not a good time for this soldier

sal9000's picture

Captured Russian soldier in Ukraine

they put out a notice that they weren't taking prisoners anymore so. you know...

Average: 3 (3 votes)


Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Tragic and wasteful on so many levels. The longer the conflict goes on the easier such savagery will get on both sides.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Killing prisoners and brutality is a very unwise strategy. It makes you look like a monster which sucks support from your cause, and justifies your opponent fighting harder.


It also removes fear of death, because your opponent has nothing to lose from fighting as hard as possible.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Yes/agreed. But explicable (not saying justifiable). In 10days these folks have seen enough that they're no longer the same people they were when this started, in many respects.

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Timmy Tosser's picture

Well said. I hope that we all live long enough to see the end of all wars...

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Zeb's picture

There is no respawning in this game

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stokkebye's picture

Jesus. Dudes wearing sneakers. And looks like they stole the shoes off the two dead ones as well. Fucking Russian army cant even buy their soldiers boots. 

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danman's picture

saw this video somewhere else, apparently it's an azov edgelord in mariupol (Nazi stronghold) but unconfirmed

apparently he's saying "I didn't even use my gun it's over there"


as for "they put out a notice that they weren't taking prisoners anymore" -- source?


From my understanding..

Russia's going to kill/arrest foreign mercenaries & they won't receive POW protection since they aren't part of Ukraine's regular armed forces. Any Ukrainian soldier gets full POW rights & is even able to go home after signing a document saying he won't take up arms against Russia again. I assume this includes the National Guard which is infested with Nazis although it's still unclear what's gonna happen to them. The names of the fascists are known so I'd assume they won't get the "go home" offer. Russia's foreign minister has said they intend to see a full denazification process as was done in Germany post-WWII but this would require a compliant govt in Kyiv so we'll see.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

"Any Ukrainian soldier gets full POW rights & is even able to go home after signing a document saying he won't take up arms against Russia again"


So the Ukranian soldier can just go back to his apartment and wait to get bombed. Good deal.

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danman's picture

in your simple mind, sure that's exactly what the offer is.

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Needless_Kane's picture

Damn both legs broke.  hes fucked.

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