Fri, 2022-02-04 05:56 — stokkebye GoFundMe Freezes Freedom Convoy's $10M, Government Declares Intent To SEIZE Money, HONK HONK Video of GoFundMe Freezes Freedom Convoy's $10M, Government Declares Intent To SEIZE Money, HONK HONK I forgot to add a description! 3 Average: 3 (8 votes)
(Old Spike)
Spoiler Alert: Government are thieves.
(sounds retarded)
(dumb cunt)
(Long Spike)
Is what it is ....
i still want my life back .
And clean drinking water for the indigenous !!
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Don't cry sweet boomer, soon you'll have trucks too.
(Long Spike)
The only reason Justin Trudeau hates the racist truck drivers is because he’s black .
(Old Spike)
Idiots post: "Govt trying to steal Gofundme money for Freedom Convoy truckers"
Reality check:
It is hillarious how some live in a parallel universe of made up shit.
(sounds retarded)
BLM, Antifa, Autonomous Zones(Summer of love). Now sit your boot licking bitch ass down!
(Long Spike)
What is hilarious is that you are going to loose .
(Old Spike)
Please explain how I am going to "loose" and what!?
(Site Administrator)
you're gonna let loose, don't say you haven't been warned