These weapons are both sonic and psychotronic. Even the most primitive examples produce a highly localized effect - like to a small area around the head of a target. Even publicly-available information confirms they impact cognition, balance, psychology, etc. They are specifically designed to psychologically torture. There are claims that these systems have been tested on members of the general population without their knowledge. That is all.
(6 votes)
(Long Spike)
Psychological warfare in reverse. Americans brainswashed their own people to believe a cicada is 'sonic warfare'. That way the Americans are always working under the assumption of being watched and monitored by a hostile nation. It also drives them towards mental breakdown and insanity.
(Old Spike)
I have trouble sometimes telling whether you are joking or not.
(Long Spike)
It's the internet so assuming it's a joke or just nonsense is always the safest bet.