Russia Admits Election Meddling

skeptoid's picture

CNN: Russía Used Pokémon Go To Meddle In US Election

The Onion and CNN could swap editorial staff and it would only improve CNN's reporting while ruining the Onion because to be funny you have to be somewhat intelligent.


Also, according to this report BabyDuckling may be a Russian spy.

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skeptoid's picture

And for those who like it this way:



And for those who still think these late night shows are funny (guy tells piss and cock jokes by day, and teaches Sunday school on the weekend)::

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lawngnome's picture

Good idea skeptoid, those who are on the fence about everything should post both sides of the argument. All while pointing how r-tarded then can both be about the other side. 

Colbert is so damn rehearsed, always has been. 

And I'm sure it's wayyyy more than Pokemon. They hit from all angles when they do these IT attacks.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Love it. Americans are unable to deal with their social problems and anyone that keeps reminding them of that fact are 'hostile forces trying to influence our elections'. And the people who try to sweep it under the rug, they're 'patriots' apparently.

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