Every day is January 6th, every day is the time to listen to what you're being told to do by us an obey. Every day, forever, to fight the war on ter...I mean to fight the pandemic. Every day. Obey every day. The party will issue instructions every day, and you are to post them in the front window of your business if you want to continue to remain a business. Every day. Post and obey. Every day.
(6 votes)
(Old Spike)
science: "covid transmission just as likely whether you're vaccinated or not."
media and their lackies: "the vaccine stops the spread so the unvaccinated are responsible for the spread. oh and trump and russia."
science: "the thing that stops the spread is fresh air, so stay outside when you can and businesses and schools should install ventilation fans."
media and their lackies: "businesses and schools don't need to spend any money on ventilation, just wear a mask even when you're outside. it's non-maskers that are dangerous not lack of fresh air."
(Old Spike)
At least she didn't laught crazily like her old self.
(Long Spike)
There are no vaccinated only vaccinating.
Up-to daters and those pending the latest updated viru.... I mean vaccine.
(Site Administrator)
Harris 2024!
She'll be the first black Indian with a vag to sleep in the whitehouse. It'll solve racism & sexism in USA for centuries!
(Old Spike)
No one buys your pathetic pandering - you don't even know how to do it right.
Obey everyday? Hah, just like those damn commies like that dindan din man guy