Trudeau relocated for his safety-Freedom Convoy 2022

stokkebye's picture

40 Mile Trucker Convoy Protests Mandates & Passports

Imagine a world leader having to tuck tail and run after calling them a small fring minority.

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stokkebye's picture

Canada must confront the toxic ‘Freedom Convoy’ head-on

Trucker convoy has evolved into something far more dangerous

Canadian reporters warned of harassment, racist threats, violence at "Freedom Convoy"

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danman's picture

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stokkebye's picture

LOL. Good one!

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skeptoid's picture

He just said that they are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing. I think we have finally arrived. We're actually here. The leader of our country is telling the world that he determines which views are acceptable to hold. Never mind expressing them - simply having them. When they said it's a twisted form of Catholicism, twisted to the point of satanism, those academics weren't kidding were they?

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Hiding in Biden’s basement obv


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stokkebye's picture

What a small fringe group...LULZ

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skeptoid's picture

Amazing difference between how the wokeists attempt to portray it and what it actually is - you can't live falsely like that, 24/7, for very long before it HAS to turn you into something normal human beings cannot live with. They think that society needs to be destroyed because they can't live in society as it is. They did that to themselves, and I agree they cannot live in this society. After what they've done to themselves i don't think they're capable - what do we do with that?


A small fringe mintory - read a Global News article today that said "about 100 people have gathered on parliament hill". Who do they think they are fooling here?


It's -30 out there, and there looks to be thousands on the hill, with numbers growing.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Just took a stroll down there. possibly a Million people, constant flux. Packed streets


Non stop horns 1000's of truck + personal vehicles, more still streaming in.


High energons!


Had some awesome indigenous dancers too.

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