no volume, so you'll have to imagine it. i can help
OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!,
OW!, OW!
OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!
OW!, OW!
OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!
(2 votes)
no volume, so you'll have to imagine it. i can help
OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!,
OW!, OW!
OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!
OW!, OW!
OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!, OW!
(Old Spike)
fake. I can make a better explosion then this.
(Old Spike)
carbomb or electric vehicle?
(Site Moderator)
(Old Spike)
I doubt it was a bomb because of the fire shooting out sideways, even home cooked explosives don't do that
(Old Spike)
He farted. I imagined a Batman boom with an orchestral hit.