pretty sure if you get arrested, america won't let you in, along with a good portion of other countries. just remember to bring your kids. they won't arrest you if you bring your kids
(3 votes)
pretty sure if you get arrested, america won't let you in, along with a good portion of other countries. just remember to bring your kids. they won't arrest you if you bring your kids
(Site Administrator)
within 24hrs of the Whitehouse having a whinge about blocked goods.
(Old Spike)
Apparently military was contacted. They replied. "Call someone else"
(Site Administrator)
lol, good on them.
Our govt isn't pissing around, they're already talking about using the military.
fun times :D
(Long Spike)
nobody has said that, nobody has been asked. but for a fun time, ask him for a source.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
article is from feb 4th
(Old Spike)
Yes it is. And our protest has only become more peaceful, and the authorities have only comitted more crimes against our guests, and our support has only grown since.
(Old Spike)
you can imagine whatever you want. you can imagine that trudeau is responsible for having to wear a mask when entering a business in ontario even though those mandates came from ford. but when was the military asked to help out, its noticably missing from the article you put up
(Old Spike)
Cry more. It's also supported by officers and veterans alike speaking out against the government measures. That's just a drop in the ocean compared the the division that is within the armed forces.
Unless they are actually united in support for us. Either way that is an irreversible advantage for the free citizens.
(Old Spike)
thats nice, so wheres the part where the military was asked to help out after a state of emergency was declared and they refused?
(Old Spike)
the Canadian Armed Forces have been quick to say they will be doing no such thing. A spokesperson for the Minister of Defence told the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, “The Canadian Armed Forces are not involved in law enforcement in this situation, and there are no plans for such CAF involvement.”
The citizens pay 12 counters and play....
(Old Spike)
you left out the first part of the sentence
"Despite the Ottawa Police briefly raising the possibility of a military intervention to clear a stubborn holdout of Freedom Convoy truckers blockading their downtown"
raising the possibility of doing something isn't doing it
if they had been asked. the military would be justified in refusal. but now its a state of emergency and they don't have to ask. it will be an order they can't refuse
(Old Spike)
Lets say hypotheticly, we were in the army together, you were the general. You gave us unethical orders. I would blow your brains out and then be shot by some of the other troops.
1 evil general is worth 10000 soldiers.
(Old Spike)
chain of command, you're getting your orders from someone that got orders from someone that got orders.... you don't like your orders, you bring it up to your superiors. they deal with you
(Old Spike)
What I am educating you with, is that many soldiers of all ranks are all mixed in everywhere that are willing to sacrifice themselves for liberty.
Even if the military was constrained to step in, that division would spread like wild fire. A divided military cannot operate for long.
Units cannot operate well without their seargants, corperals, captains, lieutenants. And those that would hurt innocent citizens are a minority, chain or not, if they commit evil the chain will break one link at a time.
(Short Spike)
Lol you're so dramatic, in your head is this a scene out of Braveheart or something? Or maybe some old war movie? You're always posting like you're sending a telegram from the front lines of the war.
Military divided, support growing, only a matter of time.
Citizens out in full force. BBQ is affirmative. Live music is a go.
Horses walking around. Guests enjoying horses. Government defeat is inevitable.
haha. As if you have your finger on the pulse of anything other than up the ass of your imaginary steed. Stop pretending. Take off the WW1 uniform, shave your stupid mustache, take off your $50 leather hide gloves, unfix bayonets, and stop pretending millions are just waiting to be up in "arms" to take back their freedom. Or you know what? Keep them all, because you're free to play dress-up. Freeedoooommm. Just stop pretending that if you were in the military then there's no way that someone would tell YOU what to do, you'd shoot 'em first. God damn what a tough guy, and free thinkur.
You're protesting for a cause that you believe in. That's great. There are a few good points being made, not by you, but I have to sort through the overly macho horse riding wife beating dressup idiots to get to the actual points. It's a shame you feel you have to play this liberty incarnate character on the front lines because it assumes that anyone that may disagree is in fact against freedom and they just don't know it, which in turn pushes them and myself away from it. And then it's just annoying. Like you lol. But it looks fun
(Old Spike)
The BBQ is affirmative and the live music is a go! ;p
(Old Spike)
you ain't educating shit
in the last 40 years you have many wars and many atrocious acts commited by soldiers following orders. not a single time has one resulted in division of any kind much less wild fire. soldiers are cogs in the wheel, trained to take orders. failure to do can lead to jail time, loss of rank and pension. the active military duty isn't the place where you decide to make a stand on your moral beliefs
(Old Spike)
There is a fundamental difference between then and now. I'm sure you can't tell what it is.
(Old Spike)
time passes by but the military stays the same. fellow soldiers will beat the shit out of you until you fall in line
(Old Spike)
Eventually you'll be the only one left shouting about your precious "majority" of do nothings. Because they do nothing.
(Old Spike)
being part of the majority means they don't have to do anything, someone else will
(Old Spike)
Guess what? Weather got worse, threats got worse, and the protest got bigger.
(Old Spike)
A quarter of the porches have fuck Trudeau signs flying on them. You want at least 25 per cent of the population arrested because they won't obey the leader of your state religion. And you don't think there's going to be a civil war if you and your religious comrades continue to refuse to abandon your attempt to establish a fascist State religion in this country. Even if you think the belief that that's what you're doing is crazy I have news for you: more than a quarter of the population, and that's just using State media propaganda, is crazy and they're looking at you like you're dinner. The military is here. They are with us and they are against you. They are also crazy if that helps you sleep at night.
(Short Spike)