sites was being redirected and its got a file thats suppose to be info on those who made donations. it was then switched to a goaste pic.
something like 36k canadians donated. half the donations came from america
(4 votes)
sites was being redirected and its got a file thats suppose to be info on those who made donations. it was then switched to a goaste pic.
something like 36k canadians donated. half the donations came from america
(Old Spike)
It was always a trap.
(Site Administrator)
calling the ottowa protest an insurrection is ridickilous
jan 6th riot is closer to an insurrection but still not
(Short Spike)
I seem to remember spiked taking a very dim view of doxing on this site.
Is that still true or is it ok now?
Asking for a friend.
(Long Spike)
"Hatriots", lol
How exactly were they terrorizing people? By honking?
"Bad people could be inside the trucks"
Then proceeds do dox Canadians that donated $5k. "Because it's a foreign attempt to undermine Democracy"
LOL. The vaccine passport supporters, aka NAZIS, are too funny.
(Old Spike)
take how you acted yesterday, that was over something i said not even to you and you had to click it to see it. now, imagine people here were paying me to do that outside your home and to use a bullhorn for 3 weeks straight, 2 weeks without following any noise ordanance rules. i say you call me a terrorist in first 48 hours
(Old Spike)
Or we wear ear plugs.
(Long Spike)
Are you talking about the keyboard warrior meme?
(Old Spike)
dude, you went on tilt sunday. you clicked a online post around 5 and it sent you off, you spammed 4 posts with the same pic within a minute among other comments, you rode that tilt into monday, now, as i said. if someone paid me to do what i unintentionaly did to you using a bullhorn outside your home and that i'd be doing it 24/7 for the first 2 weeks straight. you wouldnt consider it to be terrorizing you?
(Long Spike)
(Short Spike)
If they threaten your safety, grab your AR15 and guard your house from violence.
Seems to work in the USA.
(Long Spike)
36k thousand canadians donated out of 38 million. of the 38 million that could have joined in on the protest, only 18k at most did. you guys are 0.001% of our population.
(Old Spike)
"36k thousand canadians donated out of 38 million. of the 38 million that could have joined in on the protest, only 18k at most did. you guys are 0.001% of our population." - Raining Blood
This, right here, is a great example of how you think. You think wrongly, Raining Blood - if you hadn't been captured by an ideology that freezes your mind at late adolescence you could see it. It's sad - look at what you wrote and think about it. Think hard.
Look at you - you applaud the fact that those donors are now in danger, and may have to move. This is the primary reason why I have taken measures to protect myself. You and your ilk are crazy violent stupid - you are like orcs. "What can men do against such reckless hate?" Good question - do you REALLY want to see it answered?
(Old Spike)
They seem to forget that a republic is being born lol
So this guy is admitting to comitting a felony offense, and gov is going to be fine with it if this info works for them.
Or this guy is a gov actor comitting felony offenses.
Looks terrible on everyone involved in this hack either way.
(Short Spike)
If you want to count the numbers lets get realistic.
What are the numbers of counter protestors who have turned up?
According to your logic rancid blood; if the protestors are the only people who object to the govenment mandates, then the counter protestors are the only people who support the government mandates.
Crunch the numbers, then suck my dick.