When you go woke and destroy yourself


danman's picture

people who obsess over culture war shit are fucking tools

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stokkebye's picture

Who are you talking about here? Pool or Whoopi?

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danman's picture

Pool fans who get sucked into this shit

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stokkebye's picture

So if Tim Pool got banned from youtube you would care not to hear about it at all? Who is obsessing anyway? I dont hear about anyone jerking off to this. Like how Sal jerks off to the mentally challenged.   

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danman's picture

If he got kicked off youtube I'd wanna know. That'd be great. He's a fuckwit & deserves to get booted. He won't though because he knows how to stay within the guidelines of acceptable speech.

Who's obsessing? the idiot who uploaded this for one.


Yesterday Amnesty International released their report that says Israel is an apartheid state. Human rights watch did the same last year. Jews & especially Zionist jews have massive influence on American media & discourse, with holocaust & antisemitism cards being played over & over again, often as political cover, often for the atrocities being committed in Palestine but also protection within the US. I haven't watched this video but it's being labelled as some "woke" deal? The fuck outa here.


US has some racial issues to sort out, sure. Is Tim Pool the kind of guy whose likely to give decent insights or is he just a successful youtube spammer who looks to capitalize on controversy, feeding his audience with the kind of retarded takes they wanna hear.

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stokkebye's picture

Uh huh, so you want to shoot the messenger. If you dont like what someone posts, dont watch it. A lot of BLM and black people are anti-semites for some reason. Maybe there is more to this than just gossip. Culture war is real dude.

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danman's picture

@stok Yeah culture war is real but I find the hype about it on youtube by grifters like Tim Pool asinine.

Generally his shit is just partisan nonsense & he presents himself as some crusader, hyping the trending hot takes of the moment. In short it's clickbait & a waste of time. Just sensational garbage.

I realize I don't needa click on it, sometimes it pisses me off just looking at it so I commented, that's it.

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stokkebye's picture

Meh, Pool built up a following by covering issues not many others would and was against "hate Trump no matter what". He has to produce videos, he has to make money. So, yeah, he hypes shit up, grifts a little, not a reason to hate him though, just dont watch his stuff. I dont really watch most of his stuff, because of those reasons. But he does play a role in putting out information and viewpoints that others will not or can not. What is it exactly you ahte about him? Did you watch last nights live stream by any chance? LOL Explains alot about why you are hating on him now. LOL

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danman's picture

@stok no I haven't watched him deliberately for years but always found his show kinda thin at best, even if I agree with some of what he says. The rest of it is dumb stuff for clicks. Since he (finally) got a spot on Rogan's show & kinda blew up he's gotten more confident in his partisan takes, which I find really lame. Similar problem with Rogan for the past year or so, although I don't think that's so much of a grift as what Pool's up to. Rogan has occasional good guests still worth checking out too.


> he does play a role in putting out information and viewpoints that others will not or can not

I dunno what this means. I find he just panders to anti-SJW crowd which is something that blew up back in like 2015 with Gamergate. To me the crybabies on that side of the fence are not different to the crybabies on the shitlib side - their sworn enemies.


This shit just plays right into the hands of the establishment who Pool pretends he's up against. Calling shitlibs "the left" isn't helping a damn thing. They not leftists they're the extremist liberals who do performative social justice shit & often fuck up, he uses these fuck ups to paint anyone who's not reacitonary as "the left" & looks to feed his audience demoralizing talking points aimed at them, making his audience feel righteous or some shit (this is the endorphin payoff). It's a culture war grift in a time that national unity in the US is at a real low point so I see him as sucking more life out of the country he says he loves, pretty unethical shit imo. Rarely informative, often factually wrong, & culturally destructive in some ways.



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stokkebye's picture

Ok, so you havent watched him in years, beleive it is "thin", dumb stuff for clicks. Ok. Anyway, does he or does he not cover stuff that most do not? Yes, he does. Shitlibs are on the left. There is a spectrum, extreme liberals are extreme leftist. Pool is more in the middle. I think what you are doing is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. You pick a few things you dont like so you throw it all out. Pool has to make money, he has to make videos people will watch. If that makes him a grifter then every youtuber out there is a grifter. I dont see Pool lying. I watch his live streams, I am not picking up any phony vibes. Some things he may be a little confused on but I dont see him lying about anything. There are people there that will call him out. I think you gave up on him many years ago and have that image painted of him. Watch his livestream and point out the grift, lies, and clickbait. 

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danman's picture


> Shitlibs are on the left

no they aren't

they're liberals & are on the right in every way other than some performative SJW rhetoric, which they largely stole from actual leftists (socialists)

US doesn't have a functioning left

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skeptoid's picture

I subscribe to Tim's YouTube channels. When I see a video that might interest you or sal I post it for your benefit. It really hurts that you don't appreciate it.

