Remember that a fully committed wokeist actually doesn't find things funny the way a normal human being does. They don't have a sense of humor, per say, but an orc-like tendency to take pleasure in the misery of others, especially if they are the generators of it.
(Long Spike)
I'm not gay, butt fuck Trudeau...
(sounds retarded)
(Old Spike)
When the shelves are full thank a trucker.
When they are empty Blame Trudeau.
(Old Spike)
Remember that a fully committed wokeist actually doesn't find things funny the way a normal human being does. They don't have a sense of humor, per say, but an orc-like tendency to take pleasure in the misery of others, especially if they are the generators of it.
(Old Spike)
I think this whole thing is amazing!
I hear honking 24/7 and it's music to my ears.
(Long Spike)
It’s the horns of freedom !
(Long Spike)
Parliament Hill Autonomous Zone