checking in on brainwashed444

sal9000's picture

Feed Thy Self

reminds me of someones late sister. wondering if she licks the time coating off her antipsychotics, crushes them, snorts them, overdoses and dies. would i be blamed for it?

Average: 3 (4 votes)


stokkebye's picture

What a bitter bitch.

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lawngnome's picture

Sal, You are a MASSIVE CUNT.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

why are you getting upset snowflake?

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lawngnome's picture

Sal thinks it is fun to harrass skeptoid about his sister that passed.

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stokkebye's picture

Sal and cunt have no morals, they dont care.

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skeptoid's picture

No, they don't. They are fully committed to the cult, and the cult wants you dead or in the cult. Period. What does the cult ultimately want? Destruction of everything - for real. Everything destroyed. In the wake of this destruction, the ideal society will emerge. It didn't work with class-based Marxism/Fascism, but now we have the technology to make it work with race-based Marxism/Fascism. That's what Sal believes. That's what Daft Cunt believes. That's what Raining Blood believes. They believe it so strongly that they have abandoned their humanity and are quite capable of just about anything - so detached from rational thinking that they pose a genuine threat to genuine human beings.


Sal has some connection to the wokeists that harrassed me to the point of almost going insane when I didn't understand what wokeism was and how it operates. To give you an idea of the threat, since left that job I have had two additional jobs (the second I'm still working) and at both jobs I was approached by a wokeist who, via whatever networks they conspire within, informed me that they knew who I was, knew that I have a YouTube channel that tends to feature Dr. Peterson, and made it clear in no uncertain terms that they would be harrassing me at my new job. Then the pandemic hit and everyone had to work from home, and that threw that threat into disarray.


Nevertheless, Sal frequently intimates that I am targeted by his cult and that he is committed to doing me and my family harm whenever and however the opportunity arises. I stood up to them - through my YouTube channel I have impacted the success of some of those who tried to destroy my life for being a Christian. They don't like that - that enrages them. This makes me an even more pressing target of interest. 


But don't worry too much. This was my older half-sister from my Dad's first marriage. I never got to spend much time with her, as I have had infrequent contact with my older half-brother (retired Canadian JTF2 special forces - one tour in Bosnia, two in Afghanistan, Sniper, Multiple awards and commendations). In fact the last time I spoke with him it was on the subject of sal9000 and Raining Bood - had to know who they were given the threats. He's much closer with my younger full sister, and actually my niece (his daughter) is living with my sister right now.


I loved my older sister, but I did not know her very well. She was trying to reach out to us during the pandemic and we were trying to give her support but it was very difficult as she was already on the margins and the pandemic response just - there was just no chance for her, and for thousands, probably hundreds of thousands, of others. My neighbor and friend of five years, Mike, rapped himself in a heavy chain and drowned himself in the Mississippi river. It's hard to accept, but when wokeists hear news like that it makes them happy. They only derive pleasure from the misery of others, even those within their own cult. It's a cannabalistic feeding frenzy for these orcs. It IS satantic, and if you don't believe in anything metaphysical just ask yourself then LOL how the people who are members of a cult that sets itself up as the LITERAL ANTI-CHRIST think and behave. Whether you believe or not, you have to see that this isn't a good thing for ANYONE, even the cultists. 


If it had been my full sister, who I grew up with and is the prime target of the Trudeau administration, and Sal had said and done the things he's said and one, we wouldn't be hearing from Sal9000 on this website anymore. I wouldn't be able to stop my brother.
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lawngnome's picture

Get the authorities involved. State, local & federal.


Or kick his teeth in. He is obviously a beta keyboard warrior, probably a furry.

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stokkebye's picture

Sorry to hear that.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Not that I believe any of your stories but just out of interest why would your sister be the "prime target of the Trudeau administration"?
Is she a terrorist or a spy or a trucker?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So no answer, as expected. Probably for the same reason you actually only point vaguely at your "friend and sister" (I put this in inverted commas as I have no reason to believe that these people ever existed and you have a history of pushing your agenda "whatever it takes" and "making hillariously idiotic shit up" about others like myself. If they actually did please accept my condolences) committing suicide because of "government covid actions". 


Regardless of whether this were real events or not: I think you can't come up with a reasom that would sound plausible to anyone with more than half a brain and a little common sense, if you could you would have spouted this out a long, long time ago.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page my case.

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skeptoid's picture

^ I think he really does just sit there waiting to hear from me. Holy shit. Dude, get help?