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danman's picture

@skeptoid well on the off chance you're being sincere I'll take a look at the video & I was falling asleep with neck pain & headache when I reacted so was pretty grumpy. Pool pisses me off at the best of times. Now I just woke up & so also am grumpy but will see how it goes..


edit: yeah I made it to 4:30 & just disagree with p much everything he says, as usual. At least he began by admitting this is really just gossip, I agree with that.


He tries to make a point that Jews aren't white before descending into ramblings about "woke" blah blah..

From a black American's perspective WWII European theater was a fight between white people. This isn't a controversial view unless you're being hypsersensitive about race, looking to make trouble &/or kinda ignorant. American Jews can slip in & out of white status at will & the ones who got rekt in Europe were what you'd call white in the context of domestic modern America. They were a white-passing tribe scattered from France to Russia.


When the various Western Europeans, incl Jews, landed in America they banded together & formed this "white race" thing - this is p much where the term comes from in the modern vernacular. They did it out of convenience because they had common enemy peoples they were looking to oppress - "red" natives & "black" Africans, mostly slaves.


Within America there are various types of "whites" but that's just one way of viewing things & I wouldn't call them different races. In the US, Jews are ultra-white in terms of status. Why would a black American with all the shit they have to deal with have to walk on egg shells around them? They are considered white if you zoom out enough - is that actually offensive? pfft.

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stokkebye's picture

Jews came from the middle east after the Romans wiped them out for rebelling, middle easterns are considered white race, so there cannot be apartheid in Israel. There's only African, European and Asian. Right?

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danman's picture

Jews in the US came from Europe for the most part, with some from around MENA. Their mythology says they came from Middle East but the traces of this in terms of DNA & language are almost negligable. Yiddish, which a lot of them spoke as their unique kind of attribute, is a European language.


I see them more as a tribe because I think that's the best desctiptor for them, even though there's some big faultlines amongst them - they can be further broken down as Ashkenazi, Sephardim & some other minor varieties - this is based on where they lived.


> There's only African, European and Asian. Right?

it depends how you wanna slice it. It's not something anyone needs to get their knickers in a twist about though. Whoopie said something about The Holocaust(TM) which you can't even mention in public in US unless you strictly adhere to the orthodox view - it was the greatest crime in human history & blah blah. If Whoopie wants to say it wasn't about race that's her right to say, no? I thought Americans that 1st Ammendment thing?

What she said may have been sloppy but it wasn't offensive by any stretch, unless there's some agenda at play here to make something sacred & out of bounds..........


What if she said "the colonial genocide of native Americans wasn't about race it was more about economics" - would she be getting cancelled over that? This is an actual American issue so you'd think the sensitivity would be higher.


Jews in the US military during WWII weren't subject to segregation like black soldiers were. They were treated as the other whites but kept away from certain areas because the Nazis had their beef with them. This isn't about "woke" shit it's about narrative control & Tim Pool is just exploiting it for his own ends, feeding into reactionary bollucks by framing it as "woke".

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stokkebye's picture

Right, or that slavery wasnt about race, it was economics! But Im pretty sure Hitler mentioned master race a few times and the jews were not of Caucasian ancestry. Argue all you want about Jews not being a race or whatever, Hitlers intent was based on race. 

Personally, I dont really care what people say and Im against cancel culture, thing is though, Whoopi was for canceling a lot of people and now it has come back on her, so I cheer! LOL Many people got canceled for saying way less.

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danman's picture

> Hitlers intent was based on race

yeah 19th century "racial science" which various white Euro groups pitted themselves as the master race. The Aryan idea originally came from a British Indologist - India, where the British were pursuing colonial enterprise & an existing caste system was in place, plonked themselves at the top of the totum pole & started theorizing about about Indo-Europeans, based on language studies, mainly. The Germans picked up on this & took it further, so did some other West Germanics. It's pseudo-science that's long-since been abandoned so in modern context it wasn't about race, it was a fight amongst "white" people. Maybe this is what she meant, she is a black American after all, but I dunno & don't think it's something she should be cancelled over.


Yeah, Hitler talked mad shit about his flavour of Germanics being the superior race.

Churchill did the same & the establishment lauds that racist cunt.




Fun fact: nothing's changed



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stokkebye's picture

So a black dude calls another black dude a nigger while shooting him, is that a hate crime? A German shooting a Jew and calling them a Kike, is that a hate crime? Or how about a White dude shooting a Mexican calling them a spic, is that a hate crime, cuz Mexicans should be considered European as well, right? White if a white dude shoots another white dude and calls him a white nigger? White trash? What about black people calling for killing all white people? Black people attacking Asians for no reason except that they are Asain. See how absurd it starts to get. The definition of race starts to get muddled and so does your definition of hate crime. 


To me a crime is a crime no matter what your motivation was. 

