a social institution, behaving unsocial gets you evicted. Learn to take care of your own life and don't expect people to care about you if you don't care about them.
Also: Of course the title is misleading, they don't evict the child for not being vaccinated and according to them they will provide alternative accommodation for unvaxxed:
“I think it’s important to set the record straight that we will not be evicting families based on their vaccination status,” said Kidd. “If there are families who choose not to comply with the new policy, we would be working with our local external team to provide alternate accommodations for them."
(Site Administrator)
her: "what we're trying to do is reduce the risk to the -"
him (cutting her off): "that doesn't make sense, your conscience is seared..."
also him: unvaxxed, around sick kids, wearing mask that doesn't cover his nose
this guy's a genius