I brought my full sister on here for 5 minutes and you reacted to that by announcing you were leaving the site, coming back on here as a user called "Super Friends" and every post you made was a sexual attack on my sister. You did that Daft Cunt - you try to deny it but we all know that you did that. And you seemed to have done that in retaliation for my sister refusing to answer questions you demanded she answer about, of all things, dog training??? Dude it's obvious that you're a very sick puppy - why would I give you personal details about my family given what we both know about your past.


You're a diagram of human dysfunction - you need to be put down, friend.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"coming back on here as a user called "Super Friends" and every post you made was a sexual attack on my sister. "


I am sorry, I did not. I, in contrary to you, don't need to get alternate egos on here to make my point.


Here is a little reminder of what went down:


Although I disagree with your sister (if your "copybabble" actually originated from a sibling of yours or you simply picked it up from some website is still unclear to me), I also offered to talk directly to her rather than through a completely and utterly incompetent intermediary like yourself. You declined of course and even wrote something in the gist of not letting your sister on here because you were afraid she would get verbal abuse.


HOWEVER: You actually were dumb enough to paste 1:1 from a website of a female canadian dogtrainer putting this person (allegedly your sister) at risk of abuse from members of a website then featuring quite a few more idiots than we have now, they only would have needed to copy-paste into google. NO "caring sibling" would do that, only a selfimportant pathetic little cunt would!


You then fled the conversation when I simply asked you to agree to use the correct scientific terms and definitions in our discussion.



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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

no, i think its funny to repeat the things people say to me. so who's the massive cunt? the person that said it to me, the person thats coming to their defense for saying it to me or me for repeating it?

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lawngnome's picture

Sal, the Beta BITCH LOSER

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

sure, just remember that a year and half ago, most of the people in here were singing my praises for being as you put it, the beta bitch loser. in fact. you put up a post dedicated to me. i'm sure were all something, atleast i'm consistent

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skeptoid's picture

The person who said what to you? So much for the legendary courtesy of the woke - speak words we can ALL understand! Even when he tries to channel Obiwan, he just can't get it right.

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lawngnome's picture

How do you know that he lives in Canada?  Because raining blood lives in southern california, or atleast she said that a few years ago.

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skeptoid's picture

LOL Ya I wouldn't believe Raining Blood. A few years ago back when he was trying to drop implied threats he said he was from Kitchener and described the layout of the place pretty well. He now claims that he never said he lives in Kitchener and now claims to live in Cornwall. That's the totality of the information that's been presented on this site and I can't speak to other information due to the rules on doxxing. Sal and raining blood also like to drop little pieces of information here and there to tell me that they have spoken with people that I once worked with.


It used to be that people dismissed the idea of these cultists and their networks as just some crazy conspiracy theory and now it's just accepted as a common practice among the enlightened woke. Whether he's friends with them or he's just spoken to them through these networks I don't really care. I have other information that I can't share. But once you realize what these people believe in and what they're capable of it's best not to take any chances. Take the threat seriously - remember these people are too afraid to kill themselves and, because they exist and it's so horrible (existence), they want to make the world outside as ugly as they are inside. Any part of reality that does not reflect back the nihilism and emptiness they feel inside MUST BE DESTROYED. Everything has to reflect the shit that characterizes their being. And nothing disgusts them more than seeing a Christian congregation enjoying fellowship or a Christian family sitting down and saying grace before a good meal. They believe in cultural Marxism driven by a state authority like I believe in the Creator. The idea of a person not obeying the state authority, espcially after it has begun to turn in their favor, is blasphemy. It's not enough that they are disgusted by these things but they want to make it impossible for those who live in the ways that disgust them to exist at all. And they won't stop until they've achieved their goals.


That's why it's rough for me to see society not understanding where this inevitably goes. If people simply understood where this is going no matter who you talk to or who tries to intervene with rational compromise they would be gathering together in militias, they'd be arming themselves, they would switch off the stablishment authorities and they'd be making plans to fight the war. But by the time they realize that's what they should have been doing all along it will be too late for that kind of war.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why would you believe anything skeptoid writes on here about his "personal life"?

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

9000 is just depressed because his revolution is going to be way harder than he thought.


Was just talking with my buddy on the way back from the protest yesterday. "I bet the internet sods are soiling themselves in low vibes right now. Haha."


Welp... I let you guys formulate your own opinion on that one ;)



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lawngnome's picture

The intolerant left-wing lowlifes were trying to act hard towards kids showing support for the truckers.



Everything they do is pathetic and reeks of desperation, It's funny but also kinda sad.

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