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danman's picture

I never mentioned hate crimes but since you brought it up I do think there's a place for that label & to treat that shit as even more serious in a place like the US. Dont' ask me how it's defined I wouldn't really know. Lookup the definition in your area or something. Here in NZ no I don't think we're at the point where we need hate-crime legislation because there's fuck all crime that meets that description here.


You've ignored what I brought up about the US media acting towards Chinese just like Nazi media behaved towards Jews in the 1930s. There's shitloads more where that came from & it's really ramped up since 2017. Chinese have suffered at the hands of racial supremaicsts / imperialists far more than Jews have in the past couple centuries - both within US and in their own homeland at the hands of the Anglosphere powers - but it's game on when it comes to dehumanizing & demonizing them in your media ... & the liberals, which you (falsely) call "the left", are doing it just as much as the conservatives, just in more veiled ways. Tim Pool is just one of the fuckwits jumping on the bandwagon & his audience are a bunch of tools. Tbh I don't think you guys are ready for this conversation so just keep watching Pool videos & getting worked up about the utter garbage he puts out.

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stokkebye's picture

Attacking a president is way different than attacking a race of people. Thats why I didnt bother to argue with you about that. Cuz its absurd.

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danman's picture

Not all of those feature Xi & he's a symbol of the Chinese nation so your point is rather moot. There are countless other examples of sinophobic shit that are basically rip-offs of antisemitic Nazi propaganda in our mainstream media, almost on a daily basis, which you can't describe as "attacking a president".


Tell me how this is "Attacking a president"?


Would you agree that this is antisemitic?


Your eyes being shut is what's absurd.

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danman's picture

@stok - here's a meme that highlights how liberals are not "the left" ... it's supposed to be a piss-take but really just shows how the label itself is fucked up. Traditional left (what I call left) is about worker's rights & going after the 1% - eg. Occupy Wall St. Some progressive liberals are about this but there's also a lot of LARPer progressives who just use it as a veil or to dunk on the Right, or ones like AOC who use it to pull people to the Right to align with & vote for the Democrat Party.



I mainly have traditional left & libertarian kind of views (both are anti-war/anti-imperialism), I don't know what you'd call that on the American left-right spectrum but one thing I think every political denomination tends to agree on is that western liberals are pretty fucked. I dunno how people can call the likes of the Democrat Party "left" since it's just as imperialist & war mongering as the GOP. Just as corporatist too. The only layer of leftism is their performative bullshit & that's mostly just a corruption of the social justice cause & gets used to score political points. I prefer Rightoids in some ways just because at least theyr'e honest with their quest for domination/influence.



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stokkebye's picture

Perhaps you should watch Pool, he talks a lot about this very stuff. The goal posts have shifted. Gone way too far left. Old school leftist are more to the center now. Just like Pool. Just like you, Just like me. The libtards and progressives pushed the left hard. 

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danman's picture

Dude I've seen enough of that clown. Absolutely no way I'm going out of my way to hear his stupid fucking takes.


He finds sensational shit online like Daily Mail garbage & editorialises it. It's a fucking joke. It's spin on top of spin on top of spin on top of spin. Why the fuck would I watch him?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

WOW, the events:

Celebrity correctly identifies "jew" not to be a race and then incorrectly calls nazis "not being racist"*, apologises, gets 2 week suspension, and some tard (jewish snowflake of course) political speech writer is all offended calls for her changing her (self given) last name, which he considers to be "too jewish" for a racist black little shit like her.


Idiot wearing a beany gets all upset about it and really has nothing of value to add to the story.


Fucking hillarious!



* Of course nazis were racist, they were promoting the arian (blue eyed, blond hair) "race" after all but suffered the misconception that "jew" and "arian" actually are races.


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skeptoid's picture

"Idiot wearing a beany gets all upset about it and really has nothing of value to add to the story."


It's the string of ignorant comments you make like the one above that makes you seem so stupid, Daft Cunt. Tim Pool doesn't get upset about this - he laughs his ass off as do the rest of us if you understand the complete absurdity of the "issue" on all sides.

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danman's picture

he laughs his ass off at people who watch his crap while he makes bank

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stokkebye's picture

You're just pissy because he had a Chinese woman on a couple nights ago talking about how bad China really is and how great America is.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

If he wouldn't have gotten upset one way or another he wouldn't have made a video. 


In any case the important part of my comment was "nothing of value to add to the story." but this of course went straight past you.

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skeptoid's picture

"If he wouldn't have gotten upset one way or another he wouldn't have made a video."


^ You wrote that. All you do when you write things like that is tell us all something personal about yourself. Has nothing to do with Tim Pool and everything to do with the weird shit rolling around in your head.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Rather than babble dumb shit go and give real answers to real questions like how the government allegedly targets certain relatives of yours and how corona measures force people to off themselves, coward.

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