So, applying the logic of the woke, this should be grossly offensive to me. But I really like it - I think it's awesome to see a foreign people who speak a foreign language mimicking what they think my language sounds like while uttering nonsense sounds. I think anyone should be able to do that, for any culture or language, and it should be considered admiration, like a compliment, rather than ethnocentric or racist or [insertwokebullshit].
(sounds retarded)
Classic song!
(Old Spike)
subtitles/closed captioning disabled
So, applying the logic of the woke, this should be grossly offensive to me. But I really like it - I think it's awesome to see a foreign people who speak a foreign language mimicking what they think my language sounds like while uttering nonsense sounds. I think anyone should be able to do that, for any culture or language, and it should be considered admiration, like a compliment, rather than ethnocentric or racist or [insertwokebullshit].