I forgot to add talent, genetics and a LOT of steroids!
Average: 5(3 votes)
skeptoid (Old Spike)
Can you expand on the genetics aspect?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You can have as much talent and steroids as you like if your body did not genetically prepare you for it you will never be the best in your field. Nothing to do with him being from "Dark Germany" (other than they were way better at doping than the west) or a "nazi hint" towards the "master race". Simple matter of fact.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Are you moron trying to pick a fight again?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
He is so triggered, he can think even less than normal in his desperation to be taken seriously with his delusions, literally everything sets him off and tbh it is getting less hillarious and more sad every time watching such a complete demise of a person, even of someone as disgusting and despicable as him.
(Old Spike)
Can you expand on the genetics aspect?
(Old Spike)
You can have as much talent and steroids as you like if your body did not genetically prepare you for it you will never be the best in your field. Nothing to do with him being from "Dark Germany" (other than they were way better at doping than the west) or a "nazi hint" towards the "master race". Simple matter of fact.
(Old Spike)
Are you moron trying to pick a fight again?
(Old Spike)
He is so triggered, he can think even less than normal in his desperation to be taken seriously with his delusions, literally everything sets him off and tbh it is getting less hillarious and more sad every time watching such a complete demise of a person, even of someone as disgusting and despicable as him.
(Old Spike)
i would aim for the ppl on the field :)