I can't tell if this dude hates Jews or not (maybe Andy knows), but if you're a "We are change" type person you really shouldn't be watching Alex Jones. Just sayin'.
BabyDuckling, Eh - why the fuck can't you post stuff like this that's actually informative and interesting regarding your hero Alex Jones?
(5 votes)
(Long Spike)
I see your point. Solid people like David Icke, who believes in lizard people, Jason Bermas, the fucktard who jumps on the conspiracy theory of the moment and the other group of former Alex Jones employees all attacking a fellow whackjob is extremely informative and interesting. I don't know how I could have missed it. Thanks.
(Old Spike)
You're too stupid to not be sarcastic. LOL And all of those "whackjobs" are as passionately anti-Trump as you are. Very interesting. Very informative.
(Long Spike)
You fucking moron. LOLOL Those dipshits toed the line in their Drumpf support until they were on the outside of Alex-land. Alex Jones shitcanned them and they have played disgruntled ex-employees. Before that, they sucked off Drumpf daily like you do. Very very informative. Not very interesting.
(Old Spike)
LOL You didn't watch - I KNEW it. Most of the former employees quit because of the Trump support (plus I think some of them don't like Zionists). There's even a clip of one of them ass-pounding Trump for the Syria flip-flop. I'm pretty sure Luke R and Jason B split from Jones like ten years ago, so I'm not sure what that could have to do with Trump. But you just keep on defending your hero Alex Jones. Just deplorable.
When are you going to admit that the only thing you stand for is trolling and causing shit?
(Long Spike)
"My hero Alex Jones"? What the fuck is wrong with you? What is with you and your 1/2 hour videos and "You didn't watch?" I know Jones fired some of these people and if you think I'm going to watch that 1/2 hour video, you are out of your mind.
Look at the other videos from this fucktard. He's a complete idiot. When are you going to accept that you just spew shit?
(Old Spike)
I don't know or give a fuck who the channel owner is - you just spent your precious time commenting extensively on a video you didn't watch. You knew everything about the content of the video without watching it - even though former Infowars guests and employees are making your arguments. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with just being here to stoke outrage wherever you can press buttons and fuck around - I just don't get why in this iteration you won't admit it?
(Long Spike)
Channel CONTENT you wingnut. I don't give a shit who "Owns" a channel either. Why do you try to come across as some type of knowledeable character who is above the nonsense of the internet when you promote it more than anyone? Why don't you just admit you do rather than point at others? Interesting technique. Where did you learn that?
(Old Spike)
Don't pretend like you don't get it. The interesting content in this video - not other videos - is to hear former top-billed Jones employees exposing the environment and agenda there. Now, what does it mean to be "above the nonsense of the Internet" and what does it mean to "promote the nonsense of the Internet"? Are you saying that the Internet is nonsense, or are you saying that there's nonsense on the Internet? What exactly are you saying, Donkey Punch?
(Long Spike)
You are a spiked dog chasing its own tail. You need to talk to someone. Good luck.
(Old Spike)
LOL Any mention of Donkey Punch immediately shuts you down. You're such a racist.
(Old Spike)
The big picture problem isn't that he's pro-Trump, it's that he's pro-Israel and gives them and their allies the Saudis etc a free pass. It keeps people super ignorant when they think they're being informed.