Bruce Pardy is a professor of law at Queen's University, with specific focuses on Environmental Law, Civil Procedure, Human Rights Law, Constitutional Law and Legal & Political Thought. He is here to break down the Emergencies Act, enacted by the Trudeau Government and why it is unlawful.
(4 votes)
(Site Administrator)
So, back to plan A..snipers on rooftops, instead? This thing is coming to a head based on mounting pressure on both sides. What's the least violent way to end it. Genuinely asking.
(Old Spike)
There is no pressure mounting on our side. Everyone is still happy, bright, working hard shovelling snow, cleaning up garbage, cooking foods.
I chatted with some officers tonight, thanked them. They feel safe, we feel safe.
Government is to drop the mandates and never bring them back under any circumstances.
The REAL question is. What crime is gov going to commit to gather their "evidence." or are they really going to raw dog the vote with the hive mind?
Those missing weapons going to magically appear? Will they be used? What little scheme are they scheming I wonder.
(Site Administrator)
Yes, yes, but don't be so quick to proclaim victory and that you've got the high ground til you talk to some of the downtown residents and shop owners. And sure the cops will tell you they love you. They're appeasing you. The dynamic will change when they're in the majority...shit, I think I'm describing Sharia. Anyway, you get my point.
(Old Spike)
What I recieve is not the point. It's about what I give.
Some may think differently. Others will experience great horror if they must commit atrocities against innocent people in the future. It's much easier to hurt someone that hates you than someone that loves you.
Once you realize you are free, and excercise your freedom the victory for yourself is already won. I won years ago. The mandates don't impact me. I don't mask, I don't take the jim Jones juice, I have skills that allow me to persist without money if I must, I understand that this is not over by a long shot. This campaign won't end with trucks, and the full scale will take place over the next 8-15 years.
Buckle up.
(Site Administrator)
Congratulations on your being self reliant. I too feel more alive when I occasionally take the Browning into the woods for a nature walk. Not often enough, sadly. But I describe partridge meat to folks that haven't tasted it by telling them partridge is for kings and chicken is for peasants (I like chicken too though). And as for your last point, sadly, I suspect it may come even sooner than that. When societies get big or advanced enough it's always important to turn our gaze inward. There's so much we could be doing better.
...We are all still striving for better though, as a society I mean, aren't we?
(Old Spike)
Yes we are.
My dream is to see us become a republic. No more appointees, elected everything and a properly fashioned ground up system.
I can't make anyone do anything, but I still implore people to see the wickedness of our current governmental system. To see the evil that they have convinced some people rationalize, to look for ways to build bridges with their communities rather than relying on government to do everything.
Dependence is slavery. As a result of too much trust in the system we have become more divided while government has become united. It is dangerous to us all.
Yes, Partridge is delicious. I used to serve it in a restaurant I worked for a few years ago.
As for the long game. We will see very large cards played very soon I agree. Being aware of them is the first step. Not giving into fear of them is the second.
(Site Administrator)
Ok. I hear that. But in your properly fashioned ground up utopia, there would still need to be a medical authority. And in this instance, meaning during a global pandemic (this or a future one; I mean we all agree the chance goes up the more populous the world gets) will this new society listen? Or will the recommendations of folks who dedicated their lives to science be shouted down by the loudest of two mobs. Try to set aside any defensiveness for the sake of argument. A Google search of the history of mRNA vaccine research will show you this thing has been sought after for coming up on 40yrs now. What do you will that work in a new utopia. (And I really appreciate this opportunity to compare notes with you in this thoughtful and civilized manner).
(Old Spike)
Well... To ensure we are talking about the same thing. Utopia is a lie. It's not possible. Anyone selling you one is a pimp selling a dream to a prospect.
A golden age is possible. But they are only defended with education and vigilence. Unity is essential, but it must be rooted in personal choice.
The beginning of the Bill of Rights. The intention. "We the people hold these truthes to be self evident. That all men are created equal."
What must be defended against are people that try to take your rights away and sell them back to you for votes. The root of Americas problem, and what has caused all of it's societal problems. It was given everything in the beginning. And people fell for excuses to take things away so they could be bargained back.
A medical authority or any authority needs a few things. The nuremburge code of 1947 must be it's supreme law and the hipocratic oath. There can be no censorship period. Even dangerous information must be available, and liars must be permitted to lie. Truth tellers must combat them with knowledge.
When any one person cannot speak freely no one's expression is safe.
Authority must be diverse, and decentralized. It must be rooted in a basis of "It is better to have questions that don't have answers, then answers that cannot be questioned."
Liberty must be upheld above safety. Because safety will always be used as the reason to remove your liberty.
Liberty is more expensive, less comfortable, and requires a high price of personal safety to get back.
It's what sent our ancestors to war, to give up their lives and limbs. There was no safety for them. They gave that up in blood to buy liberty.
(Site Administrator)
You say a number of things above that I'd like to pursue further but I've got to get an early start tomorrow. That said, in this part..'Even dangerous information must be available, and liars must be permitted to lie. Truth tellers must combat them with knowledge.' You do realize, that from 80-90% of Canadians perspectives, we tried this, just now with Covid, and it didn't work. The Al Jones types and even disgruntled former patent holders of mRNA infusion processes were able to find the right platforms to put their own spin on things, whatever the perverted motivation. (You'll forgive me this stance given my background. And maybe think twice before you dismiss it as mere uninformed bias).
And taking some wisdom from the old world. Golden ages aren't all that. They just look shiny compared to the shit that comes before.. and after ;-)
Nite/ stay safe.
(Old Spike)
If you look at the terrible things our leaders are doing, and the sheer amount of bribe money paid to media companies, and the contrast of information to those that are not bribed by government. Basically the information is the opposite. Why should anything that the bribed companies have claimed be believed at all?
All evidence they have provided has been easily fabricated, with the full might of nearly every corperation on earth behind them.
Censorship is not a tool. It's a coping mechanism when debate cannot be won with your opposition.
The truth is always up for debate, it's lies that can't be debated. Because exposing the masses to the mere debate of said lies is what exposes their fraud.
"We will always stand above their fields of expertise, because WE understand the true nature of science."
"When a light shall shine among them, we will extinguish it through ridicule or death. Whichever best suits our purpose."
(Old Spike)
Your background?
"You do realize, that from 80-90% of Canadians perspectives, we tried this, just now with Covid, and it didn't work."
LMAO - it's entertaining to watch a bullshitter like you do your thing.
(Old Spike)
hey, thats randy hillier in the background. dude posts pictures of busted meet freezers and blames it on trudeau and a food supply shortage, forgets that people can enhance
(Old Spike)
Yup, Accelerating supply shortages to collapse civilzation and aggravate the population. They want civil unrest badly. They want the justification for that force card to be played.
You think Walmart is your friend? You think they care about profit anymore? Nope. It's about the agenda now.
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
I hope the best. But we need clean judges and prosecutors first.
The fact that things have gone this far leaves me pessemistic about the gatekeepers of our internal protective procedures.
I'm not holding my breath. We'll see.
(Site Administrator)
oh yo you're with the truckers?
let em know that some random australian that admins a site you frequent witshes them all the best.
(Old Spike)
Thanks Nakey. I will send love from Australia.
I hope things work out in Canberra too. You guys deserve it the most right now.
I hope you know that your citizens have been an immense inspiration to us.
(Old Spike)
wish the best to even the chck that called in a bomb threat yesterday and the guys that were planning on killing cops a few days ago?