If you have an Xbox controller or a controller with Xinput you can play these games without a hassle
just head to https://www.arcadepunks.com/ make an account install QBittorrent or other torrent downloader
and download Arcade Gold+ .... Arcade Fighters, those 2 will keep you busy for a year
just extract part 01 with 7zip look for the exe in the file, start up, connect controllers, and play
(1 vote)
(Old Spike)
It works 100 percent perfect out of the box it is amazing how they did that, my PC is still a quad core and runs it all without a hickup or without even getting warm
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
The PS3 game afterburner you have to let it compile for a while the first time, but it works perfect
To exit or go back from a game press start and select together, or escape key