car bomb goes off

sal9000's picture

Wild: Man Is Lucky To Be Alive After Explosive Device Goes Off In His Vehicle!

no volume, so you'll have to imagine it. i can help



OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!,

OW!, OW!

OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!

OW!, OW!

OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!

Average: 3 (2 votes)


nakedslave's picture

fake. I can make a better explosion then this.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

carbomb or electric vehicle?

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backdraft's picture
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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I doubt it was a bomb because of the fire shooting out sideways, even home cooked explosives don't do that

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Pdub's picture

He farted.  I imagined a Batman boom with an orchestral hit.

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