Yep, this shit has done gone serious, man.
Thing is, how do you settle this without violence, see.
We're not a buch of barbarians in a shithole contry, like Trump call them.
There is no lies in this video.
Trudeau is a weak ass guy and this is something that could have been handled befor it got this big.
On the other hand, lol, with narcissim these days, all those guys are filming themselves doing it and the will all get caught, one, by, one, and be entertainment for years to come.
(4 votes)
(Site Administrator)
this is a funny stand-off
Justin doesn't wanna back down at all
(Old Spike)
He can't. The WEF will have him killed if he lets Canada slip from their fingers. This land is too valueable, too hard to fight over from an invading force, and winning here will embolden the Americans.
He can't rebuild the brainwash at this point. If he crushes the protest he loses the country in one fell swoop. The military is too divided to use and will only hurt the plan. If he saps the protest slowly into nothing but the vehicles, it will enrage the nation.
There isn't anything he can do, so he does nothing and tries to think of a convincing false flag to paint it like jan 6, which will fail. That window closed last weekend when the iron was hottest.
From a war strategy standpoint, he has lost.
(Site Administrator)
yeah there's definitely no victory here for him
if it can somehow quietly peter out that's the best the govt can do
politics is always war imo - it's power struggle, which is what war is
issuing policies is administration & the politicking just gets in the way of good governance most of the time, that's a reason why liberal democracy is shit imo
(Old Spike)
Yes, the best step for the nation is reform into a constutional republic with a complete copy of the bill of rights, elected governors, protections against ruling by mandate/unelected committees, limits on corperate ownership, protection of physical currency, new banks, and a closed economy if neccessary.
(Old Spike)
I want 50 million dollars, a unicorn with wings, and a cleaning lady with big tits, delivered to me by Michael Jackson before his plastic surgery, and throw in an elefant to, then i can mate it with the unicorn, and have little unifants or elecorns
(Old Spike)
Yes, this is what I mean by some of us may need to make sacrifices. Heading down again tomorrow - may need to get my head split open so Trudeau loses and we can get our country and communities back.
(Long Spike)
Do most semis have generators?
(Old Spike)
Some of them do. The disturbing things that I have seen is they are taking their firewood and food, and threatening their children.
Everyone is learning that by-laws only exist to circumvent common law. A Painful lesson to learn for anyone that never realized this before.
(Long Spike)
So the cops are preventing those people from bringing gas for the generators, because those plastic jerry cans aren't being used to fill the fuel tanks on the trucks.
(Old Spike)
anybody need a gas can, i got dozens of them. buddy that works for the ottawa police dropped them off
(Old Spike)
Lol the pandemic is over and someone has to be called a winner according to Carlson :)
(Long Spike)
no federal mandates have been dropped. they've been protesting in the wrong provinces to the wrong part of government while being arrested by the provincial police. is that a winner?
(Old Spike)
The mandates in the US have been dropped, he called it out of fear or victory, because of what is happening up north and in France
(Long Spike)
america hasn't. i cross this morning to pickup a package, american customs requested vaccination proof
(Old Spike)
That was lobbied for by the Trudeau government, or didn't you know that? Biden wasn't going to do that and then Trudeau sold it to them. Raining Blood - everyone is exactly where they need to be, including you by the way.
(Long Spike)
america is offereing some help clearing the border
(Old Spike)
A shield of kids, i have to remember that when i go paintballing, just take a kid hostage and tape it on your body
(Old Spike)
Yeah for the woke kids are things to be abused, used, and discarded. It's sick.
(Old Spike)
It's funny how they want to talk about the well being of children while strangling them with masks, silencing their cries for help, and subjecting them to gene therapy medical experimentation.
Meanwhile these children shown above are playing outside, holding hands together and breathing fresh air.
(Old Spike)
Yes but The second Christ is coming so we need to kill every child in the name of Satan, heil Satan
(Old Spike)
If your shifts been cancelled, head out to Ottawa and join the rest of us. Everything stops until the mandates are lifted.
(Site Administrator)
kinda ironic ...
(Old Spike)
Sounds like he is threatening children. Sure to win back all those lost likes.