“That’s what angers me about people, they think that they know” - somewhat ironic Joe
Joe knows more than a primatologist with a PhD because.......he did his research on the internet......Jesus Fucking Christ
Joe ranting he knows the real story of the Bondo/Bili ape which has been thoroughly debunked because "I dids my internet research"
His response to the woman saying "I have a PhD in primatology" with "When was the last time you went online though?" is pure hilarity
“There’s bones, there’s hair, there’s fecal matter”—two of those things are in Joe’s head
“We come from Chimpanzees” no bro, they are our cousins and we share a common ancestor which is not a chimpanzee - Joe is Dunning-Krueger defined
“no it’s not a fake stupid” - OK Joe. Found an internet article? Stick to DMT and amazing your cult of morons with your bullshit
I've always enjoyed Joe Rogan as entertainment but the people who take him seriously are pathetic. DumbfuckNation on here promotes him like he's an expert on everything. i rEaSeArChEd
The Bili apes or Bondo mystery apes were names given in 2003 in sensational reports in the popular media to a purportedly new species of highly aggressive, giant ape supposedly inhabiting the wetlands and savannah around of the village of Bili in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.[1][2] "The apes nest on the ground like gorillas, but they have a diet and features characteristic of chimpanzees", according to a 2003 National Geographic article.[1] It soon turned out they were common chimpanzees,[3][4] and part of a larger contiguous population stretching throughout that part of northern Congo.[5][6][7] Genetic testing with non-nuclear DNA in 2003 immediately indicated that it was in fact part of the already described eastern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) a subspecies of the common chimpanzee.[2][4][8]
(dumb cunt)
(Site Administrator)
"our chimpanze heritage" LMAO. He's funny, sometimes unintentionally.
(sounds retarded)
Wow, a little infatuated with Joe are ya? Got a "closeted homo so I hate" vibe going on here. I bet thats what it is with most of the dude's on the left spewing so much hate, they are pissed off closeted homos.
Its two comedians getting stoned chatting. Fucking chill. Oh, but you cant, cuz the lamestream media band wagon told ya to jump on and hate on Rogan! You are such a good little sheep!
(sounds retarded)
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
Hey man thanks for the post. Please keep us up to date if Joe makes any more incorrect assertions or expresses any incorrect views regarding apes of any kind. Whether they be bonobos or gorillas or orangutans it's important that you let us know immediately if Joe says something that isn't supported by the academic literature.
Dude, seriously, I'm a little concerned about you. If they tell you to take the pill everyday take the pill everyday. Make sure you get a second opinion though.